I'm on a macbook pro and my friend sent me footage he captured through megaupload. Apparently I'm supposed to "uncompress" the rar files so that I can open them up in final cut pro. I've tried downloading Winrar for mac and Winzip but I'm not getting anywhere. Winrar won't open properly, Winzip does open but it's not working:/ Anybody know of a website where I can get a proper winrar download?
I dunno anything about macs but they should work, Idk Try 7zip is the only thing i can offer. Opening and uncompressing are different things. ummm do a mac equivalent of right click and select the uncompress option maybe.
Yea I tried 7zip but I couldn't find one for Mac. I did however find a version of winrar that works, I just can't seem to use it right. Anyways,my questions have been answered so I suppose this can be locked now.
WinRar all the way. I downloaded the trial version off the site, and while ever time I pop it open I get a warning stating that its only free for 40 days, I have used it constantly for a year and a half. And it does everything.