So CloneBall is my latest game and it's pretty unique. Two teams are equipped with hologram and each player sends a clone across trying to score in one of the four goals on the enemy's side. Pistols kill the hologram in one shot and the map is split in the middle only allowing the clones to cross.
wha? holograms can score points? how does this work? I'd really like to play this to find out. (Also I had a fun time getting matched with you in action sack lol)
I fixed up a little mechanic so the hologram would blow up the mine and send the golf ball into the destination. And yeah what were the odds lol
It seems very easy to defend the goals. For one, if it's 4v4, you could have one person simply stand in front of each goal after their team gets a lead. I'm not sure if decreasing the damage output affects how many shots a hologram takes before disappearing, but if you haven't already, you may want to look into that.
If you need an alternative method of defending goals, Instead of killing the holograms, you could have golf balls which you can push in front of holograms to alter their path. I'm not sure if they're affected by golf balls, though. Regardless, this looks like a great idea.
Interesting game mechanic, I didn't realize holograms could affect anything. And uk is right, that floor looks hawt.
Yep this is currently the number one issue I'm trying to buff out. I'll most like put kill barriers a few Spartan meters in front of the goals. Oh yeah I forgot to mention that each player uses a pistol. Thanks everyone else.
Also, if I may help cluckinho out, the defense will be more difficult than most of you are imagining because shooting at a hologram is the same as shooting at a friendly in that your gun won't assist you by locking onto the target Can't wait to see if you can work everything out to make this good idea a fun, working minigame
This is only a map preview, so it is not currently ready for download. Testing will be underway shortly.
I like the concept though I don't really care for minigames I'll throw in my 2 cents. You should totally make this into a 4 team map. That'd be even more unique and oddly fun in my opinion.
I was considering that but I was like halfway through with the map :/ I might do that eventually but I really don't have the will to.