$5000 Budget Contest: Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Frozenlynx, Jun 16, 2011.

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  1. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Eh. You're right that it's hard to do, but it puts a premium on size (basically giving a leg up to someone just for building larger), and since it wasn't stated a criteria to begin with you'll have plenty of people who will be annoyed by it, since they've been building something smaller and more focused on aesthetics or unique features.

    Like, um, myself. :)
  2. DUCK NG

    DUCK NG Forerunner
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    hmm, nutduster got done rather fast, and he seems to put a premium on size... anyways I have to agree with Nutduster, once a contest starts modifying the rules even slightly is pretty much a no-go, because of fairness. It would give an advantage to those that procrastinate, or haven't seen the contest yet.
  3. Daerique

    Daerique Forerunner

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    I have two versions of a map, both very well done, but the older one took less than $5000 to make. Would it still qualify if I submit the old version for the $5000 Budget challenge and submit the more current one as a Version 2 into the Reach Competitive maps?
  4. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    I'm back beeches and - OOH - there seems to be a lot of competition now. I'll have to actually make my map good ;)
  5. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Since in just about every contest the main criteria is how well you featured the "main ingredient" which here is an under $5000 budget I actually just assumed there was already a weight being put on that. I was just making clear how much a budget limitation like this factors into different types of maps, and even more so wondering if that will even be a consideration.
  6. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    @Daerique: You may.

    @pyro6666: The exact criteria is to be determined by the judges: ♥Sky, BroccolliPie, and Draw the Line. I stated that it is highly likely they will follow the same basic principles that the Review Hub utilizes when scoring a map. However, how they choose to judge the maps is up to them in the end. Maybe they'll consider how far you were able to stretch the budget to build a larger map and maybe they won't.
  7. broccollipie

    broccollipie Forerunner

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    We modified the rules?
  8. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    Not in a while. The only "change" that's been made was clarifying that you may post your maps in the custom content forum once you've posted in the submission thread.
  9. broccollipie

    broccollipie Forerunner

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    Oh, okay. I thought something might have changed that I didn't notice.
  10. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    I was having a quick run-around in my map to test for flow and continuity yesterday and one of my friends jumped into the game. He said, "Man ur good when it comes 2 choosing maps," to which I replied, "Choosing? I made this map for a competition on ForgeHub.com." What he said next is directly quoted from Xbox.com, "You? OMFG UR LEGENDARY!!!" I guess feedback like that signified that my map is at least a little good. We had a game on it, and from that I ascertained that its most definitely not a 1v1 map. :p

    Ive changed it a little bit since then, but only a few aesthetic touches. I changed a few things and managed to squeeze some more budget out of it, which has allowed me to put some better looking things in there, plus some lights to help players get their bearings better. If you think of the map as a square, its diagonally symmetrical, with both bases in opposite corners. Because everything looks the same, I tried putting different colours to signify which area you were in. They weren't exactly easy to spot, so the lights now help drastically.

    I think I have about $140 left, so I might go into Forge again soon and see if theres anything I can put in, but if its too much then I wont. Adding crap just for the sake of using up budget isnt really a good thing to do. Less is more, I believe the quote goes.
  11. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I'll just go ahead and list some of the things that I'll be taking note of just so you guys have a basic idea of what I'll be judging.

    1. The budget (obviously)
    2. Layout design
    3. Weapon and spawn placement
    4. Player orientation
    5. Frame rate (2 player split screen included, although not as heavily weighted)
    6. Map flow and Balance

    If anyone wants me to expand upon these in any way, let me know. I'll be happy to answer any questions I can.
  12. Ozarka

    Ozarka Ancient
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    Wow, it's been awhile since I've been on Forgehub. This contest seems very intriguing. I've actually started working on something fairly recently, I might see if it fits under the $5000 limit. Just making sure of some things: We are allowed to post a map preview, go to the Tester's Guild, etc, correct?
  13. DUCK NG

    DUCK NG Forerunner
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    Indeed you are able to post a preview, and utilize the tester's guild. In fact I may be sending mine their way in the next few days.

    Thanks for sharing that Draw the Line, its good to know a few of the general criteria you'll specifically be using. Once I saw that, I cleaned up a few objects so that it runs good split screen.
  14. ShaolinCFH

    ShaolinCFH Forerunner

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    Hey all! I'm new to Forge Hub but have been working on quite a few maps. There is one I may like to enter in this contest but, 1: I could really use the help of a few good people to help test spawns and game types, and 2: I have no idea how to go about posting for help or posting the map in general. (I have successfully avoided social networking sites until now). Any help is greatly appreciated and thanks in advance!
  15. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    To round up testers, try the customs lobby, or submit to the tester's guild. For submitting maps to the guild, or releasing them in the competitive maps forum, there should be threads at the top of the appropriate forum that explain the correct submission format. Or you can just find one that looks good and work from it.
  16. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    why is the player limit 8? Some of the best maps are BTB maps.
  17. ShaolinCFH

    ShaolinCFH Forerunner

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    Pardon my confusion but the customs lobby said not to ask for testers... and it seems to me (I may very well be wrong) that the testers guild would primarily test w/out me. I'd prefer to be present when testing, for more instant feedback. So my question is, can I just put a call for testers to join me in the TG or is it frowned upon? Again I'm super new at this thanx again nutduster
  18. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    You can safely ignore that. The tester's guild has a very specific purpose (they test your map for you, usually without your participation) and they may be slow to get to your map if they get to it at all. There's no harm in testing it yourself even if you do ask the guild to look at it also, and plenty of people arrange custom games that are mostly for testing their own maps through the customs lobby. I'm involved in a group that runs a customs session every Tuesday evening, and every other week we do sign-ups for open testing, up to two games/maps per participant. Feel free to look for and sign up in our threads.

    You're correct, the guild usually tests without you. Feel free to specify in your threads in their forum that you'd like to be invited to test, but they aren't obligated to do that and (in my experience anyway) probably won't. Don't put up a thread asking them to join a test session that you'll be running - that's not how they operate and the thread will probably get squashed. You'd be better off arranging a general game through the customs lobby and then trying to run your map during it.

    A third option is to post a map preview (with screenshots and description) in this forum, and adding that you are looking for testers. If your map is striking you may get some replies. But again, my experience on that has been a little poor - I think the best bet is to use the customs lobby and hold out the carrot of helping others to test their maps, in addition to yours. I believe this has been a key factor in our Tuesday night games being somewhat successful.
    #198 Nutduster, Jul 11, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2011
  19. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    I downloaded your map, Nutduster. I need to up my game :p. Those curves are excellently implemented into gameplay, and the centerpiece, while simple, is very effective. Ive gotta re-think how I do my maps... you son of a *****...
  20. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
    Senior Member

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    Cos its much easier when judging and testing the maps to get a smaller party together... but the bigger mapps will most certainly be catered for if they are any good :)

    My judging criteria will also follow on a similar criteria to DTL's, appart from the budget aspect, as if a map has gone over the budget limit, it will simply be passed over, no need to bother judging it if it does not comply to the rules.

    Good luck people ♥
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