Alright, so, I have tried changing the physics settings, remaking the pieces and replacing them, moving them away from pieces that could be altering their physics, etc. etc. Nothing I do fixes my problem which is that I place pieces in coordinates with a 90 degree angle, and then I save, and quit, and when I go into the game to play, they move to different angles by themselves for no apparent reason. I don't understand. Not all pieces do it, it seems to only be certain platforms, and the large braces in the decorative category. Not the tunnel ones, the other ones. Anyway, does anyone know how or if it is possible to not have my map look like complete crap because the game decides it doesn't like where I place my pieces, cuz short of making the entire map from scratch again, I am out of ideas.
Data loss for the orientation of objects causes them to save in a different location. On small objects this isn't a problem, but with larger objects the difference can become quite pronounced near the edges. This is a solution.
Highly recommend pyro's link there, and that's basically my technique to deal with it. The nuts and bolts are this: save and reload to see how the pieces shift, then move them slightly with rotation lock turned off until they are aligned in a satisfactory manner. Then save and reload one more time and make sure it looks good. It may require a few attempts and looking at the joins between the various parts multiple times, but it will eventually come together, and at that point you just need to stop grabbing the larger pieces.
That is interesting how you came to those simple steps from Stevo's instructions. I was confused as hell by them.
Thanks for the quick reply, I don't know if it'll work for the large braces unfortunately though cuz you can't flip them around to work the other way because they're not inherently flat . Thanks though, doesn't look like there's a good solution, I'll just have to make it as close as possible. [br][/br]Edited by merge: @nutduster, that's a great explanation for the OP of that thread, very helpful, thanks. And I already read through your article Green, good stuff, at least I know why everything works the way it does now.
The solution will work for any block object, including large braces. I used this approach for XXL platforms turned upside down for flooring as well as large braces.
I only understood that was describing basically what I was already doing, otherwise I might have been pretty confused too.
I believe it would work, but from what I understand, you need to switch around the object to get it to line up properly. Because the side I am using has a large piece sticking up in the air, that piece would be protruding from the middle of my map if I had to flip the piece around. Correct me if I interpreted that solution incorrectly.
Last night I took about five minutes and I did what I am saying with large braces on a map I am working on now. The original orientation was maintained through out. If you look at the article I pointed to, I updated it with information on how it doesn't matter what orientation the block is at. The idea that the blocks had to be alternating their UP VECTOR is a bungie approach that my article originally posted. But I had since realized that is not even necessary and went about showing how to do the fix without changing a block's UP VECTOR orientation. What is more, the work around that I demonstrate is more robust for several reasons. One of the most important being the amount of time and the number of steps involved, but also important is the fact that the blocks can maintain a relationship to the grid. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I would not point anyone to a confusing article, even if I understood it myself. But that is me...
If you print out his steps and just do them in order, it's not that hard to understand. I think people just want to read the description and have a light bulb come on, which that post does not quite pull off for non-anal retentive types. Which is why I gave the brief version here. Good enough?
Steps 1-3 are correct. Step 4-7 do not serve any purpose at all. Step 8 is meaningless in two regards. First, if steps 4-7 do not alter the block "by chance" to just the right angle, then there is nothing to inspect. And customs is not necessary. Everything can be done in forge. It is not "customs" v "forge", but the reloading of the saved rotation information that is to be inspected. 10. It is not clear if he is saying adjust the height (z-axis) or rotate the edge to a particular level. And rotating the floor around is not necessary. This is be definition CONFUSION. 11... 12. According to step 12, you can be repeating over and over without any end in sight if you don't see what you are looking for. Ya, you are right, they were not hard to understand... ;P