No, this map will not actually be called Roundtown. This is a co-forge between Erupt and I. We wanted to do an urban map but, rather than take inspiration from Headlong, Terminal, or Reach's New Alexandria, we decided to take inspiration from Ghost Town. We trid to capture he rundown and overgrown feel of Ghost Town. We also wanted to keep gameplay elements like having multiple ways in and out of every building. There's really nowhere to camp in Roundtown as you'll pretty much always be in view of at least two doorways if you're in a building. Roundtown has seven buildings. There is a mix of close quarters and long range combat. The map has two mongeese as well as a neutral ghost. The map will support roughly 4-12 players. Testing should begin in the next few days. I'm not gonna say anything else right now, but expect more information in the future. The map's loadout camera, right down the main alleyway: The "turbine", this was Erupt's work: More "turbine" hawtness: View frome inside of red base: Dead center, the "barn" and a section of the pipeline running through the map: View from blue base, you can see more of the pipeline: a view of the map's two central buildings: The rundown shotgun building: Overview: That's all for now. Enjoy!
God-damn, that turbine is secksay. And anything inspired by Ghost Town has my interest from day 1. I assume this will support vehicle combat, because of the open space between the buildings. If you can pull off the combination of Ghost Town style derelict buildings and urban vehicle/on-foot combat, I'll be very impressed.
Nice, but needs moar interlox on the turbine 11/10 Is there any sort of wall around it? It would give the map an interesting feel just to use a kill barrier around the map to keep players in rather than a wall.
^ That's what we did. Other than the canyon wall, of course. The edges of the map are (at the moment) marked by barriers and traffic cones. We're planning to change it a bit, though. To everyone else: Turbine, ftw! <3
Pipeline duck, orly? Lol this map looks amazing. What happened to scimitar and illium tho? Are you flood them all out in a big action sack?
Meh. It was good except the turbine. ... No but this looks sick. So much more then when I came along creeping that one time.
I added an overview to the OP. Also, here's a weapon list: DMR x6 Plasma rifle x2 Spiker x2 Magnum x2 Needler x2 Plasma pistol x1 Sniper rifle x1 Shotgun x1 Concussion rifle x1 Frag grenade x2 Plasma grenade x2 Mongoose x2 Ghost x1 Health pack x4 Anyways, we played two games on here today. It would appear that the map will definitely support 6v6, as 4v4 felt a bit small on the map. Thanks for all the comments guys. Also, Berb Illium's been cancelled (you'll hear more about that in my next preview thread ). Scimitar is being rebuilt as I said in the community spotlight.
Still supports invasion den? Sweeet (extra "e" for emphasis)! I can't wait to play, but I have to for now (be back next monday.) Just started a side project to Embarcadero (as it is so hard to get testing in) that will be a 4-6 player map, and I am also thinking of revamping some of mah old maps that had promise but I lacked the forge know-how I have now. Keep up the good work man! (yay parenthesis!)
Ehh... it looks like Cluckinho, Ace, and Shoe spoiled the surprise. This map was designed not only for standard competitive gametypes but also for 4v4 invasion. I'll post a lot more info on that tonight. Way to ruin the surprise though guys Oh yeah, name suggestions would be much appreciated. We're considering Rundown, but I'd kinda like something more original.
Round... tun? (got nothin') This looks tasty. Hopefully I can get a game on it with you guys soon. The idea of putting invasion on a mid-sized map is a good one. Why are you rebuilding Scimitar, by the way?
"I've been driving 'Round Town with the girl I love...." YouTube - Cee Lo Green - Forget You‏ Yeah, cool map is cool bro. I do love invasion, though hopefully it'll support slayer nicely as well.
This looks pretty great, and I love the fact that the geometry is as original as it is. Nicely done, can't wait for this to be released. Also, glad to hear it supports Invasion. You can never have too much Invasion.
Oh, sorry. I didn't realize it was going to be a secret. XD I hope you fix the spawn times on those weapons haha.
Names: "Don't Fence Me In" "Invasion: Gateway" "I likez fences" "Erupt- YUMAKEMAP?" "Invasion: On the Quad" "Through the Wormhole with Duckie Freeman" "Puncture" "Vaulted Cataclysm" "Door of Destiny" "Wrecking Ball" "First Tracks 2: Return of the Shoe" "Serrated" "Lickety-Split" "New Bethesda" "Urban Rabbit Hole" "Quartermaster" That's all I got for now.
Shoe i actually like "New Bethesda" Anyways, new stuff! eight player FFA worked quite well on here today. Hopefully we can get a 6v6 game of flag and slayer in the next few days. Here's the layout for Invasion, spartans attack and elites defend. Invasion phase one: territories Phase two: capture and hold Phase three: bomb the pipeline And now for two awesome jumps on the turbine: