Video Tour. [bungievid]20658324[/bungievid] Escalator is a symmetrical small/medium CTF/Team Slayer map. This map is particularly fun for 2 flag CTF matches. You will find four distinct and viable routes for taking a flag back to your base. Including a Sidewinder style flag toss through the wall at the sniper spawn. This helps keep the games interesting. Why a sniper on a map of this style? I like sniping on maps with tighter sight-lines. The weapon takes skill to use effectively on maps of this style. Rockets are too over powered? They may be; however, you will only find two shots in it when you pick it up. This will prevent the rocket launcher from being an automatic flag scoring machine. They can help. You can not relay on them. The weapons list: DMR-4 NR-2 Magnum-2 Needler-1 Plasma Pistol-2 Human Turret-1 Sword-1 (long spawn) Sniper-1 (90 sec. 1 spare clip) Rockets-1 (No extra ammo) Misc: health packs-3 Drop Shield-1 man cannons-2 Teleports-4 (2alpha, 2 beta) Drop down the hole to ambush people going for the rockets. This is also a good way to get out of trouble quick; one of the three health packs spawns at the bottom. The Rocket Hall Birds eye view of the sword room. The plasma pistols and teleports are found on the hall ways just above the sword. The sniper spawns on the ramps up top. The main ramp leading to the front of the blue team's base. The Center Ramp will take you to the turret, needler, and teleports to the left and right. If you need a quick escape run to the top of the ramp and drop down the hole. Inside one of the team bases. The base is porous yet defensible. Birds eye view. I removed some of the roof to try and get a good shot of the basic layout. [bungievid]19803977[/bungievid] Defending the flag on Escalator can be very interesting. Be sure to make good use of the teleports!
This looks good, especially the architecture, although the turret seems like it would be overkill, especially since it is on a hill. i suggest replacing it with a sniper or dmr, thats not too powerful, but can still get some kills. I will d,l and tell a more detailed review later.
This is really beautiful it seems you took alot of time especially with the architecture. I love the tunnel drop point it reminds me some of construct in alot of ways as well, it looks like it could play really well. I actually have a unfinished map design similiar to this except we have different ideas on the top level. Hit me up sometime if u need help testing or anything GT: SilentRaine, id be very interested , you've earned yourself a download for producing such a gorgeous design.
I can assure that the turret can not dominate. The sniper spawns in an area that has a direct sight line to the turret. If you watch the tour video I zoom in on the turret at about :28. Also, the tele ports let out behind the turret. Thank you very much. The tunnel drop was actually a newer addition. I had the map made and tested with out it. It was meant to be a part of the map but I didn't think I had the budget of the pieces for it. Just a bit of extra time and thought.
Holy **** this is amazing! I love the look of the map! The weapon set seems perfect. This is going to go far so make sure you perfect as much as you can.