Alright guys? Im forgedevil / forged evil / evil / FD or just Rob, depending on what you want to call me =D choices choices lol im not your reg Reach player as in yes i love doing forge maps, (mainly ones which have no set pattern, just large scale war type slayer maps, my newest being a covi battleship beached with a boarding party set to distroy the UNSC cliff side base) but i more or less HATE playing matchmaking, would rather spend all my time in custom games if i could. Anyway, chat to me here on msn = or 360 = Forgedevil always up for a custom game or 10 lol
How's it going Forged Evil? I Think Forge Devil sounds better Anyways, welcome to forgehub! Hope you enjoy your will be staying, won't you?
yes yes, i will be staying, getting my maps tested and with luck becoming a regular tester myself... you see i like testing people if you get the pun (yes im just that lame lol)
Hey welcome to forgehub, Nibbles said no memes in the intros section so this will be straightforward. Read these rules before you post your map: Forge Hub - Announcements in Forum : Halo: Reach Custom Content Read the forum rules all together. Have fun. Join TGIF, it's one of the best ways to get to know the community. Get to know the Rank System, it'll help you understand who the members with the funky colored names are. POST YERR MAPS trololololololololololol. Anyways, WELCOME TO FORGEHUB!
Hey evil welcome to our hub of forge. Here youll find is a bunch of sweaty guys abusing you friendly forging community were you can share your maps and get feedback. My only advice to you is: make sure that your map posts are up to standards. Have fun!
Welcome to this fine hub of forge, Forgedevil. Follow the rules and participate in community events and you should feel right at home. We have some great resources here like the Testers' Guild and Review Hub, but I think the best part of Forge Hub is the community itself. Good luck to you sir.
i lol'd =D anyways thanks for the welcome guys, hopefully i will become so popular here i can over take bungie in the ruling of the world! ether that or get some maps processed :S Feel free to add me on 360 = Forgedevil always up for a custom game
ohai, I see you enjoy a good ol' testing session now and then... So, I'd like to take this moment to give some selfless guild promotion, that being the Tester's Guild. Take a looksie and see if it suits your fancy Welcome to Forge Hub.