343 announces Reach Title Update in September (Updated OP)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Pegasi, Jun 29, 2011.

  1. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Enclosed is the one with the grated bunker in the middle that is basically a giant landmine because of all of the fustion coils stacked up. You talking about that one?

    Anywho. I am hoping for:

    `Toggle of bloom or maybe an ability to set its effectiveness: 0% (none) - 100% (current bloom or *gulp* more :O )

    `Melee bleedthrough PLEASE!

    `Banshee bomb timer longer + banshee tricks taking away from boost bar

    `Scorpion shells with less splash damage

    `Wraiths shouldn't be able to shoot straight down to shoot successful hijackers off.

    `Fall damage off (already hinted at. why not? :) )

    Ermmm. I feel like I am forgetting something.
  2. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    Alright, I guess I'll go into more detail.

    - Leave bloom, but fix it. I don't like the no bloom thing.
    - AAs should be pickups. Except maybe sprint should be default.
    - Increase speed to 110%.
    - Grenade damage/radius needs tweaking.
    - PL needs to be slightly better. It's just not a power weapon anymore.
    - Maps need to start including OV and Camo again.
    - VIP
    - Fix Juggernaut.
    - Give Stockpile a one-sided option, like One-Flag.
    - I would love loadout specific traits for CUSTOMS.
    - Assassination glitches.
    - I guess melee-bleed.
    - Plasma weapons need to be returned to their BETA versions.
    - Covy slayer instead of Elite Slayer.
    - Jump height 125% and Gravity 150%.
  3. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    I like that you guys shoot for the moon, but even if this is a real title update (a patch, and not just a few new gametype settings) most of this stuff isn't going to happen. Resign yourself to it now. And if they did do most of what is being asked for here, it would fracture the Reach community and kill the game. There are certain changes I'd like made too just because they bother me personally, but I also know it would be too radical an adjustment for the entire community to handle, unless it's just a new gametype option that can be flicked off and on.

    Fascinating. I've played that map a few times now and my experience has been nothing like that. I usually have good games on it and have pushed to the other side of the map a lot. Maybe it's different playing against organized teams and not randoms, but I moved about pretty freely and spent a lot of time hanging out on the tower in the opposite base, just plugging people with a DMR and sniper. (Pretty much exactly what I loved to do on The Pit, in fact.) I don't think it's as good as The Pit, but it's fine.
  4. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
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    Can we just change the game to TF2? Cause most of your ideas are ridiculous. They are not going to limit tank and banshee shots. They are not going to remove Armor lock or Jetpack. Wanna know why? BECAUSE PEOPLE USE THEM. Thats like giving you $1000 and let you spend it, then taking the **** you just bought with it. I know that they WILL take away AA's in certain playlists, but not all together. A majority will still use the regular gametypes.

    And if you want the game to be more like Halo 1, 2, or 3. Go play the corresponding games. Whenever you are making a new game, you HAVE TO MOVE FORWARD. You guys just want the same game over and over. once it hit halo 3, there wasn't much you could do to improve it except add new, game changing features, like AA's. Armor lock doesn't need nerfed. If you get emp punched, you're a jackass. If you waste your grenades, you're a jackass. If you drive into a person armor locking, you're a jackass. If you shoot an armorlocker with an overcharged PP, and it comes back and hits you, You're DEFINITELY a jackass. You know what you can do? Wait for them to come out. Time your grenades. If you stay back out of range of the EMP, they will stay in armor lock until it runs out. Now stop crying about armor lock.

    Now there are some things I do agree with, such as the Focus rifle/Plasma launcher buff, and vehicle physics fixes. Maybe make the vehicle physics correspond to the gametype's gravity and what not. Melee bleed would also be nice aswell to counter the double melee-ers.

    I say don't think about what they are going to update, because if you do, you will start thinking what YOU WANT. and when you don't get what YOU WANT, YOU will be upset and dislike the game, and not see what THEY HAVE MADE and put out for YOU to enjoy.
  5. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Oh no. (armor lock war in 3... 2... 1...)
  6. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    Armor lock doesn't need remove, it needs serious nerfing. It'd be a big mistake not to.
  7. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    And there it is. (For the record and as briefly as possible: I side with people who want to nerf it, but not because I think it's super-overpowered - I just think it makes the game annoying, and has a few minor, irritating advantages built into it that it doesn't need to have to be effective.)
  8. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Pro Tip: If the AL argument picks back up, they will be considered spam. Tis not the thread for it.
  9. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    In addition to most of the lists above, force species in customs, for every gametype, at our own will. PLEASE.
    #49 Noxiw, Jun 30, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2011
  10. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    I agree with this sexy fellow above me.
  11. Vraith

    Vraith Forerunner

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    I guess I'll throw my two cents in since I have seen anyone mention it, but I'd like to see more options when it comes to head shots under the trait menus than "enabled", "unchanged" or "disabled", like one that would allow a sniper rifle to kill in one head shot and everything else in 2 or 3 shots. It would be mostly for the infection game type and alpha zombies so we can have tough zombies that are vulnerable to being taken down quickly from a few head shots from a pistol, dmr, or sniper rifle while keeping non-precision and non-power weapons a viable option, otherwise it will usually end up with humans running to the precision weapons or ignoring them over the other ones.

    Another option that I'd love to see is pick-up options have "human-only" and "covenant-only" added to prevent energy sword pick-up for infection games.
  12. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    The problem with saying "If you get emp punched, you're a jackass," is that you can be going in for a melee or be in a tight corridor when they go into AL and pop out almost IMMEDIATELY to hit you with the emp before you can backpedal far enough away. So I must say, that you, mr. cheez, are the jackass.
  13. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    Are we talking about things we want in an update? Or the fact that they announced an update? Because this is just another Bitching thread now...

    Anyway, I am really glad that this thread existed because from it. I realized that Waypoint, is the new B.net.

    It is now my top bookmark.
  14. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    What does everyone mean by melee bleed?
  15. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    If you lower someones shields to practically nothing in Halo 3, and then puch them, it also takes the appropriate amount of health away too.

    If you do it in Reach, even when they only have something like 1% shields, it just pops the shields, nothing more.
  16. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    This keeps the AR from being bullshit.
  17. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    But it's a stupid solution to a minor problem. Besides the AR is already kept from being bullshit by its retardedly small clip. I hate that lousy gun (outside of classic playlist, that is). It's the weapon of choice if you like reloading mid-battle, I guess.
  18. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    Was there any doubt this would be the case?
  19. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    i hope they make it so health packs recharge your shields every time or make them affect the health bar only. nothing worse than your shields getting busted, only to not be able to pick up a health pack and recharge since you didn't get shot one more time to dent your health.
  20. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    That's a nice, simple idea that would really make a world of difference. I don't know if it makes sense for a health pack to restores shields though :\

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