Honestly... anyone who hasn't given any thought to experimenting with their button layout is mad! I swapped to Bumper Jumper just yesterday afternoon and have already noticed a huge difference in my ability to BR! Has any not tried different controller schemes yet because I fully recommend people to do so. Heres mine at the moment; Layout: Bumper Jumper Sensitivity: 3 Vibration: Yes (Thinking of swapping to None.) Crouch: Toggle Whats yours list here...
I been meaning to want to, but im not sure, im already good enough as it is with default. As for vibration, i dont see how anyone plays with out it, thats how i know im fring my BR, because im to focused on killing the guy im pressing my button, but the vibration helps me know im pressing the button fully.
Layout: Default Sensitivity: 5 Vibration: On Crouch: Hold I tried playing with things like Green Thumb and... what was the one with melee on left trigger? I'll remember later. Anyways, I just can't get used to things like zooming or throwing grenades with B. I'm just to deeply set in the Halo controls that I've been using since way back when.
That's what I thought until I finally gave BJ a go Remember it's actually not a very big change in controller layout, you get used to it very quickly. You'll find it alot better and notice a huge improvement in your skillzz Jumping and aiming at same time, Melee and aiming at same time its WAAAAY BETTER MANN!!!
Layout: Default Sensitivity: 3 Vibration: On Crouch: Toggle I've been thinking about changing to Bumper Jumper but I haven't gotten around to doing some practice with it. I've also been thinking about increasing my sensitivity to 4 or 5. I don't know how anyone can live without vibration. I've got the rechargeable battery pack for my controller and when it starts to run low the vibration turns off. Whenever that happens I play much worse for the rest of the game.
Layout - Default Sensitivity - it varies, sometimes it on 4 - 6, sometimes I play on 10. Vibration - On Crouch - Toggle
if you are getting shot and you are trying to no-scope or get that last headshot with the BR, you dont want anything to distract you. i hope i explained it well. layout- bumper jumper sensitivity- 4 vibration- yes
.....I didn't want to say anything, but yeah....it sounds....kinda....bad. Certainly IS attention grabbing though. I'm pretty set in my ways, I use the default control scheme with a sensitivity of 7 or 8. I simply find that I cannot adapt to another control scheme particularly well.
I've never tried Bumper Jumper. I think I just might. It's just hard because ever since the first Halo, I've played inverted.
i tried BJ for a while.. my friend told me to switch back because it was stupid (reaper...) but im thinking about trying it again Controller settings: default sensitivity: 2 (can someone help me with this?? is there any way to get better than that? i sometimes think this is too fast!) Vibration: on Crouch: toggle (man do i love this new addition)