Halo 4 Possible ARG "Mission Icelfy"

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by n3rdness, Jun 28, 2011.

  1. n3rdness

    n3rdness Forerunner

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    "Mission Icelfy" Discussion Thread

    Edit, goddamnit.

    So apparently the Mission Icefly website has been updated since the end of the countdown and the video the was put up here has just scramblefucked everyone's theorys as to what the hell is going on.

    Whoever is behind all this has sunk more money into it than everyone initially thought. just watch the video in the link to see what I mean. The offer still stands for both options, wether it be a game ARG, or some cluster**** marketing campaign for chewing gum that has been blow WAY out of proportion.

    No one knows what the **** is going on now. At this point I don't even care wether or not it's Halo 4; I just want to be a game.Feel free to keep chatting about your theories here, but we're pretty sure it's not about Halo 4.

    I wasn't quite sure where post this considering there isn't a Halo 4 subforum yet so I'll just leave this here.

    I recently happened across this shimmering hope of some sort of ARG, Codenamed Mission Icefly, possibly linked to the upcoming Halo 4. To do the rest of the explaining, I'm going to be a lazy bastard by copy/pasting a lengthy description of what the **** I'm talking about from BlastMagazine.com. In my opinion, this event could be big enough that we are all entitled to started freaking out like crazed fanboys. Just sayin'.
    "A new website known as Mission Icefly has popped up on the internet, looking for test subjects, and if the rumors are true — it’s got something to do with Halo 4.
    The site, which features a rather lengthy warning, along with a spot to sign in and take a pretty psychedelic questionnaire popped up recently and has everyone guessing just what it could be. Here’s where things get interesting. The site is reportedly registered to the same team who created the iheartbees.com alternate reality game for Halo 3. A rumor also suggests that select people were given motorized ice flies at the Microsoft press conference at this year’s E3.
    One Bungie.net forum user reports that he signed up for the ARG and has already recieved his packet. “I received my package a few days ago. It contained one of the helicopter-LEDs that were dropped, and another slip of paper. It read: “We are both creatures of the senses, you and I – we inhabit the same reality, simmering just below the perceivable world.THE PULSE IS GROWING. CAN YOU FEEL IT?” (The design of the paper which the LED is attached to allows it to glide and spin in the air, like a helicopter) The site has also been updated with a number of US Cities. The cities included are Los Angeles, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Portland, Dallas, Washington D.C., Nashville, Chicago, Denver, Orlando, Seattle, Boston, New York, San Francisco, and Atlanta. No clue what the cities mean, but we’ll keep you updated.
    So, what do we know for sure? Absolutely nothing. Stick with Blast for more."

    So yeah, another link to the IceFly website is here, under the URL testsubjectsneeded.com. You get to take some sort of sensory test and learn some **** about a Human Preservation Project. Aparently, after finishing this test and filling out a user profile with your mailing address, they send you a package with one of those LED helicopters in it.
    Some people are convinced that it has nothing to do with Halo, but rather some other game. Some even think it's a promotional for 5 Gum. I do however disagree, as it is stated in the article that the site is made by very same company that composed the iheartbees ARG for Halo 3.
    Everyone, go do some sluething, take the test, whatever. When the countdown clock on the homepage reaches zero, some sort of physical test is going to take place in the cities listed above in the red. If any of you guys live in any of those cities, I would definitely look into this.

    I have already take the test, signed up, etc. When and if I receive anything in the mail, I will update this thread, possibly with pics.
    #1 n3rdness, Jun 28, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2011
  2. broccollipie

    broccollipie Ancient

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    Sorry for being stoopid. But what's an ARG?
  3. Skater

    Skater Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Alternate Reality Game
  4. broccollipie

    broccollipie Ancient

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    What, you mean with like a helmet thing? Oh, wait, that's virtual reality.
    I'll look it up.

    EDIT: Oh, you mean foam guns and such?
  5. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    This is a dead page.

