343 announces Reach Title Update in September (Updated OP)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Pegasi, Jun 29, 2011.

  1. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    Shield recharge station? Oh wait, custom.
  2. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I seriously just want shield leech and shield decay back... and kill scoring in KoTH... and then stevo to utilise this and remake Regeneration Slayer.
  3. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    First list I've seen on any website. That I've agreed with (99%)
    -AA's pickups I want that but not in all playlists maybe Pro slayer type games and keep AA spawns social type games like BTB. With out AA spawns there can be more Powerups in some playlists.
    -You can time a jump and make the PL miss, Not to mention AA's and cover. Needs a buff.
    -Loadout specific traits I've been wanting this since I heard there was loadouts.
    -Melee bleed i dunno because I've learned how to time my movement/shooting/reloadse to make sure there shield is down while my shield is still up before I go into melee range which gives m an advantage in CQC and People seem to like things that separate the "pros" from the "noobs" I mean competitive form the casual. ;)
    -And red is my favorite color!! C:<

    This could be done with adding "Species:Sparatan/Elite" option in traits.
    Then adding Loadout specific traits.
    #63 WWWilliam, Jul 1, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2011
  4. broccollipie

    broccollipie Forerunner

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    Good ol' regeneration slayer. DO IT 343i and STEVO. >:D
    Its bullshit anyway.
  5. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    The only problem with no melee bleed is that it sucks when, despite your best efforts to pop their shields before meleeing, the opponent just sprints at you for the melee before you are able. Now it's even ground when you should have the advantage for laying down 3 shots. This is one of those things that should at least become a custom games option. Setting melee bleed percentage would be sweet.
  6. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    One major thing that I think needs to be changed in Reach. Pinnacle. Either fix the spawns or remove it from the SWAT playlist. Contrary to popular belief, Pinnacle is a horrible, horrible map for SWAT.

    And while we're on the subject, remove objective gametypes from the SWAT playlist, too. If I wanted to play Stockpile or Oddball, Id play the Objective, Lone Wolf, or Team Slayer playlists. If Im in the SWAT playlist, I want to shoot people, not have to worry about picking up flags or carrying a bomb around.

    And one last thing, bring back SHWATguns.

    (In case no one can tell, Im a SWAT ***** :p)
  7. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
    Senior Member

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    it doesn't make any sense, but health packs do restore shields as it is. they already dont make sense in more ways than one.

    guy gets shot 4 times and runs by health pack, he cant pick it up and dies.

    guy gets shot 5 times and runs by health pack, he picks it up and gets the advantage.

    the player who gets shot more ends up victorious. whatthefuckisthisshit. /endrant
    #67 CHUCK, Jul 1, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2011
  8. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    Oh, and some shiny new sets of armor. The more armor we have to choose from, the more unique we CAN all look.
  9. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    That's playlist changes that can be done without a TU, so they don't have anything to do with a title update at all, really.

    As for armor, did I not hear something about how adding armor to the game would be incredibly difficult? Or the armor patch would be of an insane size or something?
  10. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    First off who sprints at someone while getting shot lol.

    Well it takes about (just tested in forge)
    1.5seconds to pop someones shield with AR ,3sec unload clip.
    1.5sec/4shots to pop with pistol
    2sec/4shots to pop with DMR
    2sec to punch twice.

    Time taken to sprint to you plus the 2seconds to melee twice(2.1+seconds) < 2seconds of shooting them then meleeing them once since there is no delay to melee after shooting.(2seconds)

    So unless you couldn't shoot him till he was in your face it's probably gonna be a double melee battle with or without bleeding.

    I'm hoping you are walking backwards to avoid a melee confrontation and not throwing hopeful grenades which will add a delay until you can shoot(+1.5sec) and not meleeing him as soon as he came in melee range which ends up meleeing each other at the same time. If you weren't doing those things you shouldn't be complaining and if you were I don't get what your complaining about?
    #70 WWWilliam, Jul 1, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2011
  11. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    I love when the response to something that's obviously messed up in the game is "But you can adjust for it, ergo it's totally fine." Yes you can adjust for the lack of melee bleed, but it still encourages people to go around herpaderping like enraged little Pacquiaos on coke, and there are situations where you can't adjust ENOUGH (e.g. when you round a corner and an opponent is close enough to you already that they can charge up to you before you have time to pop their shields, and you have basically no space to back up). There's no excuse for getting herpaderped in the middle of Hemorrhage, but in Sword Base, Countdown, and a bunch of other maps it happens all the time, even if you start firing and backing up immediately.
  12. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    A pair of guys running AR+DMR always beats a pair of guys running DMR+DMR. The AR takes out the shields faster than the DMR, and having a buddy to clean up the with the single headshot cuts kill-time for the AR in half, because health is the hardest part for that gun. And against snipers? It constantly de-scopes them, and unless you are one of the people like me who do better without the scope, puts them at a disadvantage.
  13. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    Agreed. Though there are some locations on these maps that you can back up and headshot them, there are too many little corners for herpaderpers to have their fun. Problem is, giving melee bleed doesn't solve this problem. They hit you when you turn the corner, unless you knew they were there and popped in one of those broken pocket-nuke-if-they're-up-your-ass grenades, bleed can't help you. Even a grenade won't help you most of the time. That's the map's fault (I still kinda like Countdown, at least as opposed to other default maps).

