Well in my opinion they do create the atmos of the map, but so many complained that I felt a more drastic action was required, the original version is still the default link and my fav, but for people who would love to play map but were experiencing lag problems this final version should remidy. Although I still stand by the original, and I would still say it is the best version.
I can tell you it's the lights, and the pieces with lights. You wouldn't even have to play it to see that. The framerate kind of kills this. It is really more of an aesthetic map. I couldn't imagine wanting to actually run games on it. That being said, it's really good looking.
Thank you, I don't know if everyone is aware of the new version I added on today. This has no lights and the overlapping objects have been deleted. Lights were all facing away and hidden were possible. Tests on the new version have been great and an instant improvement in framerate is noticable. The new download link is on the map post.
Thats pretty cool dude. I really LOVED playing the original Halo CE's Version of Cold Storage (Wasn't it called like rat cage or something?) but this really does bring out lots of nostalgia.
it was Halo CE Chill Out, the other map is rat race which is in the classic playlist, that was also a cool map to play but fugly and not this map
Simply stunning remake. Not one of my favorites from halo3, but I still know it well and this map feels right. I haven't played on it yet, just did a walkthrough, but I can't wait to play some FFA or Team Slayer on this. good work. Most of my saved forgeworld maps that aren't mine are remakes, this will be staying on my HD for good; along with the pit, guardian, etc
Thank you.... I didn't even know of map untill a tag arrived on different map asking to make cold storage. I grabbed the free download and went exploring. I liked the map aesthetically but I could understand why it is one of the less popular halo 3 maps. But the size was nice and small and it felt possible to forge on reach, and a number of the structures looked very similar, although as we started forging, realised some pieces although looked perfect to use, weren't as simple... sails looked just right but are quite tall. But using the right looking object throughout really helped to capture this remake.
I downloaded this today and played a quick 1 v 1 on it and it played great! I absolutely love the flood and window room. You definetly captured the Halo 3 Cold Storage look with them. Also I am glad you made the monitor guy just to add to what Cold Storage had. Sadly he doesn't look at where you are going, but that is not your fault. Overall a great remake, I will be keeping an eye on your upcoming maps as well so keep up the good work!
Thanks Shamalama21 good to hear that all our hard work was worth the effort keep checking up on us, we've got some good stuff coming up this week
While I miss the lights from your original build, the improved frame rate and the lack of Z flicker are great. Plays well with reach's engine and classic settings, and is recognizable by my sons (we play Halo CE every once in a while) and thats a sign of a good remake.
Thank you.... appreciate the feedback, and it is good to know it is noticable and enjoyed.... the link at the bottom of the map post page you would be looking for... the second version, its got z fighting fixed, and the lights.... but the objects may be too many for split screen play. There are 3 versions on the post.... first is orginal, second version is on bottom of page and thord version with no lights is at top of map post.... all 3 are different versions of the same map. Thanks
Look at me mom, i'm in the video, lol! Good job timmy, i showed this map to my friend after we play tested it, i didn't tell him what it was and it was pretty funny listening to his reaction when he finally figured it out! There's a lot of attention to detail, like the eye in the sky, or the mlg try hard jumps! The only thing better than this is the actual cold storage in halo 3. When we played, i didn't experience any frame rate lag, so idk what everyone's bitching about! Overall great job on everything, ill see you in forgeworld. P.S i kinda hate you for killing me at 3:15, i was evading that guy for awhile!!
I was the one that did so. By the way, you shoulda quoted panda's post to preserve the irony that is about to befall it. I do want to know however, were are the 3/4 of threads that have worse comments? If you find them ever, don't hesitate to send every single one of them to me and I will delete every single post that is actually spam. See, asking questions that can be answered by a DL? Spam. Giving comments that are little more than "You have a cool map omg!" are spam as well. Basically, anything that is done with what appears to be intention to bump your map, bump a post count, or anything else giving your map an unfair advantage over other maps on the forum. And since I am already posting, I thought I should mention that your map is that beautiful. I plan to keep an eye out for more of your maps
lol... yeah you were owning the game lol.... it was a great test. Yeah I feel some have made out the framerate was worse than it was but the newer version should keep them happy too. (the link is on the thread) Thanks for the feedback and you help testing
I think the worst culprits were the heavily interlocked objects, and the bars in the open doors for the central room. There were also a few pieces you could have been more succinct with, and also a few that were fractionally seen, but because it rendered the whole object it caused lag.
Thanks, there has also been problems noticed with using large inclined bridges as walls...... very tough making remakes, I could probably get map accurate with good framerate but it would require loosing all the aesthetics. There are many problems making Remakes, as I notice more and more as I forge. A large problem is the large lines of sights, so many objects visible at once causing rendering problems. Thanks for the feedback. I am happy with the framerate on the 'no lights' version, I will definitly concidered reforging this with dt at some point soon. Thanks
I really haven't looked for any Cold Storage remakes, it's not exactly my favorite map, but now I don't think I'll ever have to! Aesthetically it's simply awesome to behold, but my favorite kicker is the sheer number of gametypes the map supports (big supporter of more gametypes the better.) And I don't think that playing with Reach Jump height really affects the map because there are actually more possible jumps with Sprint (besides jetpacking.) Also, can you escape the map with jetpack? The safe zone seems kinda all-encompassing and I think there may still be places that should be out of bounds for the hide-flyer. Still, excellent remake sir!
oh Timmy, it's been a while since i've been on here. But i have to say, it was refreshing to click on competitive maps and see one of your pieces of work first on the list. I was never a big fan of cold storage but i remembered it very well...and you did a great job, adding some of your own flare you made this a regular in your line up. I haven't tested it out yet, but i have no doubt it plays well. my only concern would be frame rate.... for obvious reason. lol. nice work!
Thank you, when I looked through the original, I could see many problems, weapons wern't placed well, all the teleporters... I still don't use them often and find them disorientating. But there were also many good aspects that made me want to forge cold storage. It has some awesome aesthetics that I could see were all possible to forge. We could of had this looking even closer to the original, but we wanted this to be as playable as possible. Framerate being a large concern, expecially at then end when the issues usually crop up. After several remakes and weeks of dt192 and I forging and reforging this was the best we could get. There is no escape. Safe zone added to size of map also soft and kill zones I belive... although I am not certain, and will look into further. Thanks [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thank you. Yeah I am not on here as much myself...lol. A lot have said similar on not liking cold storage and I understand, I didn't even know of map untill the begining of this forge. It has played really well and has an interesting lay out and many ways around including all the teleporters (although I seldom use ha) It's definitly worth a look and a test out. I hope you get a custom on it in the future. Thanks for your feedback
You made a typo as well. As you wrote it, you're saying different peoples have different forging styles. I.e. Hebrews have a way of their own, Inuits have their own, Americans have a way of their own, Aborigineese have another one et.c. It is supposed to be "other people's". "People" is already plural when referring to the people of a group rather than the group of people, in which case it can be singular. The hebrew people is one people, the people of Israel, so to say, whereas the people that walk about on the streets are plural. On topic: I think it looks like you are using a lot of unneccessary objects and I think it looks a bit cluttered. Still, one of the better remakes I've seen, as I haven't really been looking out for Chillout remakes.