Hey, This is my second post on Forgehub. This is the first map where i really made use of all the tools and was able to add a lot of gametypes. This map isn´t really big and not to small, meaning you won´t get lost. It supports a lot of gametypes like : Invasion, Assault, Slayer, and some more. I haven't really tested it yet because i don't know that many people on xbox live. Maybey some people can help me test it, i'm getting a capture card soon and would be able to make a video. Top down: Blue team: Red team: If you play in invasion there will be a little walkway on the wall, and when you go into the second phase there will be a elevator up.
I checked out your map in customs and it is a very well forged out map. The layout is interesting and diverse, just little cosmetic issues that let it down, i think the trick to a good forge map is that it does not look like it was forged and your map reminds you on every corner that it is a forge map.