I came up with this idea when I saw Darth Humans "Avalanche" map. There is basically the same idea but to get points you have to get a golf ball into your goal. There is a catch though, the golf balls fall from the sky. Tips: 1. If someone is chasing you or vise/versa try to be closest to the hole you can without falling in. 2. The golf balls will rarely kill you but you still need to watch your head. 3. The most practical way to kill someone is to assassinate them so watch your back. Screen shots: Credit: Building: A12qwazx Testing: A12qwazx, burger king 108, dogstew21, Bay Of AWESOME, CONFL1CT, Josh1129, J3ULL3T, Pacman 1060, Shaafonator69, Virus 10110.
dude This is an awesome idea i still cant get how people can make that many golfballs :O awesome map too but i think you should add more decorations to the map
lol guys the new game mode allows you to add more golf balls! Also this map is great, but you should try to add more LIKE A TREE right in the middle of there! lol
Nah, I think it is better without decorations, then the balls can fall better. The grid may be the most I will do.
I am sorry to say that taking the idea from Avalanche does not impress me. The scoring system does even sound logical to me. I am going to have to say that Avalanche is still better and I am not very impressed sorry. It is basically another form of Hockey.
There is a kill zone in the pit that respawns the balls, and you know.. Kills you. Also, only the scoring system is like hocky, and what's wrong with that? The scoring system for slayer is always the same, just like KOTH, so if I'm copying, anyone who has ever forged is a copyer. I don't nessisarily think this is taking anyone ideas. If you count using golf balls and goal posts as cheating...
No you dont understand, first I never said you were copying? Where did that come from I dont need an example of copying considering I just stated my opinion and never even brough copying up?
When you said took the idea from avalanche that implied that you said I copied. I am fine with the opinion. I am just stating mine.
I do not think this is coping at all. In fact I am happy to see people using my idea of "extra golf balls" and creating other maps out of it. The point of avalanche is that players 'dodge' golf balls. This game is to hit golf balls out of the sky into eachother's goal. However I do agree maybe a few decorations could have been used but the gameplay is still there. I like the idea, and you should build on it, and that goes the same for everyone. By the way, thanks for giving the reference credit of where you got the idea, means a lot =).
This map (1) Lacks Aesthetics (2) I think this should be posted in mini games (3) I like the idea though and I hope you will improve any future maps. (4) Try to get more testers. I noticed you only had ten. To get more testers, go into Big Team Slayer, grab some recent players, and invite them to your game. Just a quick tip. You can also go to the Testers Guild. There are plenty of testers there that will test your map and critique it. It is nice to place them in your testers section too.
I love the way this map looks, it looks very tricky as there is a hole in the middle and there a slopes i can see a lot of deaths in this also i would recomend hammers instead of golf clubs as golf clubs seem weaker and less accurate but yeah nice map
Those testers are just ones that stuck with me through the entire process. I've been in 16 people lobbies with random people each night.