Hello! It's Zop yet again, and I have another Forge map for you today. [size=+2]MAP DESCRIPTION[/size] A once great metropolis has fallen far, along with the rest of the world... Covenant occupational forces on the planet are scattered after an unexpected human offensive. The Fleet in orbit was destroyed in a surprise attack, and the ship Allegiance crashed just south of the human occupied city, and surviving covenant forces need to get a human ACS module to signal the situation on the planet is bad and that reinforcements are needed back to covenant occupied space. ALL THE IMPORTANT STUFF This map was designed to promote more cautious and thoughtful combat. Should you really charge out at that group of Elites when more are on the way, and once you die you spawn in a location where you can't reach them? Just because you are a roaming band of survivors does not mean you are poorly equipped Covenant. A makeshift bomb had been made from your ship's engine, and a human defector hid another bomb inside the city walls for your surviving force to grab and destroy the UNSC in the area. Spartans get an initial spawn outside the city, but if they die, the spawn inside and must wait until the Elites kick in the door. That, along with the fundamental lack of AA's and Grenades should promote a much more thoughtful and high-stake combat. You outgunned? AA's and Grenades are not there to save you, you must coordinate with your team or die and lose. Inside the city, CQC and mid range. Close quarters with Giant Aliens, it's supposed to be at least a little scary, with the lack of fundamental AA's and Grenades. As well as explosives in general, and shotguns / swords. Loadouts lack explosives. Only AA's are Sprint, Hologram, and Drop Shield, Camo for Elites. No Armor Lock, or Jetpack. Only two grenades on the entire map, use them well Spartans, they never respawn. [size=+2]VIDEO WALKTHROUGH[/size] YouTube - Halo Reach Invasion Map: Path of Destruction‏ [size=+2]GAMEPLAY[/size] reach21894305 0‏ - YouTube SCREENSHOTS [size=+2]PHASE 1[/size] Elites spawn in a rocky plain outside the city. So it begins. Spartans spawn outside the city. Prepare for the worst. Elites, grab the bomb and get moving. You'd hate to get shot, trust me. As you approach, the spartans attack. First contact. As you near the city, the fighting intensifies. They put up quite the fight. Finally, you've reached the city. You've wiped out the Spartans outside, and are free to go arm the bomb unopposed until it goes boom. Then you are on their turf, and it gets tough... It goes boom and their gate goes bye bye. Closer view. Some rubble is left. Phase 1 Overview [size=+2]PHASE 2[/size] You are in. Continue the attack as planned. Inside the city, a human defector hid another bomb inside a sewage lid in uptown. You must fight up and retrieve it. The defector was kind enough to leave some weapons, also... Gear up, get the bomb, and wipe out the human resistance. Fight back through town . Once you reach the UNSC Army Depot, expect heavy human resistance. They won't go down without a fight. Proceed to arm the bomb on either side, they are both weak points. Use stealth... ... Or brute force. Once armed, it goes BOOOMM!! Phase 2 City Overview (Pre-Destruction mechanic) [size=+2]PHASE 3[/size] The explosion caused heavy damage to the local area, as well as the UNSC facility. Pick your way through the wreckage. The humans in the area have been reduced to ragged bands of survivors. Move into the heavily damaged UNSC facility to secure the ACS module needed for communication with Covenant controlled space. Retrieve the core from the severely damaged research center. You've got the core, but now watch out for the humans. Move out of the city to a safe distance. No signs of trouble so far... Outside the city you are attacked. The attack is vicious, as is your resistance. The humans are regaining the advantage... Another falls. Keep moving, you've almost made it... Finally, after an intense battle, you route the humans. Many are dead, but you've made it and the Covenant will see to it that this human scum is annihilated. The core is captured in decisive Elite victory. Phase 3 city overview (During Destruction Mechanic) Post Destruction Mechanic Phase 3 Rock Plains overview There you have it, post overhaul'd, hope you like it.
