Beside the point. The point is, a fixed spawn system would never allow them to spawn behind you like that, and High Ground had a dynamic one that left the possibility open. There may have been a weak zone on the beach for one team (I never got in forge and looked at it) but fundamentally, the system was dynamic.
If it is an assym gametype, where is spawns both teams in both positions, it is best to place static spawns to ensure that each team gets a FAIR chance. And high-ground is a great assym- gametype map. The biggest challenge is holding the hill, but if you take it only ONCE you should be able to win. So its about overcoming that one large challenge, rather than setting up and winning using conventional means.
Trying to work through your grammar here... So you are saying high ground provides a better challenge of taking the top of the hill by NOT allowing the blue team the opportunity to spawn anywhere but the low ground? [br][/br]Edited by merge: so I understand this point, though I am not sure I would agree with it being better. But I have another question (this is a really useful thread!). Which would you think is more accurate of your own view on this topic? 1. A map that makes it difficult to spawn trap is a well made map, because it allows true team work to shine. 2. A map that prevents spawn trapping is the best made map, even though team work cannot gain an advantage - this even with static spawning where each team has 50% of the map. And which do you think most MLG players would choose?
Here is my two-cents based on current experience in a similar situation. My newest map Embarcadero is a BTB asymmetrical map with basic similarities to high ground or last resort. Psycho Duck helped me set up the system (actually, he did all the work and I took notes) and we started with a dynamic system that covered basic lines of sight with multiple hard zones. This has made slayer play out very interestingly, though, not necessarily normally. In each game I have played, Blue Team never starts out with a true disadvantage because of it's slightly closer weapons and focussed paths. Eventually, Blue usually ousts Red team from their base after one or to attacks, and Red is delegated back to the attacking base. Most would say this is frustrating because Red doesn't get any punishment, however they DO recieve a temporary disadvantage because 1) Blue team took most of their weapons/vehicles with them on their assault, leaving Red with basics until they respawn, 2) Blue also gets all of Red teams surviving vehicles and weaponry, as well as their high ground position, and 3) Red is stuck at the bottom. All weapon disadvantages will also re-set after a time, so this does not unbalance the game. Because of all of this, there is minimal spawn camping/killing and the team that loses the battle for the high ground (whether it was there base or they were trying to take it) will have a temporary weapon disadvantage, offering a tactical choice for the victor to continue searching and attacking or to prepare for Red team's counter attack. Without these spawns, one team will always have the advantage when spawning. I understand not wanting the other team in your base, but if they are getting a disadvantage by being forced AGAINST THEIR WILL to spawn there with less weapons and worse angles for a time, then that is what I would consider fair (if you lose you are punished, but not the whole game.) This should translate into most well-laid out maps (though I am not sure about smaller maps) and this has proven so far to be a lot of fun to coordinate. I hope my little rant/blog helps, this has so far worked for me and I hope you can incorporate some parts of it! -Flying Shoe ILR
Just read the review from Brox on it; He agreed that this worked and was not unbalanced... except for one or two wonky spawns that I have yet to fix with Psycho Duck. Link: It's buried in there somewhere if you want to look.
I would say this, because Halo is a game based around teamwork rather than individual skill (unlike Quake, Crysis, etc.) I also think that most MLG players would agree with me on this point.