
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Urban Myth, Jul 3, 2011.

  1. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    *sigh... I have to say, it's so sad that this is my FIRST Reach map post... But the good news is it's finally my time to start posting again and I will be doing so a looooot more frequently. Putting other projects I have in the works aside, lets move on to the reason you're here...

    I had initially made this map a few months ago and it still has yet to be completely finished (I just need to outfit the map with more gametypes and test those gametypes). Roundabout has been playable for quite a while and has continued evolving to create an overall better playing experience and in its current state, I felt it was worthy of a post. At this moment the map only supports FFA, TS, and KoTH. I will be updating this post as the map grows, the main changes will be with just adding gametypes however (That's what I'm predicting right now anyway, we shall see what else may change).

    I really want to thank any and all testers and those who gave me really insightful tips and concepts. And a special thanks to Kuroda for playing the map in my absence and for his general help with testing and discussing things about this map with me.

    Roundabout in a nutshell:

    An asymmetric map heavily influenced by Guardian's/Lockout's classic design, combined with elements of Ascension (Purely on the bottom portion of the map), as well as my own ideas of course. The map's name is very relative to how the map plays, the movement on the map circulates frequently. While there are obviously hot-spots, the fighting continues to new areas very often with the exception of the center of the map which has frequent traffic whether it's players moving through it or just simply fighting.


    4 DMRs | 30 sec | 2 spare clips
    2 Needle Rifles | 30 sec | 2 spare clips
    2 Needlers | 60 sec | 2 spare clips
    2 Spikers | 90 sec | 0 spare clips
    1 Plasma Pistol | 90 sec

    Power Weapons:

    Sniper | 120 sec | 1 spare clip
    Concussion Rifle | 120 sec | 2 spare clips
    Rockets | 180 sec | 0 spare clips


    3 Health Packs | 15 sec
    4 Plasma Grenades | 60 sec
    2 Frags | 30 sec

    The Forging Spotlight Episode 3 Roundabout by o UrbanMyth o - YouTube
    A more in depth walkthrough by ForgingSpotlight, a small channel with plenty potential. have to start somewhere, you know?

    ‪Halo Reach Slayer Map: Roundabout [Ep54]‬‏ - YouTube
    Nice little walkthrough down by these awesome guys :D

    Big thanks to both of these youtubers for taking the time to make videos for the map!

    The neutral loadout camera

    A view of blue base, blue team spawns on the corner ledge in this shot

    A view of the opposing red base,
    red team spawns underneath in the bottom left hand corner of this shot

    A view of the other side of blue base

    A view of the other side of red base,
    the sniper spawn can be seen on the lower bridge.

    Inside of blue,
    concussion rifle spawns on the other side of the covenant crates

    Inside of red

    A view of the neutral side base a.k.a. gold
    (I know technically it's orange but that is the goldest orange can become).

    A view of the lift from gold

    A view from bottom gold

    A view of rocket spawn a.k.a. green

    And finally a view from inside the center of Roundabout
    #1 Urban Myth, Jul 3, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2011
  2. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Finally! It took you like what? 3 years to post this map?

    Well this map is great and I hope it gets into Match-making some day!

    Except I still hate the way you used your arches near rocket spawn...

    but I love the ice...
    #2 MetaWaddleDee, Jul 3, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2011
  3. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    i love this map when i was lucky enough to play a few test matches on it with Rorak...
    what was that, like 6 months ago? damn man... hahaha

    but, glad to see you finally got it posted.
    imo this was really well done, and a gem for sure.
    looking forward to potential games on the final.
  4. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    YYYYYEEESSSS. Dude, I've played this maybe 10 times and I can tell you that it is up there with my favorite maps of all time. Fantastic job, sir.
  5. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    This map is old.

    But it's fun :p

    I played a few games back when you first made it, but the last one I remember was the KoTH game. I think the hardest maps to design are the asymmetric/Guardian/Blackout style, but Roundabout is balanced and fast-paced. Unlike Pinnacle, there really aren't any areas that are overpowered.

    BTW, didn't you remake Pyrokinetic a while ago? Why didn't you ever post that?
  6. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well this is definitly a looker. I liked this the first time I saw it and its good to see it posted. I didnt know it was as old as it is though I saw it like a month ago. Anyway, I would love got some more games on it but I still have the one question I had back when you showed me this.

    Why do you have the one piece of metal mixed in with all of the rocks at the rocket spawn, aka, green? Just looks funny to me & I know back when I had seen it, you still had some Rock pieces left but its not like its a big deal or anything.

