Ladies and gents, welcome to... With a lot of situational awareness, and a little luck, hopefully the only thing you will lose is your luggage. 4-12 players Remember that one map that came out for Halo 3 in 2009? Yeah, that one map that took like FOREVER to develop a good sense of direction because of all of the confusing, symmetrical hallways. Well, it became one of my favorite maps during that time and I wanted to revisit a good 4v4-6v6 map with Reach, but I didn't want to forge Guardian Remake #802344. After many hours of work, I proudly present Orbital. YouTube - Orbital Preview‏ For those that never played Orbital in its glory days, it is a symmetrical map composed of two different bases on different levels with nothing aside from a bunch of winding hallways and staircases separating them. The amount of space varies from the crate-cluttered hallways to the open rooms around each base. Now, enough of my blabbering, here is a taste of the map overview: Comparison Shots: (mouse over each screenshot) [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] Regular Shots: Action Shots: My last notes: just wanted to point out the two things that I wanted to shine the spotlight on: The spiral staircase: while it might not look very smooth, players glide up it as if it were a normal ramp: The windows: just like the H3 version, you can look through windows between the bases: ...and through rocket spawn: Things you may see that weren't originally in Halo 3: -Maulers were replaced with low-ammo shotguns -Health Packs were added -Plasma Rifle pairs replaced with Repeaters -Dual Spikers replaced with 1 Spiker with 1.5x the original ammo amount. I would like to thank those that tested the map and gave feedback and would hope to continue getting more feedback.
This is probably the best Orbital remake I've ever seen. It's practically a copy of the original, that's how accurate it is. The aesthetics are good too, although the map looks a little bit plain, but I guess that's sort of inevitable with a remake. I also like how you lit up the pit red to show that it's deadly (at least that's how I took it ). Very good remake, hopefully it plays as well as it looks. Downloaded.
You might want make the gated doors on the base. This can be done by having crates be held up by Fusion coils and then when you hit a mine(button) it will explode the fusion coils and drop the crates out of the way. It'll hog up some space, but if you truly want a perfect remake then you might wanna do that. Anyways great map really enjoyed playing, but without the door it did loose some enjoyment. Great job, great map, can't wait to see whats next by you!
The doors always end up getting opened anyway, so what's the point of having them really? And besides, he probably doesn't have enough budget left to make that.
I have $25, very few or no objects like walls and blocks left and 0 movable objects such as crates (hence why I had to use ramps for many of the stacked crates). Making a door would be very neat, but it would cost me a lot of resources and I would have to take away from the rest of the map. Also, thanks a ton jameslieb
Lets just start with saying I'm in love. Orbital was probably my favorite map from halo 3. This remake is great. I would agree with jameslieb1, the red light in the pit does make it seem deadly. Its really interesting how you recreated some of the spots in this map. The aesthetics are awesome. Oh and the use of ramps to relpacate the crates, I thought you were just being creative. But anyway nice job. Im getting online right now and downloading this. Oh and the working door is a bad idea.
This is easily the most accurate and best looking Orbital remake ever constructed. The new Reach weapon set seemed to work well and very much resembled the Halo 3 set. This was an underrated map in Halo 3, but hopefully that will change in Reach.
This looks pretty awesome man. I was never a huge fan of Orbital but I haven't seen a remake of this yet and it looks very good. The sub weapons also work out pretty good. Did you add anything for the equipment like maybe a drop shield for bubble shield?
I actually enjoyed orbital in h3. It seemed like a lot of people didn't. This looks like a solid remake. I'm curious to see how it'd play on reach. I'll have to get a game on it for sure. My only concern is that the middle death pit will be useless with jetpack. Unless of course I'm an idiot and there aren't any.
For most places where equipment used to be, I used a health pack or any other random goodie, but I tried to steer away from putting two decent weapons next to each other (ex putting some kind of useful weapon right next to shotgun to replace regenerators). Overall, my main reasons for deciding Orbital was because it was one of my favorite underrated maps; it came down to Orbital and Epitaph, but I didn't like Epitaph and didn't expect anyone else to. Thanks for the feedback everyone, I'm glad that people actually like the remake and I feel like the flow is very similar, if not the same, as the old version. I hope everyone enjoys it
Just a note, set all the objective markers to 'gametype specific > true'. That way they don't show up in normal slayer games. The map looks absolutely stunning. Ive been waiting for an accurate remix for ages! This takes the cake! I think Imma submit this for FHF favourite now. Great work!
"This is probably the best Orbital remake I've ever seen. It's practically a copy of the original, that's how accurate it is. The aesthetics are good too, although the map looks a little bit plain, but I guess that's sort of inevitable with a remake. I also like how you lit up the pit red to show that it's deadly (at least that's how I took it ). Very good remake, hopefully it plays as well as it looks. Downloaded." I quote him because i couldn't possibly say it any better. I was a great attempt, but no one will ever be able to capture the true spirit of orbital.
I just don't see how "accurate remake of Orbital" and "play well" can fit together. It could possibly, if you added a "not" to it somewhere. Orbital is, was and always will be a horrid map, but as far as a remake goes, I guess this is decent enough.
Well, as much as I disagree with your first statement, thanks for the mature, constructive feedback... While I wish there was much more that I could do to the aesthetics, the budget and object limits were greatly pushed to simply recreate the layout. Despite the fact that I couldn't implement murals to the shaw fujikawa engine, the view of space, or the bright lights around the lobbies, I believe that the actual map layout is nearly an EXACT copy of the old version and PLAYS the same way; the map just isn't covered in wires hanging from the ceiling, computers, etc...