MLG Presidium

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Osiris Fox, Jul 12, 2011.

  1. Osiris Fox

    Osiris Fox Forerunner

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    Osiris Fox

    Map Description
    An ONI lobby on the brink of destruction. Each base has several options of moving out including the side hallways which connect to the center of the map. Or the front doors with guns blazing. Take over the balconies in the center or sit back in the safety of your base with the sniper. (4V4 to 6V6 Slayer,CTF or KotHl)

    Download Link : Halo Reach : File Details

    A straight down look of the map. Various cover objects on the balconies and the center planter which contains the sword.

    A shot of the entire blue base. Notice the windows on the left and right for safe defense, as well as the center balcony which holds the flag. (not shown here)

    A view from one of the center balconies. Take control of the map and keep the enemy away from the sword which spawns directly below.

    The center planter which contains the sword and grenades on the side bench areas. You can also see the back hallways (where the blue spartan is shooting from) which provide a much sneakier and safer route into the enemies base.

    A view from one of the two windows found at each base. This is also the route for the side hallways as seen on the right.

    A final shot of the maps skylight which provides a nice open feeling to an otherwise claustrophobic map.

    #1 Osiris Fox, Jul 12, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2011
  2. Psquiddy

    Psquiddy Forerunner

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    I do like the Idea, and the location and Aesthetics are well placed, but the forging could be smoother and in some places it was just crowded.
  3. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This, sir, is what forging is all about.
    I cant even imagine how long this took to make.

    Here's what I think about it.
    The circular opening in the roof was a good idea so it doesnt seem too enclosed.
    the trees were well incorperated into the aesthetics of the arena
    and its good to have a map with different elevations and path choices.

    This is what i look foreward to in these sort of maps.
    I wouldnt doubt that this makes it to featured maps.

    keep up the good work
    #3 RoboArtist, Jul 12, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2011
  4. AARC Forgers

    AARC Forgers Forerunner

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    the center section reminds me of vanilla by gunnergrunt. whic is great because that is my all time favorite small slayer map and all time favortite for CTF the aesthertics are simply outstanding. i have yet to put a game in on it but from what ive seen.... ultimate sexiness. though it can be a tad crouded i dont think this is a bad thing or a prolem it ads some variety to the game play
  5. Khozi

    Khozi Forerunner

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    i like what you did with the circle opening. makes the map bright n make more sense about how that tree grew there :D
  6. availablemoth

    availablemoth Forerunner

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    Well, first of all I would suggest adding a thumbnail picture. It seems like you have put a lot of effort into this map, and people are more inclined to take a look if they see that initial picture. Also, just to make your post a little better, I would suggest using this link
    to make your post a little cleaner. Now on to the map. It is hard for me to get a general idea of the layout from the pictures, but no worries I will give it a download and check it out. My initial response would have to be the skylight. I love how you are able to see the structure on top of the mountain, very sexy. I also like what you have done with the elevation changes, and object usage. I will download this and try and get some games on it and tell you how it plays.
  7. Osiris Fox

    Osiris Fox Forerunner

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    I thank you for the advice. I followed the link and edited the post. Thank you for all the great replies. Tell me how your experience goes if any of you play the map.

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