Remake Lockout

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Yama, Jun 24, 2011.

  1. Yama

    Yama Forerunner

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    Lockout (1:1)


    "Some believe this remote facility was once used to study The Flood. But few clues remain amidst the snow and ice."

    I quote the original description in the Halo 2 manual for no reason other than accuracy, that is the same amount of accuracy that was taken into consideration when creating this 1:1 version of the amazing Lockout.

    The problem with Lockout remakes is that there are so many of them. Everyone wanted to be first! The difference here is we wanted to be last! We've went through near one hundred remakes, analyzing and picking them apart from the ground up. Eventually my partner and I decided to start the project, one that would take countless 12 hour days of sitting with Halo 2's Lockout on one monitor and Reach's Forge on the other - side by side.

    Every trick jump, every line of sight, every angle. 1:1 scale. This is by far the most accurate Lockout available, I'll put my account on the line in saying this. All I ask is that you spread the word and enjoy it.

    Pick up this map and shoot the barrels and catch the sniper in mid-air, like you used to do. No, seriously... you can even do that in this version.

    Please watch the video below for more information:

    YouTube - ‪Halo Reach Competitive Maps : Lockout‬‏








    Thank you for the support!
    #1 Yama, Jun 24, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2011
  2. pajama dad

    pajama dad Forerunner

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    This was built using standard reach settings? How does it play with more classic jumps settings?

    From the video: Its nice that you were able to put all the trick jumps in, but that comes at a cost of having columns in odd places. It makes the map look terrible in places.
  3. Yama

    Yama Forerunner

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    The video is an earlier build, the final version is in my file share. Regardless, there are some oddities admittedly, but playability really did come first here and everything was retained.

    It plays fine for both standard and classic, even better for classic though as the scale is 1:1 and sprint can make the map feel small at times.
  4. pajama dad

    pajama dad Forerunner

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    Agreed on the sprint, I asked because you were sprinting to hit the jump from the top lift platform to the bottom corner of the tower ramp (which works fine in good builds with classic settings on).

    I downloaded and ran through the map. I don't think the retention of the all the nuanced jumps is worth the odd looking architecture and oddly placed columns. I don't recall if there were any other issues I noticed.

    however, taking those out makes your map just the same as everyother good remake of lockout, and for those who like that nuanced gameplay... I wouldn't change it.
  5. PeteTacular 42

    PeteTacular 42 Forerunner

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    From br tower, it looks like you can jump to the top of the building to the left. I know you probably put a soft kill zone there, but players could still use it to get to places easier. Is it possible you could build up so players can't jump on top like that?

    I love the accuracy on this map, but I still feel no maps are deserving to be called by the original. It's FW, and you have limitations no matter what. I think it's more suiting to come up with an original name. Just leave the description the same, as everyone will know what you're talking about.
  6. Elephantidis23

    Elephantidis23 Forerunner

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    Does it still have the super bounces? haha jk looks great
  7. broccollipie

    broccollipie Ancient

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    Mind bogglingly accurate.
    So the jumps are harder to make, or have you taken into account the different physics?
  8. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    I agree that the object use appears to be innefficient in several places, but the only ramp I see that's too steep compared to the original is the one leading up to the sniper tower and maybe the one leading up the left side of the BR tower (if facing toward it from mid). The green hallways is not too narrow, I checked.

    Great remake sir. Don't let the aesthetic hiccups some people have mentioned convince you to sacrifice the nuanced trick jumps and details you've added to make it look prettier. My only question is frame-rate. I noticed a little lag when you were jumping up to the top of the BR tower by way of the small satellite piece.
  9. Yama

    Yama Forerunner

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    Sadly I was forced to use older videos and images. Don't worry, that along with many other things have been amended. The download link is to the updated and refined version.

    Thanks, glad to hear it. And I won't, especially considering a certain individual was a prime suspect in hijacking one of my other threads.

    Glad to see the positive feedback, download and enjoy the final build.

    If you would kindly watch the video and understand what made Lockout what it is and how much of that has been retained, then you may be able to appreciate the effort here.

    Thanks a bunch. They should be equally as easy or difficult as they were in Halo 2, the different physics were amended for the best they could be while retaining 1:1 size. Of course due to that, aesthetically some things had to be added in that otherwise wouldn't be as they take away from the look. But playability was of number one importance here, as it should be with anything in regards to Lockout.
    #9 Yama, Jul 11, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2011
  10. Yama

    Yama Forerunner

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    Not at all, you came off in a completely different manner last time, one which admittedly I may have mis-perceived. I respect and even appreciate the criticism, but it does seem one sided when you fail to even mention the overwhelming amount of good things and accurate assets in the map. Yet ironically everyone else who has played it has enjoyed the map. The Refinery thread, same thing. Tons of positive outlook and then yours, mentioning nothing other than a couple of nit picking issues and completely blowing them out of proportion. I'm all for the criticism, just want you to look at both sides in the future. A lot of thought and consideration go into all of my work.

    Listen, it's not perfect, I agree. Nothing to me will be as good as Lockout or even deserve the name, but it was an attempt. One that at least stayed true more so than the matchmaking version that retained 1/10th of the jumps, trick jumps, etc. If you prefer other versions, by all means, play them. I truly do appreciate the criticism, but the map is more or less a final build at this point and those who play it will surely enjoy it, it's not simply just another remake that is nothing but visuals. Does it have flaws? Sure, all remakes do. Does it have less flaws? More or less, that was the point in making it.

    You are entitled to your opinion, I respect that and you as a person. Your feedback is also taken into consideration for any similar projects in the future, because it is far from wrong. However, I'd also like for you to see the positive and successful routes along side the minor flaws, that is usually what a fair critique consists of.

    Take care Hulter.

    P.S. Nice to see someone else understand the grenade properties in Reach. I actually had a video up detailing some of the games mechanics and oddities, they were one of them.
    #10 Yama, Jul 11, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2011

    AMALGAMATIQN Forerunner

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    You should've listed this as a remake, but I definitely like this map. It's one of the more accurate, well-forged Lockout remakes that I've ever seen. I really loved Lockout back when I played Halo 2, and this definitely reminds me of it. Nice work.

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