fix'd EDIT: I think you should change the name of this thread to '$5000 BUDGET CONTEST: DISCUSSION THREAD' and the submission when you post it to '$5000 BUDGET CONTEST: SUBMISSION THREAD'. It would look a bit more proffessional than 'Announcement: Unofficial $5000 Budget Map-Making Competition! Read all about it!'.
I just tried, but it only changed the name inside the thread at the top..not the name of it when viewed from the forum. Maybe I'll need to ask a mod. With that said, only 16 1/2 hours until the submission thread opens!
Hey man, I can tear **** up in PS. I'm just lazy...ask Virus. He's always askin' when I'm gonna do concept art for his map idea.
I don't even care about the prizes. I just want the recognition, because I'm just SUCH a conceited bastard.
Same. Im not in it for the prizes, just to get my map out there. Prizes are an incentive, no doubt, but I either have or dont need the prizes on offer. Saying this is probably going to void my chances of winning, but Im entering anyway. If I do claim a place, I will be humbled and gracious, however.
I sawed it! I have probably at least a week of testing to go before I submit though, and possibly more. It's probably bad luck to be first in line anyway.
Forging Frenzy. I havent touched my map in a few days, as I havent had the time. And also partly due to the fact that I found out about the Stockpile/Slayer glitch, and I want to include SP as a playable variant in my map. So thats kinda made me hit a wall. Will probably end up not using it, which sucks, but theres not much I can do about it. :\
Youre for girls. Wait, that doesnt work... youre not for girls. I know SP isnt that great of a gametype, but I want to include it just to add a bit more variety to my map, as its the spice of life, apparently. I currently have it set up for all variants of Slayer, CTF, Headhunter, KotH, Oddball, Territories (and Juggernaut, but so is every other map). I want to add Stockpile, Assault, and maybe Infection. Dont know about multi-team games, though. Not sure if they'll work properly.
Some of us forge quickly, for instance in the past 2 weeks I have made 2 complete maps and begun a new one (which I will most likely scrap, I dont like where it is going.)
I conceived and built an entire map yesterday - probably spent 8 hours on it, but it's done except for testing and tinkering. The only reason I don't pump out 3 maps a week is that I don't usually have all day to sit around building maps, and also I don't have that many inspiring ideas.