
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Stevo, Jul 10, 2011.

  1. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    #1 Stevo, Jul 10, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2011
  2. Equin0x

    Equin0x Forerunner

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    And my life is currently complete! I remember playing this like two months ago, and you just KNOW release it!

    #2 Equin0x, Jul 10, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2011
  3. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Haha, thanks Equinox.. A few people have been waiting for this and it's taken me a while to get around to it. I was too fixated on fixing minor issues like tiny amounts of framerate lag and creating the tunnels to bottom mid, dividing the extremely long lines of sight etc...

    Anyway, glad you enjoyed playing it and thanks for the comment :)
  4. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    DIAAAADEEEM! I've been waiting forever for your ass to release this beast. While I don't play that well on it, I seriously love this map. You have a great choice of power weapons and the layout is simple and very interesting. OH HEY, just in time for the next FHF. You've my vote. Great great work man.

    Nice typo Foxy Noxy.."You just know released it" ;)

    Oh yeah and Steve your text is black on black practically. You might want to change that so people can read it easier.
    #4 Eightball, Jul 10, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2011
  5. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Reading's for losers, people only ever look at the pictures anyway ;)
    And thank you for the nomination.

    Also... you were always pretty good on it when playing king? I think you were the only person to beat me consistantly with points in KOTH tbh.
  6. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm not sure I've ever played KOTH on this map. I do however remember playing a lot of CTF and that was extremely fun too. It might have been awhile ago when I first played this map, that I played KOTH. I'm not sure, we'll have to play some KOTH for sure then.
  7. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    I'm sure I was lucky enough to get a test on this a month or so ago. Looking forward to seeing and playing this final version. I like the use of walkways and this was a lot of fun in koth. Haven't played other game types yet but I'm confident they will play well. In the post I can't see the black on black description, I'm unsure if it's my browser?
  8. Caucasian Invasion

    Caucasian Invasion Forerunner

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    I remember testing this awhile back and it was really fun. Definitley one of the coolest maps i have seen in awhile. The way you used the walkways is just so creative and well thought out. There was no framerate issues at all, and i like the weapon layout. I also like the way you used the tall tower thingy's to add detail to the map. Playing on the map was a blast... (aside from when you betrayed me twice with grenades -.- lol) Definitley got a dl, and i hope this map gets serious attention cause its awesome!

    I give this map a rating of 100% sexy.
    #8 Caucasian Invasion, Jul 10, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2011
  9. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This looks pretty sick Stevo. I love the Forerunner style maps which isnt so hard to do nowadays with the objects and colors we have in Reach. It was so hard to do in H3. This looks great but I cant get a solid idea of the layout yet, but its already DLd so ima check it out bro. I'll get back to you in a bit.

    EDIT: I checked it out and its even better looking in person. Didnt play a game but I would like to. This is the first map I have seen that used team based spawn points instead of nuetral spawn points with team based respawn areas. Yet you still used the areas, but weak ones at that. Thats an interesting setup, but it works I am assuming from reading the thread. I would like to play it to see how that system works. I will say this also, thats the sexiest use of walkway larges I have seen to date. Dont be angry when I steal them in the future.
    #9 Zombievillan, Jul 10, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2011
  10. Ociee

    Ociee Forerunner
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    I remember countless tests on this map, seeing it now finished in all it's glory nearly brings a tear to my eye. The spawns were really nice (at least I never had any issues) the framerate is fine and the aesthetics are nice too. I almost feel bad for dragging down my team with my horrible decision making during testing. My only complaint is that it is rather grey, and while that is a common issue on Forgeworld there is really very little we can do about it. Great map Stevo, hopefully another FHF on your hands here.
  11. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    No. The only Foxy Noxy in my eyes is the real Noxiw. Don't you dare use that name for anyone else!


    Aside from that, it's good to see this is posted. I did like the aesthetic theme that you tried to capture, and you pulled it off well. However, there were still quite a few things that I didn't like, and I'll try to list my complaints.

