Forever Condemned

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Ninjabreadman, Jul 6, 2011.

  1. Ninjabreadman

    Ninjabreadman Forerunner

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    Forever Condemned


    [highlight]Forever Condemned is a hide and seek style infection map which features a rather dark atmosphere and suspenseful gameplay. The goal of the humans is to survive the six minute rounds by using a combination of hiding and running away from the infected. The infected's goal is to destroy the remaining survivors aboard the ship. The infected are very powerful and are difficult to take down (13 shots with a pistol should do it), but their health does not respawn. If a zombie finds a human, I recommend that the human should turn and bolt. [/highlight]

    Gametype Info

    Humans spawn with pistols and limited ammo. They have radars so they generally know which direction trouble is coming from. Zombies have 500% health and no shields, head shots are turned off. They are very powerful, so only attempt to kill one if you have a larger group of survivors with you. It is a good idea for humans to hide and/or run instead of fighting the infected. Zombies are black and have no radar. Both humans and zombies have 110% speed with unlimited sprint. However, zombies have a higher jump height which gives them an advantage while chasing survivors.

    V2 Details

    More cover added to the map. The Gametype was updated as well.
    The rounds were shortened to six minutes to give the humans a better chance to survive. Only 5 rounds now.


    [highlight]The humans and the infected both have unlimited sprint. This results in many fun and frightening moments were a human is booking-it across the ship with a zombie close behind. A situation like this usually ends two ways. The zombie either loses track of the human who has found a nifty hiding spot, Or.... [/highlight]


    [Highlight]The human runs into a dead end. At this point you can either try finding a way though, or you can turn and face the zombie like a man ( a DEAD man).[/highlight]


    [highlight]A survivor's best bet is to find somewhere to hide. There are many hiding spots scattered about the ship, and it is usually a good idea to crouch behind pallets or crates if you can find one. Make sure to remember that the zombies do NOT have radars. [/highlight]


    [highlight]The humans initially spawn scattered about the ship, and not in one group. Finding a friend is sometimes a good idea (who doesn't like the buddy system?), but I suggest that you don't always reveal your hiding spots to everyone. If your teammate knows where you are and then becomes infected, you need to create a better hiding plan fast! [/highlight]


    [highlight]When one human dies, the rest soon follow. It is a eerie feeling when you are the last man standing, knowing that a large group of zombies are hunting you down. [/highlight]


    [highlight]The zero-G room is a great way to lose a infected chasing you. By sprinting through it you have a chance that the zombie behind you may accidentally float in the wrong direction. [/highlight]


    [highlight]I chose to create this map on condemned because it had a eerie atmosphere as well as beautiful visuals if you look out the windows. [/highlight]


    [highlight]Well that's about it, thanks for checking out my map. Please download and comment and I hope you guys have fun on it. Enjoy![/highlight]
    #1 Ninjabreadman, Jul 6, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2011
  2. taka44

    taka44 Forerunner

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    wow. great job! looks like a great map, you got my download!
  3. Pikapi 360

    Pikapi 360 Forerunner

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    THis map reminds me of Dead Space... that is a good thing!
  4. Skater

    Skater Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Wow this looks great. does this version of the map only work with Infection? It gives me a sense of DOOM 3 being dark, and in space, with zombies and stuff. i Never actually took time to look at the condemned forge pallett, you definately made good use out of it!
  5. Ninjabreadman

    Ninjabreadman Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the compliments, and yes, the map is only designed for my infection gametype. I imagine it could work well with regular infection, but I would have to put a soft kill barrier in the zero-G room to prevent camping as well as rework the spawn system.

    I agree, the map feels alot like DOOM 3 in ways, except my map doesn't feel quite as claustrophobic as doom did. And Condemned is a bit more colorful.
  6. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
    Senior Member

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    Have the Humans ever won a round?
  7. GruntHunter

    GruntHunter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hello and Welcome to ForgeHub, did you know we have cookies? Any who, this looks like a great map for the community to play on, but if I had the map pack, I would with out a dobt download, what I can see in the pictures is that you should add more cover and possably put a hidden or a few hidden weapons down to help fend of the zombies if you are being chased.

  8. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    I recommend 5-7 minute rounds and zombies don't have unlimited sprint. Much better. More fair. Overall a better gametype i think. IMO at least. Great idea though.
  9. Ninjabreadman

    Ninjabreadman Forerunner

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    No I did not.

    Thanks for the great rating! And I will definitely be taking your suggestions into consideration. However, I can't place too much more cover because of Condemned object limit..

    Thanks for the advice! I will update the gametype ASAP.
  10. timothy pumpkin

    timothy pumpkin Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Really really like this, I think the H3 map was called orbital (correct me if I am wrong) and we found out of all the default maps it played insanely well for infection, of course with some added crates and stuff. So this is great, and the best bit is, it ISN'T ON FORGE WORLD!!!.

    Anyway 1 suggestion, don't have to listen to me just saying, on H3 we made a gametype were it was normal FFA slayer but no one had any shields, everyone's colour was black, and the only weapon was a magnum. it was rather good to be honest, not sure if it would work with the reach magnum but this is the map (orbital) that we would play it on so if you want to try it out go ahead :D
  11. Ninjabreadman

    Ninjabreadman Forerunner

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    Thanks for the reply, i'm glad you liked it. Also, I wanted to mention that although Condemned and Orbital look similar in some aspects and share the same theme, they both have radically different layouts.

    I might also test out the game type you mentioned if I get a chance.
  12. ZipZapZop

    ZipZapZop Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Ah, very interesting. I love the concept of thinking outside the box and using nearly un-forgeable maps to make very good infection / different in general maps. You did good on this one. Whilst I've never played much on Condemned, after downloading this it has a definite Dead Space feel to it. I commend you, good work.
  13. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Loks very sweet, fun and balancedBut could you give some more information about the Gametype? If Humans have Bottomless Clips, If Zombies and Humans have different speeds etc.
  14. Ninjabreadman

    Ninjabreadman Forerunner

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    Thanks for the suggestion. *updates thread with more gametype info*

    Hopefully that will help everyone understand the map a little better.
  15. spy penguin

    spy penguin Forerunner

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    this is the very first infection map on condemnd iv'e see it looks nice like how in some spots the humans get stuck in a dead end i like condemned but i havn't been able to have a good idea for a map on it but it looks like you nailed it nice job
  16. mcclintonsl

    mcclintonsl Forerunner

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    I really like how you put this map together, the gravity lift looks really professional and i love all the lighting effects. All the hinding spots you Incorporated really add to the enjoyability of the map. The game type also work well.

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