What would you want in a second Forgeworld?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Talons013, Mar 29, 2011.

  1. I Black I Eye I

    I Black I Eye I Ancient
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    would be epic :D
    infection standard gametypes tend to get boring without such special things :p
  2. BrokenEye

    BrokenEye Forerunner
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    I'd like some swampy terrain maybe. There aren't very many swampy Halo maps.

    Bring back the Elephants, and make them forgable.

    More than just two lights.

    How about a Forgeworld that's in space? That would be cool.

    Ladders. We need ladders. And why not? They've got ladders in campaign.

    Bring back some of the old Halo 3 vehicles like Hornets and Choppers. Not Prowlers though. Prowlers kinda sucked.

    Special FX that aren't crap

    Being able to forge pools of water using the "shape" function to determine the area. Relying on the existing ocean is too restrictive.

    Larger versions of the Colosseum Walls. Keep the current versions, but add larger versions as well.

    Being able to change the vehicle colors on more than just the Mongeese and the Shades.

    Forgeable target locaters (don't work if the target is under a roof, obviously)

    Forgeable civilian vehicles (forklifts, carts, etc)

    Have a warehouse location like in Foundry

    You know the EMP beam from Tempest? Make a forgeable one of those, or just forgeable shafts of light in general. Also the gravlift column from Spire.

    Forgeable plants.

    Circular pieces that are smaller than the circular ramps. Also ones that are larger than the dishes. Also a dome piece.

    A bar piece, like on the antenna small, but without all that additional stuff on it.

    More types of glass pieces

    Flood-themed Structure pieces, for creating Flood-infected maps

    More Scenery pieces. Like the laptop computers, generators, barrels, and weapon drop pods they had it Halo 3. Also those foam-lined cases the weapons come in in campaign.

    Forgable holograms, like the holograms in certain parts of the Halo 3 campaign, or from Club Erata

    More sizes of doors and windows.

    Being able to change the time of day on the map

    Wreckage-themed structure and scenery pieces

    Maybe some light fixtures, instead of just the orbs of light

    Looped moving pieces, like the wheel on Last Resort, the elevator on Reflection, the conveyor belt from Colossus, or the out of control maglev train on Terminal. Maybe also cogwheels and propellers.

    Triggerable gates and doors, like on Last Restort and High Ground

    Chain-link fences

    Breakable computer monitors, like on Sword Base and Condemned. Or just computer monitors in general.

    Some way to forge the Pelicans and Phantoms that hover over the invading team spawn and extraction point in Invasion. Or have them landed in the background. You know, not as a drivable vehicle, but as a decorative piece. Maybe Spirits too. Ooh, and crashed versions, like in Valhalla, Sandtrap, and Highlands.

    Maybe resurrect some of the deleted vehicles from the other games like the Doozy, and the Grackle


    Forgable turrets, so you don't have to use stationary Hogs and tanks

    The Heretic versions of the Covie vehicles (like in Halo 2 campaign)

    UNSC, Covie, Heretic Covie, and civilian-industrial themed scenery pieces. Also ancient ruins-themed pieces.

    In invasion, be able to set parts to explode when the phase changes, instead of just disappearing.

    Resizable kill-balls. Or maybe even kill-cubes or kill-walls.

    Something like the soccer ball and the golf ball, except instead of being a sports ball, its made out of metal (or something).

    A piece that's like the grid, but instead of being transparent, make it reflective.

    EMP Warthogs, or some sort of vehicle with an EMP gun on it.


    Man-cannons with manually-adjustable trajectory and power


    How are we going to get the Bungie guys to read this list?
    #42 BrokenEye, May 15, 2011
    Last edited: May 15, 2011
  3. Lolmeister

    Lolmeister Forerunner

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    Bring Back the Beam Rifle and SMGs.
  4. Exile

    Exile Forerunner

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    Like i said in another thread, we should get hills in the natural section that we could merge into the ground like we do with rocks now to addapt the terrain as we wish.
  5. BattyMan

    BattyMan Ancient
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    I want deeper shadows. I want everything that isn’t facing the sun to be an unavoidable black pit that sucks in all light and distinguishable features from everything that surrounds it. I want an interior section that leads into an imperceivable swamp of blacks and grays, I want this room to feel so oppressive that moving around in it feels like trudging through tar no matter how open the actual map is.
  6. McTats

    McTats Forerunner

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    I was actually thinking about making a topic like this but saw this one; OP should edit his first post with reasonable suggestions from people on here and maybe someone at 343 will see it; maybe anyway.

    -The obvious:

    Budget and item limit: Make it unlimited. We don't need devs holding our hands when making maps. People know when to delete something if it's causing lag, because even the most casual of forgers want to make their make playable it's not like some no life goes around getting full parties for custom games just to purposely load up a 0.01 FPS map.

    Hard-coded safe zones: Make it an option to have them rather than forcing people to stay inside of a tiny area simply because it looks prettier than the other 98% of the map. Anyone that's ever been outside of forge world knows of the giant completely FLAT area outside of it that is solid ground and much bigger than what some consider a big map. If you are a constant forger then you surely have run into the problem of having no room left to finish the other part of your map because of a damned mountain or hill.