    Anyway, great map. Beats out my first Reach post imo.
  7. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well it's about goddamn time. Urban, even after you went incognito for several months, I still loved to play the older version of this map. Honestly, when you first made this map, it was eons ahead of its time. Even today, it out-matches some of the best 4v4s out there. The next step is matchmaking, which shouldn't even be a problem for such an amazing map.
  8. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you all for the kind words, hell I'm just glad you guys played the map. I'm getting more and more confident on getting Roundabout in MM because of the great response I've been getting from you guys, as well as the rest of the community. Next step for me is to find out what the process is to achieve that. If anybody knows how, can you explain, link, or direct me in anyway?

    Hydroplex is the map I assume you are talking about (not so much a remake, re-imagenation is a better term). As it was my first Reach map ever, I have to say I don't like it at all now that I have a better understanding of how to forge in Reach. So it will NEVER be posted.
  9. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    My past opinion still holds. Open up a couple windows through the middle and send this to MLG.
  10. NANGIE

    NANGIE Ancient
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    the ultilization of a part of forge world not used much makes this map stand apart. transitions seemed seamless and gameplay was solid...well done
  11. Bartoge

    Bartoge Ancient
    Senior Member

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    great job on the map urban. I'm so glad that you FINALLY took out the butt ugly rock from that one room. its was just out of place. but now that thats gone, the map truely perfect. i also like LOVE you name for the map (it just seems like something i would come up with... hehe)
  12. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    Good thing I came up with it all on my own then ;)

    But seriously, thanks for the name, Bart.

    P.S. The rock doesn't miss you either jerk.
    #12 Urban Myth, Jul 9, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2011
  13. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thats what I forgot to say, this is like the best map I have seen on this area of Forgeworld. Truly a masterpiece Urban.

    PS: You still think you didnt beat me out?

    HEROEZ BLADE117 Forerunner

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    I do say this map is well layed out and should be put into matchmaking. Like other comments said it is a very good map i guess is what im trying to say. Ill dl and test it out with some of my friends.
  15. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Hey, rifte remembers this map from forever ago! :D

    Though I can't say I've played a more recent version of Roundabout, I greatly enjoyed its older version(s?). The way map was designed coupled with the aesthetics really do help make you feel like you're immersed in a whole 'nother map and not just forge world. Hands down the best map I've seen yet on this section of forge world.

    One thing though, given how much time we spent fiddling around with the centerpiece I must say your final structure seems a bit lackluster! jokes
  16. elitebiker18

    elitebiker18 Forerunner

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    aesthetics and layout looks very well made. Gameplay is good, because i have tested it with friends. Overall its a very nice map. I especially like how smooth it is.
  17. DominationQ

    DominationQ Forerunner

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    This map is a pretty good competitive map, though I feel like it's lacking just a little bit in weapon and item placement for its size. I also think that it could use more respawn points, but I haven't played it in a game yet to determine if that's necessary. Some of the jumps also seem a little tough to make with normal jump height and gravity, I can't imagine being able to jump up to the center's one pathway atop those rocks in combat. And spikers need some extra clips, they aren't the beasts they used to be. Overall, it's a solid map but I think some further tweaking may be in your future. And throw in a safe boundary, then some of those killzones can go away.
  18. xxJSGC123xx

    xxJSGC123xx Forerunner

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    Just from looking at it (I haven't had the pleasure of playing on it but I definitely will do) this map looks awesome and well built. Although there seems to be a few quite sort of open areas with not much in the way of either cover or decor within them (e.g. inside of Blue where the Concussion Rifle spawns), but hell, what do I know? I'm a Rookie lol. Also, how many levels are there to this map? Anyway, looks awesome buddy, :).
  19. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
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    It was one of my favorite customs when this map was selected. There are many paths and elevations to it, and has a fair share of balances throughout the map.

    Bravo is all i have to say.
    I tried to make a map like this, but failed miserably.

    Good use in objects also.

    OTT2RAPEU Forerunner

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    This map is really solid and i love the fact that you used an area that hardly anyone else uses it seems... I cant even recall anyone making a map in this part of Forge world other than a remake of Pinnacle which is not very original and just boring.. So great job on this man and hopefully this will inspire more people to make maps in this rarely used area. I would love to see someone use the bottom of Pinnacle and utilize the water as well. Anyway back to the map,I think it flows really well and i love how youve meshed the Cliff of Pinnacle with your structures and the weapons seem really balanced and all well thought out. The only thing is i would love to see is maybe some lighting in the middle,but i guess it could decrease framerate and gameplay should always come before Asthetics. That being said i think youve achieved a very good balance of both and in commend you on that. So great job and your maps just keep getting better and better Urban! You should submit this to Blueprint because i think it has a really good chance to make MM in my humble opinion.. I would love to see you make a BTB map of this caliber on Reach,Im sure it would be something really amazing! Keep up the good forging man! =)

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