Yes. End of discussion. No but seriously, this doesn't belong in the Reach discussion if it isn't about Reach. There's a Halo 4 discussion thread in the "gaming discussion" section.
I MOST HIGHLY DOUBT that it will be called forge. As Bungie (i believe) trademarked forge, as it was a devkit in Marathon, Then HEK in halo PC, And used in halo 3 and reach.
As of all the nonsence above ^^ Jk guys thats inportant, but yes it will have a forge, or whatever it may be called, but my friend was looking at a 343 fourms and one of the mods posted that there will be a mirror affect so you dont have to make two bases, a copy and paste option, so you can take something from one map and place it on another, and there will be hopefully a weather system.
That^. Dont post things like this unless you have evidence to back it up, otherwise it will be classed as you trying to start a shitfight.
if they have a weather system that would be amazing! not alot of ppl realize how cool a map can look bc of the background scenery & i really hate how half of the launch maps in reach were on forge world bc you always have the same scenery and lighting... i miss the halo 2 days, where you could loose track of an enemy bc of the really dark areas on a map- lol also 343i doesnt own anything, Microsoft owns the Halo franchise and 343i...
Xun Im not trying to start anything but it was my friend that told me he read it so ask him MOa Herder, btw Xun I need so help on a few maps
Sorry dude, its just not a good idea to post things like this on a Forum where people are starving for information, unless you have something to show. I didnt mean to sound harsh, I was just a bit annoyed because this is the umpteenth thread about Halo 4 and I was getting sick of reading them. To be honest, I didnt even realize it was you. :\ [br][/br]Edited by merge: Also, I havent been on Live for a while, been busy back at work so I may not be able to help you with your map, sorry. If I do happen to get online whilst you're on too, I may be able to lend a hand, but I cant promise anything currently.
OK well then I will try to get my friend in here if he will pick up his phone!!!!! Also I have been busy to with all that GF related stuff
This isn't even worth discussing. At this point, we know literally nothing about Halo 4, so why bother talking about what it will and will not have? Just wait for 343i to give us some more information. LOCKED.