Episodes one and two can be viewed on youtube. Please check them out and provide feedback. we don't want our work to go unnoticed. YouTube - THE LAST DAWN-Chapter One: "Contact" (Halo Reach Machinima)‏ Chapter 1. YouTube - THE LAST DAWN-Chapter Two: "Hard Clubbin" (Halo Reach Machinima)‏ Chapter 2 Thanks.
This is pretty good so far, the only thing I dislike about it is that you only see action when your with Scout, and there is to much humor with Micheal and Daniel
Ahem, Scout is a bit of a bad ass, so of course there would be action with him. Micheal and "KURT" however, have not yet "rolled up in that ****, yo" Yet. But do not worry, as it is coming. Currently my partner is laughing at how my character's name is so forgettable. Thanks for the feedback, really. Also, keep watching and know that it is a comedy/action, but we shall include much more action, thanks again. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Ahem, bump. and also, we realize that you may have been confused when one of the Spartans called Kurt "Samuel"
Im sorry, I just cant take this too seriously. Its like your trying to do a RvB with serious undertones and it just doesnt work well. Thats my opinion anyway. Voice work and video is good though, its he story im not crazy about.
But we're not. Just because there are a group of reds and blues doesn't mean anything. No undertones, this is all original. Glad you couldn't take it TOO seriously, it's a comedy/action. That said, wish you would have watched the third episode rather than these two, it's much more entertaining. But thanks for assuming.
I watched these and 3. none impressed me. And I didnt say this was like RvB becaus it was with red and blue main characters. I feel this way because it is a similar premise, with much less explanation. Besides that I didnt really laugh or even chuckle at any of this attempted humor. I dont say this to be mean or anything and I do get this takes a lot of work, but the story and characters just dont grab me. You wanted feedback, here's something other than "nice work".