    I proposed the idea once before, what if they simply increased the time between melees or made a cooldown before you could sprint-melee to severely nerf herpaderping without reinstating the AR beatdown? This is a different game, we can try a different solution than the older method, even if it isn't this one. People on Bnet and now I suppose a bit on Waypoint seem to think there are two options: keep it or make it like Halo 'whichever one applies most'. I hope 343 finds solutions to these problems like herpaderping without making the game Halo 3.5: Classic Update. I like Halo 3, but if I wanted Halo 3, I'd play Halo 3 and only complain about the prospect of them shutting down the servers for it.
  14. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    FFA On Countdown.

    That is all I have to say.
  15. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Scorch - I'm not opposed to a new solution at all, but I don't know how to feel about more cooldowns and delays. One of the most frustrating things to me in any game is unresponsiveness - for instance I can't stand the cooldown (or however you'd classify it) when you first switch to the sword. Most any other weapon can be used swiftly after switching to it (including, notably, the shotgun) - why does the sword require a 1 second warm-up period during which your opponent can finish you off? I'm fairly sure they put that in as a bandaid on the sword's overpoweredness, and it just makes me wish they'd found a better solution that didn't leave me hammering my controller buttons in blind fury once or twice a game. If you gotta nerf something by all means nerf it, but please don't make a game where I spent half of it waiting to be able to use or do something. (I'm similarly agitated by the MLG setting that starts me off with an armor ability I can't use, the CTF setting that prevents flag juggling, etc. - and speaking of juggling, if they really want to fix that "problem," why not just apply a cooldown to your movement speed instead of your ability to pick up the flag? That seems painfully obvious to me and much less annoying than accidentally leaving the flag ten feet behind you as you're running for your life.)
  16. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Yeah I agree with just about everything there. I would love to see maybe 1-3 initial loadouts (sprint, hologram, maybe the jetpack depending on the map), and then have the rest as pickups on the map.

    I'd also like to mention that either the banshee bomb needs a power/radius reduction, or it's evade movements need to be more limited.

    I'd also like to see the warthog/ghost/mongoose/ground vehicles take a bit more damage, they feel too vulnerable to DMR fire in their current state.
    #76 Draw the Line, Jul 1, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2011
  17. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    You'd be surprised William. If they sense they are close enough to you where they could sprint at you before you can pop their shields, they'll do it. ****, they'll probably still try even if they are too far away to feasibly win the fight. Also, you're assuming perfect aim, calmness, no bloom spread, and perfect situational awareness in regards to your environment. What if, in your backpedaling, you accidentally run into a wall or you spasm for a shot and miss your mark? What if they were already starting their sprint at you as you noticed them? They'll be on your ass before 1.5-2 seconds that's for sure. There are too many factors involved and many depend on a combination of you as a player and the map you're on.

    People wouldn't be pissed at these so called "herpaderpers" who don't even try to get into gun battles before rushing you for the double-melee if it didn't happen every goddamn game.
  18. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    banshee nerf, armor lock nerf, fix the infection betrayal glitch, more custom options. thats all we need
  19. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    Nutduster - Personally I don't mind the sword's warmup (hehe, you call it cooldown I say warmup, yay opposites!) timer, and I am a frequent user of the sword. The time is not long and it prevents the sword from being a "get out of jail free" in a close-ish DMR battle or whatnot (of course, Armor Lock can be used for that, but that's another overpowered story IMO). The sword has been nerfed in bigger ways that I hope are removed, such as the sword block/parry/cancel by melee that isn't even difficult like it was intended. Yes it's a power weapon, but I can't melee at the right time to snatch a sniper bullet out of mid-air or throw pro-pipes back at your attacker, and for good reason. The cooldowns are not long, but I agree the sprint warmup in MLG is kinda annoying. Other than that, I don't see it as a problem.

    As for bloom, I like the concept, but believe it needs an adjustment. I think the best solution they could employ would be a faster reset, but larger bloom. On top of that, if the bloom was exponential it would cause full spammers to fail more frequently while not punishing those who try to shoot sightly faster than the reset as severely. I hope they also make vehicles slightly stronger, nerf Banshee bomb, buff Banshee lasers, buff laser and nerf armor lock. People say the Focus Rifle and Plasma Launcher need a buff, but I disagree there. Focus Rifle can be deadly in the hands of someone who knows how to use it. It is not a sniper, but it wrecks at close range and can be effective at distance too. The Plasma Laucher can lock at severely long range and can keep Falcons busy better than rockets or Fuel Rod.

    I hope they really fix the problems with a TU. I still like Reach as is, but there are things that could definitely use improving, and I'll be excited if they do fix them. Though I hope they do not create another balance issue in their attempt to fix the current ones. Imagine no bloom? DMR and NR would destroy everything.
  20. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    You're definitely right, but I love how everyone always mentions the DMR and NR in this context, rather than imagining what a no bloom Pistol would be like. That thing is still a 5sk but with a faster RoF than the DMR, it would be almost as powerful as the CE Pistol, but without the wider sandbox balance of CE to offset that...

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