Alright, so I was doing my typical thing of looking through a map posts screenshots without reading the intro and from the title I was expecting some sort of puzzle map so I was planning on doing a quick look through to oogle and oggle at the aesthetics of the altar room that I could not hope to replicate at this point. But o no wait! Its actually an invasion map?! Well as I continued to look through the screenshots there was one thing I was really impressed with, the vehicle depot. I saw the rows of fusion coils and vehicles sitting there and I was just like "no, he wouldn't, wait, omg, omg... OMG!" I love how you made your vehicle depot actually include vehicles and a good ol fashion american esploosion. So ill say right now you have my download. Now the only problems I could see from just the pictures was the singularity of the map. I thought that the elites would have an incredibly tough time breaching the city because there was only one bomb point, but you solved that my friend with the respawns for spartans set inside the city! And then my other worry was grenade spamming but I loved the look of your map so much I had to go back and read through your intro and you successfully ran over my worries with a home on wheels and then proceeded to gauge out its eyeballs with a wooden cooking spoon. But now I'm rambling. I believe some constructive criticism should be offered and despite the fact that I am hardpressed to find areas that may need improvement I shall prevail! I in fact found 2 things that I could crticize. First: is that an undamaged warthog in the last picture? Is it usable? Because if it is I feel like it would give too big of an advantage to one side. Second: the rubble from the explosion looks a little "shoddy"? Idk I just don't like how those 5x5 flats are stacked on one another. This is just personal opinion on the aesthetics of a bomb blast, but I feel it should look a little more cratered like you would see if a meteor struck. Anyways, if you took the time to read this I commend you and if you ever have a game going on it I would love to join, the gt is FatherSon123. And once again, amazing map and you have a dl.
Glad to hear it. As for the rubble, I've made multiple post nuclear war maps which had rubble similar to the 5x5 block stacks, and people really seemed to like it, so I continued down that vein here. As for the Warthog, it's usable but it is impossible to drive effectively through the city, and Elites got Plasma Pistols and Concussion Rifles (It's there so it'll explode).
Excellent work man. Not sure why nobody replied, it's epic. Different than the usual take on invasion. That second explosion with the vehicles was awesome. +1 man.
The debris and explosions are brilliant. Though I think you should set the gate as the goal instead of the capture plate in the first phase, and remove the capture plate so it looks nicer.
I actually didn't think of that at all, whoops. I need to fix a few things up real quick, I'll do that later today.
Wow, this looks amazing. I absolutely love the idea of an invasion map where it looks like the elites are systematically demolishing the city. Why don't all invasion maps feature such epic large scale explosions? Kudos on removing armorlock, energy swords, and shotguns. Arguably the most annoying stuff you can spawn with during most invasion games (in my opinion) because all three contribute to extreme close range gameplay in the third phase which I don't really like. Great work. Also, at the 1:40 mark on your video there was a bump at the top of your ramp that looked like it could be easily fixed. Besides that I have no suggestions for improvement, the map looks great.
Almost everything about this map is AWESOME! I love the destruction mechanic and makes the map a little realistic, as well as constantly changing! One problem for me is that the end run with the core seems very long, like someone said earlier. I couldn't get a scale of the map from the video, but if it isn't too short, I suggest putting the core drop-off at the gate (Smashed gate! Its awesome!)
Thanks man, the destruction mechanic was an idea I've had for some time, I just finally got around to integrating it full scale on a map. And about the core capture, it's just a bit further than when you have to cap the core on Boneyard. Almost the same. If I put it at the gate, it would be like putting it right outside the building in Boneyard. But perhaps I could move it up a little, if necessary.
It's a very very creative map i'll give you that, and when i downloaded it and played with some friends, it was a ton of fun!! although for phase 1 the humans could actually get in the city with some trick jumping, i couldnt find any real flaws with the map. It's a very well designed invasion experience, and it's completely awesome! I'm not one to download a lot of maps, but this was just too great to pass up. Keep up the good forgin'!
Thanks. The problem is, I playtested with twelve people, and the vehicle bay explosion damn near broke the game engine. (And the reason I bumped this is because I'm about to overhaul the OP)
Dang, you didn't upload the gameplay with me in it. Ah well. Good use of spawn sequences, although the second phase explosion is troublesome with 8+ people. The third phase is a bit cramped, but without AL / 'Nades, it makes it a whole lot more feasible. First phase looks good except for the fact that there is only a single arm point. The final phase is a bit long to move the core (In you video it takes 1:30 of just plain walking to score the core). It should be more around 1:00, so I recommend moving it closer.
Thanks. I'm aware of the second phase explosion issues, I just don't want to make the boom any smaller. As for the third phase, you've got ten minutes to do it. Even if it gets reset you've got a good chance.
Yeah, this map has alot of potential i think. it just needs for the city buildings and roads to be tidied up a little. i did a little 1v1 playthrough just to see the explosions. in phase 2, with 2 people, the explosion caused 20+ seconds of unbearable framerate lag. i mean, i couldnt even move properly. it did look very cool though with all the wrecked vehicles and the destroyed building