Haze By: unoverrated About a month ago I was in a forger's block, so I went to other games for inspiration. I popped in GoW2 and started to run around some maps. Finally I found a map that would later become Haze. I had never played that map in GoW2 because it was a late map pack release. So I was basing Haze off of its geometry alone. For all I know that map could be the epitaph of Gears so I'm kinda happy I never played it. Haze has been a WIP of mine for about a month now. It's seen better day in terms of aesthetics but if you want a map this open it has to be ugly thanks to Bungie. Haze is one of my simpler designs. Countdown + Sanctuary = Haze Haze supports MLG Gametypes: 5 Flag Slayer King of the Hill Weapons and AA's: Snipe x2 Rockets x1 Custom x1 DMR x3 NR x3 Magnum x2 Plasmas x4 Frags x2 Health Pack x2 Jet Pack x2 Screenshots: Overlook: Blue Hill: O2 // Custom Spawn: Red Basement: Main Hill: Blue Snipe: Red Jetty: Mid // Poop hole: DOWNLOAD!
A great map indeed. Reminds me of LockDown from Halo 3, but much better. Feels like it'd be a good map for Ball and Territories, too bad KC and MLG don't allow more then just three game types. :v Also, is there anyway to add a slant at the bottom of the lift so you don't get hurt falling back down it?
I want people to get hurt going down it... but the patch will fix that for you if you so choose to enable that new feature.
I don't know if you had this in mind when making the map, but this reminds me of isolation from H3, only a much better version. Everything connects very well and the contours of the map provide good cover in most areas. My only gripe is that I feel like the ground level of the open side of the map should have a power weapon to promote players to go to down there. I feel like it would promote circulation to that side of the map, whereas now it seems like a race to the top/other half of the map where there are better weapons and cover. Anyways very well forged map. Bravo.
Oh wow you never let me down agian another great map by unoverrated eventhoe I still enjoy commons the most but I didnt enjoy the gameplay for this map as much I did the others due to the lack of cover I find some bare walkways but other than that I really do enjoy the geometery and structual detial
I really like it's unique design and cleaness. Also, I like how you added rock and grass to the map for visual appeal. The rocket location is cool, being open to fire too. Overall great map, I would only change the platform in the 6th picture, the platform just seems a little boring.