    Undo: I've accidentally moved or deleted an important object countless times and then had to tirelessly put it back in place. I mean, come on, paint has it of all things. It wouldn't even have to go back that far. Maybe 3 steps back at most and each sequence of back/front would be from when you had last let go of an object, closed the editing menu of an object, or deleted something.

    Same XYZ co-ordinates: Really this should be a given. All items should already line up on exactly the same co-ordinates.

    The other stuff:

    Camera: Option to turn off the auto zoom in when rotating or creating an object. Ever put something to far in the ground? Camera zooms in to where you can't see anything; it's a major bug.

    'Prioritize this object': Whenever an object overlaps the game can't decide which it should show so it flickers where the 2 overlap. Simple solution is to code in a solution and making it available for the forger by putting it in on the 'edit object' menu. What it would do is have an 'auto-detect flickering' type deal and prioritizing one of the objects would get rid of the flickering. I'm not sure how to explain it because it would probably be complicated to but in, but if they put none of the other suggestions in except this, that would still fly with me.

    Scaling objects: Self explanatory.

    Deletion tool: Sort of like how you can adjust radius and everything for kill zones, you adjust the size of this. Part of an object sticking out? Want to make a window? Use this tool to delete it. In the hole's place, there will be default edges on the inside so there is some sort of texture for the area and a new hit box will be formed in the hole. Obviously this may take a few seconds to actually have happen but obviously wouldn't be a huge deal.

    More terrain objects: Trees, rocks, etc. Also being able to delete already placed trees and rocks to help prevent any possible lag that may occur.

    More vehicles: Not like the scarab or something ridiculous like that, but things that come to mind are the phantom, pelican, forklift, civy buggies, and whatever the name of the spaceship you use in campaign is called. You know, things that are already usable......

    Vehicle customization/vehicle stats: Simply put, being able to choose whether you want a vehicle to have a certain weapon or not (passenger warthogs and falcons for example) . Changing the health/power stats of an individual weapon or vehicle (mg's never overheating, changing reload times, 50% health, 2000% damage, no movement, etc.).

    Disappear after X amount of time: <----

    That's it for now I don't feel like typing the rest out, might edit in more later. Tell me what you guys think of this.
  7. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Forge Island
    Welcome to this tropical paradise, completely surrounded by water. On the windward side, the breathe from the ocean is full of water, making a lush tropical forest area, dense with trees, rocks, and paths cutting through the grassy hills.

    Moving south along the coast, we see the terrain dry a little, forming open areas and mists that enshroud the lagoon.

    Continuing along the coast, we reach the leeward side, where the desert tropical environment makes for wide open sandy and rocky terrain.

    Continuing up north, we find ourselves in very rugged and dangerous slopes, with rivers cutting through, forming water falls and torrents of waves crashing over rocks. To traverse a good part of this area, we need to forge bridges.

    As we look Mauka, we see the volcano in the center, spewing ash and spits of lava into the air.

    This is the picture of the next forge world I would like to see. the palette should NOT be of a forerunner architecture, though some may be present; but rather simple, human architecture and tropical wood architecture for walls, doors, ceilings, etc. I would love to forge buildings and ships to have walls and doors that look similar to board walk (white and smooth) and count down (steel and industrial). also, some bamboo or simple drift wood to use as hut wall material would be great, especially tiki torches!
    #47 MrGreenWithAGun, May 28, 2011
    Last edited: May 28, 2011
  8. I am 50tyson

    I am 50tyson Forerunner

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    pretty much a far cry 2 map maker,but i'm not complaining at all because forgeworld is awesome
  9. ScareCrow813

    ScareCrow813 Forerunner

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    In Forge World 2 i would like it bigger and have 4 of the major terrains it(Sand, Snow/ice, Water/Swamp, Grass/mountains. It would also be cool if you could chose the time of day like Day time or Night time.
  10. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    Some cool ideas in here. I agree with most of them, the main ones being an undo button, a group select tool (selecting multiple objects to move at once), and more varying terrain. A lot of people have said about new objects, which would be cool, but IMO theres a lot of objects there, and it would be hard to come up with more things that arent already covered. Keep in mind I said it would be hard, not impossible, so dont call me on that :p.

    I would like to see more skins/textures for the basic objects in the Structures section so that we can make a change from the sea of greyness, and make maps more visually appealing. Things like wood, stone/rock/limestone, corrugated iron (think shipping containers like H3 Forge), UNSC industrial, and maybe more than being able to change only border colours and lights on certain objects, and be able to turn lights off on objects to reduce lag. I purposely left Covie skins out because Covenant architecture is mainly curved surfaces, which would be hard to Forge and wouldnt fit with other objects. Maybe if there were a Covenant themed area it would be more plausible, but not for general forging.

    Definitely need scaling, more accurate object nudging (as in more decimals), and something I dont think anyone has touched on yet, customizable Forge controls. Not a hassle for most, but Id like to be able to toggle soft object movement instead of having to hold the thumbstick in.

