
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Draw the Line, Mar 27, 2011.


    Senior Member

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    I got my first 3 for 1 snipe on this map :) : Halo Reach : File Details

    Very nice map. I got to play about 3 games on it so far and every game was a joy be apart of thanks to this map. The only issue I saw in all 3 games is that no one else knew where the sniper was and the landing pad side of the map was pretty much devoid of life for the entire game apart from when I went to get sniper.

    Shame really, but I guess it is because people are not used to the map and don't know it yet.

    Grats on the matchmaking slot and good job :)
    #41 RRAAAAAWWWWWWWR, Jun 28, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2011
  2. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I'm glad you were able to upload the file! I'm downloading it now to see if your shot hit all 3 of them at once, or if that grenade took part of the triple, either way its impressive!
  3. Scalpel Technique

    Senior Member

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    Its about time a good map from one of the old forgehub regulars made it into matchmaking, congrats. I havent played this one, I'm offline but I remember some of the best customs I ever played on H3 was on your old map, "end of the line", so I know you can do gameplay. I tend to think that with user generated content, eventually the cream would rise to the top, is that FINALLY starting to happen?
  4. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I think we're beginning to see some quality user created content hit MM. I know a few new maps are making it into the July update, so it should be fun to see how they play out.

    As for End of the Line, the map was a cool concept and looked great for the time. The gameplay was quite rough in my opinion, lol.
  5. Hulter

    Hulter ^Raindear
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You are wrong. The weekly spotlight feature was not by bungie. It was done indepently by some other people or person, Godlyperfection, I reckon.

    But yes, it was thruthfully featured in the Comm chatter, and it was one of the very few ones that didn't suck, in said spotlight series.
    #45 Hulter, Jul 8, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2011
  6. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
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    This is one beautiful map. Easily as good as any forgeworld maps bungie put out there. The first time I played this is was in MM, and I instantly loved it. I'd be Jealous but that would be unsporting so I'll just say CONGRATS!!!!
  7. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I've played this map quite a few times and I have to say that I enjoyed it. The sniper was in a great location that if you went for it, it was a risk vs. reward type deal. No overpowering power weapons and the sightlines that I talked about in an earlier post were great as I though they'd be.

    Oh yeah, I got a perfection on this map too. Grats on getting this into MM.
  8. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Thanks for the kind words!

    Congrats of the perfection! Next time you have a cool moment on the map, upload it to your file share and I'll render it for you. I'm surprised to find the sniper is sometimes ignored on the map. That might partially be because players still unfamiliar with the map don't know where it spawns, players don't use the space enough to realize it's there, or they don't care for the rifle enough to move to the location. Personally, I rush for it at the start of every game... and I'm never sure if the opposing team will make a play for it themselves or not. I set up the initial spawns so that both teams would meet there at the same time, leading to an explosive beginning of a match.

    So now that Precipice has been in MM for about a month and a half now, have you guys developed any strategies that you've found successful? What AA's do you prefer to use on the map and which ones do you avoid?
    #48 Draw the Line, Jul 16, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2011

    MUDNUB Forerunner

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    Hey man, don't even know if you still check this thread but I wanted to say that Precipice is, completely honest here, my favorite map in Reach atm and I vote for it in team slayer whenever I can. I'm not saying that to suck up or anything, I had no idea it was even made by someone from forgehub until I saw your signature. This map gives me a fun game every time, which shouldn't be as hard to find as it is.

    As far as the sniper platform goes, I hate to tell you this but whenever I play precipice that area of the map is deserted unless someone chases me there from the main courtyard or high red spawn. It sucks because you said how hard you worked on getting each team to be equal distances from the sniper, yet every game I play I sprint over there and nobody is trying for it. I'd love to play a match where everyone knew where it was. Honestly if I'm red team I just go for the shotgun these days.

    I don't think that's a flaw in your map though. I think it's more bad players who don't learn weapon spawns and never think to ask their friends where they got that sniper rifle or whatever. I personally can't even enjoy a map properly unless I know where everything spawns, but that's just me.

    But yeah, great job. This and 'Think Twice' are my favorite community maps by a long way. Could you tell me anything about how Precipice got into matchmaking? I don't know what the process is. Did you submit it or did they just ask you?
  10. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    Don't tell anyone where the sniper is! Then I can haz it to myself. The shotgun, funnily enough, was the last power weapon that I figured out the location of, probably because it's always taken so fast. The GL is another weapon I find no one using, so more power weapons for me. Definitely my favorite FW map in MM.
  11. MUDNUB

    MUDNUB Forerunner

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    Ha ha, weirdly enough I think the fact that nobody seems to know where the grenade launcher or sniper rifle are probably contributes to the fact that I have fun games on this map, since they're my favorite guns to use in Reach.

