***Please do not flame about which game is better than the other. This is just a poll to see which game more people will go with at the end of this year.*** Please Comment Below for other voting categories with the following: Game of the Year: Best Multiplayer: Best Shooter: The games selected this year are added based off the big titles of 2011. Game of the Year: Assassins Creed Revelations Gears of War 3 Uncharted 3 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Battlefield 3 Batman: Arkham City Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Deus Ex: Human Revolution Crysis 2 Dead Space 2 L.A Noire Rage Portal 2 Killzone 3 Best Multiplayer: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Battlefield 3 Crysis 2 Gears of War 3 Uncharted 3 Killzone 3 Best Shooter: Call of Duty:Modern Warfare 3 Gears of War 3 Battlefield 3 Uncharted 3 Crysis 2 Killzone 3 You Decide, You vote! Please do not start any arguments, this is just to see what you guys think about these upcoming titles. I'm sorry if I didn't add alot of games. I only added games that we mostly talked about from Gamerinformer, IGN, Gamespot, Destructoid & more. Thank-you for voting.
Bioshock isn't coming out this year. As for GOTY I have to go with Arkham City. Rocksteady really knows what they're doing with those Batman games.
It was either Skyrim or Arkham City, so I chose Arkham City. Best multiplayer: Battlefield 3 Best shooter: Battlefield 3
It's gonna be between Skyrim and Uncharted. Portal 2 will be mentioned a lot, but I doubt it will win much. Rage and Arkham City will probably make it into the debate, and depending on how good it is Rage really has a chance to contend with Skyrim and Uncharted. I love Arkham to death, more than most people I would say, but I don't think it will win. Ultimately, I'd put my money on Skyrim mainly because everyone Uncharted is mentioned people almost ignore it because they already know it will be phenomenal.
Skyrim is the ****. I've got AC:R, B3, Dead Island, and Skyrim pre-ordered for this year. I'm definitely looking forward to Skyrim the most, but the other games I've pre-ordered look great. I'm also looking forward to Far Cry 3, and if it releases in Semester 1 of 2012 (I'm fairly certain it will looking at their seven minute run-through), I'm going to pre-order it. I'm not buying it if I'll be in college for the release (Semester 2). That's just a bad idea for me.
If Skyrim doesn't win GOTY, I will be sincerely disappointed. Also, we all know that just because of the fanboyness, MW3 will win both best multiplayer and best shooter. I definitely don't agree with this, but we all know it will happen.
Basically this. Can undoubtedly say that at least half of the games listed above will win GOTY at some point. So in all fairness, it boils down to personal preference from that flavorful little list. Also, I've been meaning to find out, what's so special about Skyrim?
Game of the Year: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Best Multiplayer: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Best Shooter: Call of Duty:Modern Warfare 3
its made by goddamn bethesda. seriously though, if you haven't seen the e3 interview videos, watch them, it will explain. look at the skyrim thread on here. if you have watched them, and still ask whats so special about it, i'll answer your question with a question of my own: what is wrong with you?
GOTY without a doubt goes to Skyrim. Multiplayer and shooter i'd give to BF3, though from what I've seen gears 3 looks like it could turn out pretty well. Definitely not Crysis 2 though.
I absolutely love the Elder Scrolls series, and will very much love Skyrim. But I had to choose Deus Ex for GOTY. My reasons? It looks freaking awesome. Im about as excited for DE than I am Skyrim, will get both of them, and will play both of them to death. I think DE is a fresh idea though (even though its had two games before it), its idea seems different to the other two. Plus, different HUDs for console and PC versions (zomg :|). Seriously though, each of these games are likely going to get a GOTY at one point or another (except Call of been there done that Duty).
Game of the year will go to Skyrim, no doubt. Best shooter will be BF3 or U3, IMO (maybe even Gears 3?). Best multiplayer will go to Battlefield 3, definitely.