The next generation of modded maps

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Carter C, May 10, 2008.

  1. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    When mods are finally fully developed, I'll probably coexist between here and HaloMods forums. I'll also buy a second 360 off of my friend and mod it.
  2. version2

    version2 Ancient
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    as I said mods can be cool, but if the modders don't screwup mach making I'm fine but as soon as they screw with MM I don't like it any more.

    of course some of these maps would be vary cool to use in machinima.
  3. Carter C

    Carter C Guest

    Yeah I don't think there is any way to mod Halo 3 matchmaking.
  4. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    There always is. Don't forget, no system is completely unpenetrable to attack. If someone's determined enough, it'll happen.
  5. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
    Banned Senior Member

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    I completely agree with you Nemi, there is such a thing as good modding. When you actually do something useful with it.
    The current mods for Halo3 are just silly... They really haven't done anything great and it will take some time before we get a Killtrocity map pack for Halo3.

    The Killtrocity map packs for Halo2 had some of the most awesome maps I have ever played in Halo. And not only were most of them good, there was so many of them. In the range of about 100 maps in total just in the Killtrocity maps.

    The great thing about the Killtrocity map packs where that they were so easy to use, I wont go into detail but it was so simple a 5 year old could use them.

    Bungie may not like it, and some of them might. It doesn't matter if they do anyway, modders are out there. And some of the Forgers that do not like the constraints of Forge Mode will find modding to be the next best step to Forge Mode, and that is when you get the Killtrocity maps. When people want to improve the game. Could you imagine a remake of some of the old Halo 1&2 maps in Halo3? It will only happen this way.
    #65 Reynbow, May 14, 2008
    Last edited: May 14, 2008
  6. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Well, the majority of the new maps in modding consisted of mach modding, which was basically Forging. I don't remember if they actually got into BSP mapping yet.
  7. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    Thank you Nemi, you are correct. ANY modded content is not accepted at ForgeHub, and this thread should be locked. Modding violates a number of REAL laws (laws that can land you large fines or jail time) and is not looked upon kindly by Bungie, Microsoft, and most forgers.

    Modding in all its forms does not belong here. Period.

  8. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    Can you please link me to some of these laws?
    I can't see how that would be possible. If it were infact against the law how come you can buy modchips for consoles? Yes it's against the law to selling already modded consoles, but not against the law to mod your console after it's baught.
    If all this modding does break laws, why are the modders not in jail right now? Bungie would have tracked the IP's of the original posters of these maps and done something about it.
    I'm no law student but I can't so how "Modding is illegal" statement can be at all true...
  9. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Actually modding is against the law.
    Technically speaking its copyright infringement,HOWEVER
    Bungie are not a bunch of nazis and for the most part appear to be perfectly happy with modders aslong as they do not mess with matchmaking or SELL there modded content for money in any way.
    IE as long as they dont effect bungies profit.

    Altho it is possible to mess with matchamking through modding,although its very indirect and not worth doing.If you have modded the bungie authored map via modding or whatever that map will NEVER be chosen in MM.
    In effect:Dont like islation?Mod it and youll never get stuck with it again!
    Like i said its quite minor but if you suck on one map and pwn on another...meh.
  10. xRip U Up247x

    xRip U Up247x Ancient
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    Supa Midget who cares if moddings against the laws.
    What are you gonna do hunt people down and call the modding police on them. TOO MUCH RULES. Oooo I'm gonna get caught for modding I'm so scared I'll **** a brick.
  11. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    You people just don't give up. I don't know if its ignorance or stubbornness, both of which are annoying. Well, you asked, ye shall receiveth...

    Below is a message from back in March 2008, when I discussed this very topic with Achronos. Yes, that's right, the official BNet Overlord over at

    Link to ForgeHub thread


    And the following message demonstrates how illegal this really is:


  12. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    1. I swear to god,
    2. I didnt say modding was actually wrong.
    3. I didnt say people shouldnt mod.
    4. Hell i didnt even say bungie would hunt anyone down.
    Your just trying to be aggressive and condescending at this point arent you?
    I was being factual,your just trying to act "tuff" over teh interwebz

    Honestly i can imagine you yelling at police
    "Gawd who the fu** cares if its against the law.Too much rulez jeez"

    Once again,it IS against the law,it may be one of those unenforced laws like how you can be fined for hitting a button to cross a road then not crossing for "disturbing traffic" or how itS illegal to look at a moose form an airplane in california(or some other state...i cant remember) BUT IT IS AGAINST COPYRIGHT,
    bungie owns the maps etc and tampering with them is illegal.
    A dumb cats quoted the bigger stuff but i think ive got the gist.
    If you want to just be aggressive and "tough" then go to off topic and dont bother people posting in an informative fashion

    And if you look at carters old topic there are people who reported themselves being banned for "inappropriate content" so you cant say no one will ever be punished.
  13. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Since dc's post pretty much explains mostly everything, I'll just add in this tidbit: We're Forge Hub, not Mod Hub. Post Forge related content, not Modding content. Posting modded content (whether or not you modded it or not) is not accepted, and it will be reported, and you will be given an infraction. It doesn't matter if you got a modded map that gets rid of the item limit, or removes the death barriers, or whatever. Post it, and say hello to warn-land for me.
  14. LuckoftheMoose

    LuckoftheMoose Ancient
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    You could be modding halo with other objects though. Te reason I ask this is only b/c many other games I've seen mods for from other games.

    I thought it was only Halo though, just wanting to 2x check.
  15. xRip U Up247x

    xRip U Up247x Ancient
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    Ohh cry me a river.
    Yah and the truth is I like arguing with you guys.
    You take this way too serious.
    Modding's fun, it pisses people off, does cool ****, what else could you ask for?
    I modded my H2 and if it gets as easy as it was to do in H2 then I'll do it for H3 too.
  16. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    To my my knowledge its alot harder and requires a ton of dev-kits and other expensive and magical items,which is probably the reason its not developing fast.
    And if your just arguing for the sake of it,im just gonna ignore you.
    I like to take things seriously,and thats in everything,my grades ,my friends everything.
    If you prefer to be a laid-back person FINE.leave me out of it cuz i dont care mate
  17. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Yeah, well, the last time I checked, people seem to take legality related subjects pretty seriously, on the account of a little something called incarceration.
  18. xRip U Up247x

    xRip U Up247x Ancient
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    Yah cause we all know I'm gonna go to jail if I mod my xbox. paha
    And supa midget are you from australia? I saw you throw in the mate thing. If you are that's awesome. AC/DC and all my other favs are from there.
  19. grubish360

    grubish360 Ancient
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    I want the snowy valhalla
  20. Zieon Eslador

    Zieon Eslador Ancient
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    This is why Halo 2 mods are no longer posted on youtube or even released to the public, idiots like you who make projectile swaps and then show them off to non-modders as talent. We made modding Halo 2 too easy, all the tutorials should just be deleted to make people actually work on the things they make.
    I'm all for showing friends fun mods on Live, but when people begin to think they are superior once they have people asking how they shot rockets out of the magnum. That just plain annoys me.
    Sorry to everyone else, but lately with the arrival of Halo 3 forge variant mods a lot of people have been acting stupidly in the Halo 2 subject, on different sites...

    Back to arguing over Halo 3 now?
    #80 Zieon Eslador, May 15, 2008
    Last edited: May 17, 2008

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