    And yeah the shotgun is the one gun that's always in play, probably because everyone is always fighting in the big courtyard right by where it spawns.
  12. nopuntintended

    nopuntintended Forerunner
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    Yeah I love the fact that no one knows where the sniper makes this map so much fun when i can go get it whenever I want...

    That's why I always vote for this map in MM...I just love it!

    speaking of did you get ur map into matchmaking???
  13. Dizzyman572

    Dizzyman572 Forerunner

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    Hey man, I just got to play this map in matchmaking and it was awesome!
    I hope to see another cool map,possibly in matchmaking, from you in due time.
  14. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I'm always checking this thread for feedback! I have noticed that the low platform area is less used than other parts of the map, but that space was more intended to be a flanking path than anything else. Many people don't seem to be aware of where the sniper rifle spawns, which is unfortunate, but I wouldn't exactly say it's hidden in the map. I'd love to place something else down there to influence movement more... but I don't want to crowd the space with an abundance of power weapons.

    This was a verrrrry long process for me personally, and my experience may not necessarily reflect the efforts of others. I had originally built the first draft of the map back in January and posted it around on some forge websites. One of the Community Cartographers showed some interest in my map. So I began to test and make alterations based on the feedback I had received. After about 3 months of testing with various friends and forge groups, the map was submitted to the Cartographers for testing. From there they made some suggestions on my weapon placement, and after some final alterations they sent the map to Bungie for testing.

    Now I have no idea how Bungie tests the maps for matchmaking, I just know my map made the cut.

    I'm glad you enjoyed it!

    I have some designs in the works, but they're not quite ironed out yet. Hopefully I'll have something ready to show you guys in the next few months.
  15. zombified panda

    zombified panda Forerunner

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    I like this map, its one of the 3 maps i enjoy from the community (matchmaking). Each side is well balanced and its always fun fighting for the sniper in the beginning of the match. Iv seen your earlier maps and it amazing see how you've grown as a map maker. Can't wait to what you come up with in the future!
  16. Gypsy

    Gypsy Ancient
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    This and Sword Base are the only maps I actually get excited for when they show up in Matchmaking. You set a whole new bar for what a community-made Matchmaking map should be. Thank you.
  17. MUDNUB

    MUDNUB Forerunner

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    Gypsy- a little off topic I know, but what do you like about Sword Base? I'm genuinely curious. I can't think of a map in a halo game that I enjoy less, but it's a popular map and always gets voted for when I'm in matchmaking if it comes up.

    In other news I continue to love Precipice. Was on it last night and ended up in a really intense firefight up in the high red corridor, hasn't happened to me before. I got a sniper rifle no scope double kill out of it so I was psyched.
  18. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    I also wonder what people see in Sword Base, The lift camping just ruins it for me.

    If I had to choose one map to play over and over from MM, it would be this one. By far the best I have played so far.
  19. Gypsy

    Gypsy Ancient
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    To be honest, I really can't say why... For me it just has that classic 'Halo feel' that other Reach maps lack. Gameplay wise, I can understand why people would hate it so much, especially the Lift Room camping. But that's my favorite part! It reminds me of the high-level ranked matches in Halo 3 on Guardian. How you would have one team at Sniper Tower and the other at Gold Lift, locked in a stalemate, score tied, waiting for someone in lift room to peak their head out for that split-second snipe, wanting to just rush over and seize the place, but knowing you'll just get shotgunned in the face. The sort of tug-of-war that goes on between the two high-most rooms in Sword Base remind me of that. So I guess it's not so much because it's a great map, but that it has an air of nostalgia to it, and the rest of the on-disk maps just feel so unfamiliar and drab (all this is just my opinion of course). Almost all of the DLC maps are better in that regard, but hell if anyone ever gets to play them.

    But yeah, Precipice... good map.
  20. AquarianPhoenix

    AquarianPhoenix Forerunner

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    Must say, strange seeing this randomly in the forums.

    Must also say, GOOD JOB! I've played this several times in matchmaking and absolutely love it. Honestly, probably the ONLY forged map that I enjoy in matchmaking. I love the grenade launcher spawn and admit to camping it when I'm in a bad mood. The raised area just nearby is a great camping spot with the shotgun if you have camo. I find people hiding there ALL the time.

    I know this thread is dead (ha, it rhymes) but I felt the need to say this.

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