Perplex v3 Created by Rest in Pieces Gametypes: MLG TS, CTF5, BOMB5, BALL, HILL, FFA, HH Updates for v3: Removed the mini ramps at bases because jumping up is fine, and the pits needed to be bigger Forged the Map Outside. The map is lighter, provides mountains, mountain/grass, sea, and sea/rocks sides. Being outside, I provided 12 areas with guard rails to drop the Ball and Bomb. I did this for this map to play Oddball well. Aesthetic changes to the bases Added Magnums and Plasma Pistols at the top of the lifts (Magnums at Blue/Red; PP's at Green/Gold) Updated the middle structure to hold Camo and Evade Description: This is my 4-based, room-styled map (Not room-styled anymore) that I've had since the Room-Based submission that resulted in no progress being made for this map or other maps. I wish I could have changed the design on this map but I haven't gotten useful feedback to cause that to happen. But despite that, I have found some good ideas for this map, which was mainly building it outside and to include places to play the ball, and the bomb. So that's a long enough description. Weapon Set: DMR x 4 NR x 4 Magnum x 2 Plasma Pistol x 2 Plasma Grenade x 4 Frag Grenade x 4 Camo (120s) Top Mid Evade Bottom Mid Health Pack x 2 Screenshots: View of Base Another One View of Top-Sides/Transitions (Like the Struts?) View of Bottom-Sides/Transitions Download Perplex v3 Please Download And leave Feedback! I am confident it will play great, but if it doesn't, let me know
whover the hell reported my earlier post, Quote: wow. the map looks good, and the asthetics are nice also. you have my download map rating: 9/10 get a life. i was just posting an opinion and what i think about the map. i was clearly obeying the rules. whever reported me is not obeying the rules for spaming the report button. BY THE WAY: the map IS good. i would take out the invisibility and replace it with Evade, or at least increase the spawn time for it (if it isnt at its max). frankly i think invisibility is rediculous in mlg.
I agree with securitym15 about the invisibility. Besides that I really like Perplex. Your Red base picture reminds me of a mix between Condemned and Warlock. I like how the rooms interlock through the tunnels, it seems to have nice flow. I'd give it a solid 8/10. Great Job!
Thanks for the compliments on the map. Though as for camo, I like it there. It spawns at 2 min which is standard for MLG, but I have it there because it provides incentive to go uptop and jump across. Plus, being out in the open for anybody to get means it is hard to escape with. @Security: Someone must have reported you because your feedback was vague and even before you DL'ed it. I've been reported probably twice, so I'm not bothered when people do this, but the forgehub community is strict here lol tbh, if you made the suggestion about camo earlier, you may have not been reported, since the post was at least constructive.
Well, when I saw that first pic to the left, I was upset that this wasn't built in a more bright location. Then, I looked to the right and saw that you had built it in a bright location. So, that's really good, because a map like this would look much better outside the coliseum. Great job with that. I pretty much like everything about this map, like the middle and the colors surrounding it. It kind of reminds me of Retroactive by Col Keller. Anyways, this looks like a great MLG map. My only complaint is the struts. Unfortunatly, no, I don't like them. I thing they look a bit sloppy and just don't fit well with the theme of the map. That's just my opinion though. Keep it up.
Man, you are probably the 4th person to tell me it's like retro lol Anyways, regarding the struts. They looked better in the Coliseum when the platforms were stretched out. And the way they were shaped and angled, it was a great piece for cover, but it just doesn't look as good when it has nothing to attach to. And besides, my budget was practically eaten up so i am only left with decor and 4 blocks. Not much else will go there to look good and to provide the quality of cover i want. Thanks for the feedback though.
Well, you probably didn't mean to make it look like retro, but sometimes that's just the way things turn out. After all, we are all using the same pieces. As for the struts, it's really not a big deal, you first have to make sure gameplay is at its best. Aesthetics come second.