
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by AnTHRaXX, Jul 6, 2011.

  1. AnTHRaXX

    AnTHRaXX Forerunner

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    Dichotomy is a symmetrical medium sized map built in the quarry. It was designed for team slayer, but supports other game types as well. It has a mix of open areas for longer ranged fighting and confined areas for cqb.

    Weapon List:
    4 needle rifles
    2 dmrs
    2 needlers
    2 plasma repeaters
    1 sniper rifle
    1 energy sword
    1 shotgun (slayer only)
    1 pistol
    1 plasma pistol
    4 grenades
    4 plasma grenades

    A couple of changes have been made that are not updated in the video.

    1) Lift area nearest the bases has been enclosed to allow easier access without getting shot from the other side.
    2) Focus rifle has been replaced with the sniper rifle.
    3) Hallway under bridge has been widened and doors were added to the middle to make it harder to hide in there.
    4) Shotgun ammo decreased and respawn time increased.
    5) Added 2 additional needle rifles and several weapons moved to increase visibility.




    YouTube - ‪reach19283542 214414790‬‏



    Thank you to everyone who tested this map:


  2. II6clique jxIxj

    II6clique jxIxj Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Its a beautiful map, I like it alot. The style map you have built is really hard to achieve in reach due to jetpacking issues and I feel that you have countered that issue really well. I miss this look from halo 3 and you just put a smile on my face. Its a download from me. Great job!

    Question, how much budget is left?
  3. AnTHRaXX

    AnTHRaXX Forerunner

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    Thank you for the compliments. I tried hard to balance aesthetics and gameplay, and to make this map look good from all angles, including from up above. Just curious, but what jet packing issues were you referring to? And unfortunately, only $910 remains in the budget, but that number could easily be doubled or tripled by removing pieces that are aesthetic only and have no affect on gameplay.
  4. AnTHRaXX

    AnTHRaXX Forerunner

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    Thank you. I'm trying to get better with each map I make (this is only my second.) I have three more maps I hope to release in the next few days that I think are all better than this one. The only game played on this map was by Dratical from the Testers Guild, so it hasn't had a whole lot of testing. I have made a few changes since then (hopefully for the better.) So any feedback would be appreciated.
  5. Khozi

    Khozi Forerunner

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    this is amazing! your details on each structure makes it eye catchy. your architecture is whats going to get you the download. im not sure about the inner building of top mid. it looks easy to camp with shotguns in.
  6. AnTHRaXX

    AnTHRaXX Forerunner

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    Thank you. I tried to make it as aesthetically pleasing as I could. As for the inner area of top mid, I'm hoping it isn't that hard to kill someone inside. There are two entrances, so I think a camper could be taken care of with teamwork. Also, you really don't have to go through there to access any part of the map, so unless you're playing one on one I don't see why you can't just leave someone who is camping alone and focus on their teammates. The shotgun has a relatively low amount of ammo and high respawn, so hopefully it doesn't become too much of an issue.
  7. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    Wow Immediately when I saw the map I thought of a better version of asylem(?). Great aesthetics. The bases combined with the outer structure give the map a great look. Nice Job.
  8. AnTHRaXX

    AnTHRaXX Forerunner

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    That's funny because when I was making it I tried to arrange the structures in a way that it felt different than Asylum. A lot of maps are built in the quarry, so I wanted it to feel at least a little different. I guess Asylum comparisons are inevitable though because of the location. You did say better version though, so thank you for the compliment.
  9. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    This has some unique structures and they seem to be in a solid arrangement. The changes from the before and after pics look like a nice aesthetic improvement (not so much practical since you gained two pieces in one spot and lost two pieces in another). I have to ask, with 12 players, does looking through the two windows on the glass hallway from the outside cause any frame rate problems? I have been wanting to make such a hallway myself but have worried about the lag. Nice job, looks like a really fun map.
  10. AnTHRaXX

    AnTHRaXX Forerunner

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    Thank you. Honestly, I haven't played this map with that many players. Unfortunately, I only have three friends playing this game, so full tests are kind of hard. I just picked 12 as the max based on what I though the map could handle without being overly crowded. Personally, I don't believe those glass pieces will cause any problems because there isn't a whole lot behind them. Being built in the quarry and enclosed on all sides, the view is pretty limited.

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