Thanks for your feedback. The map was always set to be aesthetically made including all the parts we could capture from the original to get the feel of cold storage. True many have seen the objects un-necessary, but adding square objects where the objecs are ment to round didint look right to me. It is a shame the forge objects has a limited number of round objects, would have mad this forge easier to make. We have also a final version that doesn't have the clutter of objects you speek of and framerate is vastly improved.
This whole time your map hasn't been stuck from winning FHF!!! I've stuck it for it's two weeks from this rounds. I wondered why there were only two stickies, I just thought your map was in a different area like casual! Oh well.. you get your two weeks of front page time now Should of told me!!!
Thanks appreciated. I don't understand, it was stickied and the unstickied. Same has happened again. It is clear someone has It in for this map. I will message tomorrow regarding early sticky removal when the other maps were stickied for Wining fhf.
Too many flashy aesthetics and not enough care for gameplay and accuracy to the map it spawned from. I was not a big fan of Cold Storage at all, I admit. It was a disappointing follow-up to Chillout. Now I do think you have captured a nice and unique atmosphere that very much reminds me of Cold Storage, and I did not think that could be done, but it isn't worth having that atmosphere when you have to sacrifice frame-rate and even the core gameplay of the map in order to get there. Sorry to say, but this map was on my HDD for a very short time. You need to think of clever ways to use aesthetics if you're going to make a competitive map. For example, the tops of coliseum walls. I don't understand all the hype surrounding this map or how it ever even earned a nomination for FHF. For me, it was a 5/10 at the very best. Frame-rate problems make it nearly unplayable for more than a couple of players. I think you know this all too well, as it's been mentioned before in this thread. It's alright for 1v1, but the alternative of great Chillout remakes overshadow what little quality this map has. You came close to making a decent map with SOL Industrial, but now you're back to your old style. It's alright to have aesthetics, but you have not yet mastered putting aesthetics into your map without having to sacrifice frame-rate. In fact, you've hardly even started with that. Hopefully someday you will realize that flashy aesthetics and nice atmospheres do not create great maps. They only send frame-rates flying through the roof. Start caring about gameplay and you'll earn my respect, along with many other forgers. Two thumbs down here. Try again next time, and put more effort into it. I'll say it in advance, since most members of Forgehub tend to take criticism the wrong way. Sorry if I come off as harsh, but this is the way I do things. Maps cannot improve until you point out the flaws. Only then will you be able to fix those flaws. I am not going to tell you exactly what to do, since a good forger can read a criticism and figure out the next step to take themselves.
Thanks for your feedback. Ok firstly this map was not about uber framerate for me and dt192. Yeah obviously we want it to be playable and enjoyed by both us and the community, so would not intentionally make a map with "terrible" framerate. We wanted to forge this map to not only have the layout but to have the looks of coldstorage as well, something that most other cold storage remakes had forgotten and thats what made this map stand out above any cold storage remakes and from general comments any other remake made. I understand that capturing all the aesthetics cause gameplay problems, much of the poor framerate is down to a combination of the mass objects, connection lag and even getting lag from other players and mass firefights and explosions, but hell the majority of these problems can happen to ANY map. Granted the mass objects bothered lots of people, hence 3 remakes. 1 full aesthetics with minor z fighting (not intentional) 2nd version, 3 re forged areas all z fighting fixed. The final version which I am almostb certain you haven't tried had the mass objects clustered together changed up to `1 object, both lights removed, any un-neccesary objects removed. So we have listened and tried to accomadate all. If we wanted the version you describe basically it wouldn't have been any different from the other remakes made. Now dont think I haven't learnt from this map and post. I have and my latest map I have tried to take the path of many forgers, by making and testing and improving, repeatedly untill everyone is happy. This is comming soon and a preview is out. Also your 5/10 rating is neither here or there to me. something in ratings would be more like. Originality ... aesthetics, gameplay etc to make the final rating. OK anyways duely noted. You can please some of the people some of the time , but you can't please ALL of the people all of the time.
HI I just wanted to say this was my favorite map in halo. One thing I noticed is the double windows you used and all the glass objects. all thou that is fun and single player it works nice my old 2007 xbox 360 is experiencing some small lag and frame issues from the glass objects in custom games with my buddys. Its not much but a small amount in the double windows area prob due to the merging. If it could be possible to switch them out for Walls instead of double windows, it would be apreciated but as for the remake I love it pretty accurate thanks for the map.
Thanks and appoligies for slow reply. I really wanted this to look right. Capturing the looks was as important as getting layout correct. I matched many pieces up, but unfortunately thay aren't the best pieces framerate wise, glass etc. There is a version that has a lot of aesthetics removed for improvement in framerate.