I take it absolutely zero people here have played CSS or any game with built in commands like this because it always devolves into nothing but spamming them to troll and using the wrong one to grief people. In simpler terms, every match would become "ROGER THAT" "ROGER THAT" "ROGER THAT" "ROGER THAT" "ROGER THAT" "ROGER THAT" "ROGER THAT" "ROGER THAT" "ROGER THAT" "ROGER THAT" "ROGER THAT" "ROGER THAT" "ROGER THAT" "ROGER THAT" "ROGER THAT" "ROGER THAT" "ROGER THAT" "ROGER THAT" "ROGER THAT" "ROGER THAT" "ROGER THAT" "ROGER THAT" "ROGER THAT" "ROGER THAT" "ROGER THAT" etc. An easier and much better solution overall would be to just not play with random people on your team.
There's always gonna be a problem though...trolls just clicking on them even if they're not in that situation
That doesn't mean that they should remove a feature completely because of a few idiots. By that logic we shouldn't be able to move, shoot, drive, or have voice chat. If there was a limit on it so repeated messages stop being sent after so many in such a time span. Or link it to the mute, or even both.
That sort of spamming doesn't exist on the Battlefield 2/2142 (PC) games because it temporarily blocks perpetrators from sending commands for a short amount of time.
I forgot about Counter-Strike. Yeh, on occasion you would get a few noobs that would spam the voice-commands just to be idiots, but most of the time people would be respectable and only use them when applicable. A lot more youngins play this game though, so I dont know what would happen if something like this were introduced. Probably pretty much exactly what you said. :\
In BF for those who don't know, when your reticule is over an enemy so their name appears above their head you can press a button and an orange triangle appears above their head. This can be seen through obstacles but I don't think it gives any indication of how far away they are. e.g. the triangle stays the same size no matter where the opponent is. This would be good for reach as it is unabusable however I would love for what the OP said if the halo community was mature enough not to spam it.