    The map is gigantic, but due to the nature of its massive Lines of Sight, the player count has to be reduced to 4 or 6 in order for the spawns to function properly. This scaling issue is especially noticeable in the middle of the map, which is never even crossed unless rockets are up, making it almost like a hole in the map. It's also noticeable in the long hallways along the edges of the map, where you can be seen from so many different angles at such gigantic distances.

    Eightball also has a point about the map lacking color. I could never really find where I was on this map, in relation to team sides. It is a common problem on Forgeworld, but its avoidable if you take the time to choose your objects wisely.

    Though more than anything else, I truly never enjoyed the design of this map. It's basically three rectangles stacked on top of each-other, with each one raising in elevation outward from the center. I liked a lot of the ideas on this map, like the center six columns, and the forerunner playable aesthetics, but overall, the design just didn't pique my interest. It's still a good map, but I think that you can do a lot better with the potential you have, Stevo.
  12. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    ****ing wow.. too many comments to return to xD
    Thanks guys ♥♥♥

    Yeah, believe it or not.. the idea for the walkway covers to be used like that came to me whilst I was at work. I was literally praying for the ramp 2x2's to fit on the slopes so I could make the windows with a flush finish. It required a little bit of tweaking and hole filling, but I'm glad that the final results are liked nearly all round :)

    Yeah, this spawn idea I actually pinched off Secret Schnitzel believe it or not. He used it in one of his maps and when I queried why, it actually meant that I didn't have to go through the rigorous testing with zones like I did in Reflect (which took about 4 months to complete the spawn system!)... So, the respawn zones actually work together with the neutral points and team orientated points creating effective spawning for both Asymmetrical and Symmetrical gametypes. It's quite a good idea and with the correct amount of tweaking could turn any symmetrical map into a perfectly playable environment (in terms of spawning.. lol)

    Thanks for the other comments too. I like how you've come to the conclusion that the map has a forerunner atmosphere, that was my big goal and target in this map... eventually, I'll create an awesome map with all my styles combined >:]

    Yes, Erupt ALWAYS tells me how grey it is, but unfortunately, it's unavoided. I hate pieces with glass panels on them as it just looks terrible. I prefer pieces that merge seamlessly and unfortunately, that's just all the plain grey pieces.

    Thanks Rorak, I appreciate your feedback.

    The map's size is just my preferential gamespace. A lot of people always say I dominate on my own maps, but suck at other peoples and that's plainly because I build my maps to my gameplay style. Open lines of sight, tight cornering, mixed sightline lengths... generally, maps that suit human weapons.

    I did try and colour all the pieces though (and even added the shield doors / one way barriers to the bases to make them stand out even more).

    Finally... the layout, believe it or not... started out as an asymmetrical map that only Tz knew about. It was ok and I held one test on it. The testing wasn't bad, but I wasn't happy at all with it. After taking Tz's advice, I transformed the entire map into a symmetrical layout that is what you see now. I understand it isn't for everybody, and the space in the middle isn't always used in Flag / Slayer... but, I often utilise that area for transitioning undetected (it's my flag run route 9 times out of 10) and it's also really good for flanking. Oh.. and it's the first hill location and generally a really good place for free-for-all combat :p

    Anyway, again... thanks for your criticism... it'll only help me with my future maps.

    Big thanks to all of you who've nominated Diadem for FHF and taken time to comment on my map / download :)
  13. n3rdness

    n3rdness Forerunner

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    This is actually a very smexy map Mr. Stevo.

    I have not had the chance to play a round on this yet, but is there any problem with the power weapons here? In the flythrough I did, it looks like teams spawn very near, and in some cases right on top of considerably powerful weapons, i.e. the sniper, concussion rifle, and the grenade launcher.

    Other than that, I love the design of this map. I would be expecting a feature if I were you.
  14. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks. The power weapons aren't problematic. The layout promotes movement around as I don't think I've come across anyone camping anywhere with direct access to a power weapon.

    Lol.. I'm not really. My maps never get noticed :p
  15. Hulter

    Hulter ^Raindear
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'd not use the same texture for flooring and walling at the same place. You have Coliseum walls for everything at bases. I'm surprised noone else addressed that yet, to be honest. You all seem to be so hostile towards blandness, yet do not notice such flaws. No offense. Chill it, bros.