    And to reiterate on the group selection tool, it could be easily allocated to the right trigger, as that does nothing when youre in Monitor mode. If you put your reticle over an object and pull the trigger, it should be highlighted, and subsequent trigger pulls either selected more or deselected more. Group Select options would be basic, like Delete All Selected and Nudge Selected.

    Another idea should be an object list that shows everything youve used and how many youve used. When you click on an object in the list you can scroll through and snap to each one of those instead of having to manually find an item you want. Another benefit of this would be being able to find out of place, or out of reach objects that may have gotten stuck in walls or fallen into a kill zone (like out of bounds areas or into water). This has happened to me a few times, and I didnt want to delete all of those objects as that would have been pain in my assholes.

    Cant think of anything else, but I think Ive rambled on for long enough.
  11. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I like the idea of changing the surface texture. If we can make a smooth wall, and be able to change the colors (even just a few color choices, like white, grey, sand, black, brown), that would open the door for unlimited applications.
  12. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    A recreation of sandbox but with human/covenant parts would be great. :)
  13. physcopirahna6

    physcopirahna6 Ancient
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    If there was a Second Forge World I would have to say something similar to the original forge world but instead of the main map being Blood Gulch, it would be Sidewinder (Not Avalanche F*@k that) perhaps the maps outside would be a place for Lock out ( Not Black out) maybe the Island to replaced by an icy version a Timberland, or somewhere ahve a version of Boarding Action. An inside area to perhaps be like Waterworks.

    The objects would have to be similar to snowbound likt objects, and lockout. Maybe a mix between Forrunner and Covenant.
  14. SickBow

    SickBow Forerunner

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    ooo i like this thread alort. great opportunity to get my creative juices churning in my head. okay lets see heaw... geometry, i would definitely appreciate a wide open map, right in the middle of space. a nice vista of planets and astroid belts to look onto with of course plenty of stars. just an area were you could create your own space station kinda thing. however this probably wouldn't work out so well because of a couple of things. there would be difficulties for bungie trying to find a way to regulate gravity inside and outside of your structure. maybe the first appearance of forge-able gravity zones!? that which is similar to death boundaries and soft kill zones but with gravity restraints. hmmm.. if not a space map i would like a snow forgeworld or a giant metal ground/construction area suitable for building cities from the ground up. as foar objects and palette options.... I WUNT CIVI VEHICLES NAOW!!!!! especially the semi-truck and flex (i think thats what you call them) the ones on winter contingency. thats at the top of my list.. then it goes trees, fences, ladders, stairs,(not slopes!) roads, less forunner based objects and more human based stuff. you know? and i want clean sheets of glass so we dont have to work around the way that decoration one is made in forgeworld. OH i almost forgot, wooden pallets. that is all.
  15. somebody

    somebody Forerunner

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    a lot

    If there was a new forge world I would definitely want different locations: desert, snow, mountain, forest. I want to be able to edit the world layout as well, as in raising the ground to make a hill, or carving through the ground to make a canyon or cave.
    Being able to snap all of your work together to move it to a different location would also be nice. Nighttime would make a lot of cool maps.
    Items- cages, trees, water, wires, a griffball you can throw (for quidditch hah).
  16. Los Jefe

    Los Jefe Forerunner

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    An undo button would be great. A way to like highlight and move more than one object. more natural elements. also PELICANS AND PHANTOMS!!!!
  17. BigWillMcD

    BigWillMcD Forerunner

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    I would want a large water area with no depth limit, more buildings, like wood and Covie, the Chopper back, able to make custom Firefight maps, way more curved items, ways to shift gravity, more items that move, bigger budget, terrain altering, change more options of items, more vehicles, and able to combine 2+ items to fit a certain place.
    Those are my ideas. i'm sorry if i repeat anyone's. i need a way to fix my map Echolocation. its 2 subs outside of Forge and i need to figure out torpedos and no more water inside
  18. UnholiestVirus

    UnholiestVirus Ancient
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    Far cry map editor
  19. Dino

    Dino Forerunner
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    I want a map editor much like the one in Far Cry. That's what a lot of all of your suggestions sound like to me, Far Cry. If they can't get away with that then I agree fully with making different islands with different types of terrains, especially snow, and have a blizzard occur every once in a while, but with snow at all times and mountains in some areas. Then across the map there should be another island that's a volcano and the higher you get the smoke gets thicker. And a desert with shrubs and a oasis of some sort. Maybe let us put our own trees down as well, that was one of my all time favorite things from Far Cry. And make sure the trees have roots so if you want an uprooted tree it is more realistic. I loved in Tempest, they allowed you to lay down dry wood for the beach, but it wasn't enough, I wanted real trees.
  20. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Well if they could put anything on reach... sandbox and all the halo 3 forge items with reach mechanics would be awesome. Also if they were to make other forge worlds, I would hope they would be smaller or offer a segment tool where only a selectable area is usable and rendered. would help rendering problems that currently exist. Also a turn shadow on off button.... and probably a million other things. I also think a change type... I don't know if anyone made Tony hawks maps but you could change pallet... eg industrial, natural etc and that changed objects appearance and colouring depending on the setting. I'm sure with updates these or similar ideas could be updated onto reach.
    #60 timmypanic, Jun 28, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2011

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