    Senior Member

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    Its for 5 Gum. It makes so much sense.

    edit: this has been the first ARG ive participated in, and the high likelihood that 5 Gum IS behind it, makes me never want to play an ARG again.
    #6 LIGHTSOUT225, Jun 29, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2011
  7. alreadyRogue

    alreadyRogue Forerunner

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    Read the Privacy Policy, all it talks about is games. So it could be for halo 4 or another game.

    It also reads 'games' so it may be like a center for collecting beta testers for many games. IDK

    Senior Member

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    good find. that'd be cool. I may still have a little hope yet.
  9. n3rdness

    n3rdness Forerunner

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    An ARG is like a promotional campaign that releases information about games. It's sort of like what they did with iheartbees for Halo 3 or how Valve did their own super intricate ARG for Portal 2 over a year before it was released.

    It has nothing to do with virtual reality or foam guns (?).

    Edited by merge:

    It may not be for Halo 4, but we know it's for a game. It's traced to the same people that constructed the ARG for Halo 3 and the privacy policy and some disclaimer information is definitely full of game ****, talking about in-game messages and such.

    The reason everyone suspects Halo is because it's made by those people. It's very likely that Microsoft would hire them again for promotional reasons, but it's very unlikely that a gum company would go to this length, constructing an expensive looking site, releasing thousands of LED helicopters at Bonaroo, and mailing **** to people's houses, just to promote chewing gum.
    #9 n3rdness, Jun 30, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2011
  10. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    well as for sleuthing, i've just filled out the info to receive one of those packages. i'll tell you guys what it holds once it arrives but until then your guess is as good as mine. if this IS for h4 it should be getting a LOT more attention than it is currently.
  11. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
    Senior Member

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    Well we will figure out something in eleven hours.
  12. Reign

    Reign Forerunner

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    I doubt its an ARG for Halo 4, but if it is it probably won't reveal much about H4.
  13. BubblegumJam

    BubblegumJam Ancient
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    Go read this article. Looks like it is possible Icefly is promotional for Bungie Aerospace.
    From the article. What do you guys think. And if not for bungie aero space Its probly for Harebrained Schemes codenamed "Crimson"
    #13 BubblegumJam, Jun 30, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2011
  14. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Do they ship the ARG packages to Canada and will I have to pay for it?
  15. n3rdness

    n3rdness Forerunner

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    That was the only other thing anyone could come up with as a possible lead besides Halo 4, but considering it's by Bungie and we don't know anything about Aerospace in the first place, it could very well be an ARG for that.

    Everyone thought of Halo because the test is similar to an introductory test to find users eligible to become Spartans. That, along with whatever the Human Preservation Project is, makes everyone snap to that conclusion.

    Edited by merge:

    I have no idea, but that would be worth looking into, considering about 20% of everyone on this site does not reside in the continental united states.
    #15 n3rdness, Jun 30, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2011
  16. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    wouldnt it be funny if it was a bag of poop
  17. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Sigh. If the ARG was made by the same people who made ILoveBees, so what? The company who made ILoveBees is now a very well known Alternate Reality Game maker. It doesn't mean ANYTHING.
  18. n3rdness

    n3rdness Forerunner

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    You're right. The only reason people suspect it is because 343 is one of the few companies they've ever worked with to compose something of this scale. The only reason I made this is so people would be aware of it, not just to say HAY LOOK GUIZE THIS IS DFINITELY 100% AN ARG FOR HALO 4. If that's what it sounded like then I apologize.

    Also, thank you to whoever moved this to the correct subforum.
  19. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Thank you for posting this. I really like this sort of thing.
  20. n3rdness

    n3rdness Forerunner

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    So do I. When the ARG for Portal 2 was unfolding, it kept me on the edge of my seat wondering what the hell someone was going to figure out next. ARGs have proven to be a very effective promotional tactic, if only for myself.

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