    I do really like the structure with those large walkway pieces. Haven't seen quite the thing before.
  16. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks Hutler. Unfortunately... If I had unlimited budget and objects, my maps would be so much more. I build to utillise the absolute maximum amount of building I can to help gameplay and (in this map) establish a theme throughout. Because of the budget limits, there is no item or combination of items that Diadem could have had that would result in the map being completed in the same layout / theme within the confinements of budgets and items.

    I hadn't actually noticed that myself even though I built it, I just placed the pieces I needed to in order to connect everything together... but now that you've mentioned it; I see why people see this map as bland and grey.

    Thank you for this ♥

    Also, thank you for the compliment at the end... I'm glad you like the walkway decorational pieces. I'm sure you'll see more of my forerunner-esque structures soon enough...
  17. availablemoth

    availablemoth Forerunner

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    After downloading this, and running through it in forge I would have to agree with what Rorak said. The map is huge, the the sight lines are so vast that it can not support more players. As for his comment on the layout, I believe you have a pretty solid layout here. I agree with the testers who said that it reminded them of Citadel, which is a good thing. Honestly, if I could make one suggestion it would be to shrink the map. I know it would be a pain in the butt, and would basically be starting from scratch but I think that could really make this map great. You said,

    I think that this map could be so much more by shrinking it. It would cut down on the lines of sight, and also make it so that you could stray away from using all those coliseum walls. Anyways, I love the layout you have and I love your theme. I also love the way that you used those bridges, that is super sexy! I believe that all the negative comments that have been mentioned can be fixed by just reducing the size. Yet, that is just my opinion, and I doubt that is worth much! Looking fwd to what is to come!
    #17 availablemoth, Jul 12, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2011
  18. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You see, i'm getting a sense of Dé Ja Vu (sp?) here... This same thing was said about Parapit. However, I just have to disagree. The sightlines were intended to be so long because the snipers would be literally useless (as a sniper rifle... it'd be good for people who could no scope all the time) and it'd just generally change how the whole map played. The ramped areas and tunnels couldn't physically shrink because of how the connect together, the central area also can't shrink because it'd block the tunnels. If I shrunk the bases, the map would be more side to side (from snipers) than corner to corner and again it'd push gameplay more out the window.

    I respect your opinion on this though.. I just feel the way Diadem already is, is as successful as it could get. The map is extremely open, but in the long sightline areas, the map is also very confined as players have very little reaction time to fire the killing shot. You should get a game on it and see how it plays.. you enter combat often enough and have enough space to evade danger and flank etc...

    ****ing LOL my bad bro.. I was epic tired when I wrote that....... ;)
  19. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well see, Steve, this map has the same layout as Parapit except one corridor...

    Anyways, haven't posted yet and I guess I should. I really wish you woulda kept the teles, personally. They made the map unique, especially to your forging style. I think rather than getting rid of them, you should have made it impossible to control the map using them via blocking LoS. Which is basically what everyone is complaining about.

    I also hate the Conc. Rifle on this map. I usually like the Conc. To use it to do crazy jumps and stuff, but there are no entrys to any room that you can't get to with a ramp/normal jump.

    I have allso had a very, very bad experience FR/Spawn wise on this map. I tested it in the TG and we were standing in the corner, looking towards the spawn, and they spawned there time after time. Framerate was terrible the last game I had on here. Everytime I zoomed in I got it terribly. That's probably from my xbox being old and all, but still...

    I must say though I do like the map quite a bit. The large walkways are a cool adddition to it and it's fairly fun to play on.

    Oh, and it's terribly grey. Ewewewewewewweww.
  20. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    negative erupt is negative. that is all.

    oh and you're gay
    The version in the TG had spawn problems... they were since fixed. I accidentally put two weaks over the bases instead of one like everywhere else on the map. Tired forger was tired.

    And the layout is totally different than parapit. Diadem has four floors, Parapit has two! And forgeworld pieces are grey.. you need to deal with it. I hate the blue / grey mix, and natural scenery has no place in symmetrical maps. You. Are. POOOP.

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