I know it's a Forgehub contest, but I'm not making this map for Forgehub. I'm making it for the Halo community, as should any map maker. It just so happens the budget limit sets in nicely with MLG's standards so I thought I'd give my hands a go at making an MLG oriented map. Sure I could use the TG, but I have no idea how many people there actually play MLG and not to offend, but I know there's some not so great players hanging around there. That's why I'd really like to take it to places where the main MLG crowd hangs. Get feedback from the people who actually play the gametype I'm designing the map around. I'm not going to post the finished map there, I'm just asking for feedback on the 'beta' product. I won't post the finalized version outside of FH until the contests over. I suppose Lynx is the man behind the comp then? I better send him a PM. I don't mind waiting for a response. I'm a very patient fellow.
I don't see why you couldn't get feedback on your map from multiple communities. Ya it is a forgehub contest, but that dosn't mean other people can't see it, play on it, or enjoy it. So I would see no problem with a preview being done over on mlg, or any other site. I would just make sure to not fully release it before submitting to the contest. On a side note, i've now got the basic structure and the initial tests done on the map that i'll likely enter into this.
I just saw this thread today and it has peaked my interest. Even though i have not submitted much on here, I forge quite a bit. I usually just make maps for my circle of friends to have fun with on our weekly game night. I guess I'm such a perfectionist I feel like nothing I do is worth submitting to forge hub. Perhaps this will force me to upload something for a change. I will see what I have up my sleeve that I could submit. Thanks for creating this contest for the community!
I'm still alive. Yes, Mr. Cheesy, you may submit your map to another forging website for previewing/testing. The contest is set up so that you may either recommend a game-type or create a custom one when submitting your map in order to shine a more favorable light on it. Also, one of you asshats sitting on completed maps (you know who you are) should post in the submission thread already and stop making me look bad I guess this is what I get for giving you guys so much time.
My map is 95% ready. I just want to test it a few more times to be certain, but I'm fairly confident that it doesn't need any more changes.
Once I get one or two more tests Ill post mine, Im in the same boat as Nutduster here, we just want to clean it all up and make sure its ready, dont worry about it! You want a good turnout dont you? Well be patient!
FFFFFUUUUUUUU liar. Seriously though, Ill have mine up soon, I just havent gotten the last tests I want. That and I am distracted by a map that isnt quite original, but a fusion! Once I find people Ill get it tested and soon after (if I decide its ready) I'll post in your thread that its all done.
Lol, asshat. Love that insult, but I take it its aimed at me . Anyway, my map is pretty much finished, I just want to get some internal testing done on it before I submit it. Will also submit it to the TG and wait for their feedback before I post it, too. I also have to come up with an appropriate name, as Ive just got some stupid WIP name, at the moment. Perhaps the testing feedback will give me some ideas...
Its currently called Drop-Out, which is inspired by a drop-down in the center of the map. I dont want to keep its name as Drop-Out, more something that suits the map a bit more, but I cant think of anything currently. God forbid if apathy prevails and I cant be bothered to think of something better...
A test last night got me to do some major changes, and I just dont know if I like them or not yet, it might be a bit longer before its ready, or i might submit an entirely different map if I still cant get what I want from my current one.
Thread bump for Lynx's new rules clarification (see first post) and, ahem, the SECOND OFFICIAL CONTEST SUBMISSION, awwww yeah.
Some people have been working on them since this thread was created. The huge allotment of time given is to hopefully convince other people to enter once they see the early submissions.
So are maps that have had a preview posted still ok for the contest? Either way I will find a way to make a BTB map under 5000, but I already have one I posted a preview for a while ago that will probably end up under 5000 after the changes I have planned. I think a category in judging should be how far you can stretch the budget, because building a 1v1 map with 2000 is (IMO) easier than building a BTB map with the full budget of Forge World. 2 players = 2000 16 players = 16000 See what I mean?
You're right about that. And yes, if you posted a preview, you can enter it, as long as you didn't mention the contest in the title.