I've seen turrets blasted off of almost every vehicle through many games of big team and invasion, so I think it's possible to do for almost everything but just difficult to get right. I don't have the time to go through and figure all that out any more, but it would be great if you took the initiative and found all the ways to do it.
Right now I only know how to do it in two ways, one you have to blast the gun off, but it is difficult, The easiest way is in forge, I just thought It would be great for Machinima, but I will try to keep searching for ways.
Amazing post, it's taught me a lot i didn't know and i thought i knew quite a few tricks lol. I'll definately be using this in the future, the ladder trick looks awesome!
I don't know if it is just my computer but I can't read the tips because some of the text goes of screen and yes I have scrolled over and it is still not there.
I have a short tip. It's not really a trick, it's just something I use. I started the habit of forging with my Elite player model, so that I can make sure all my maps are elite-friendly. I suggest others do likewise.
i can NEVER get jump pads or ladders to work despite tediously following the steps of the tutorials and countless retries and improvisions. perhaps they've been patched?
Both of these glitches depend on integral parts of the reach physics engine that can't just be patched. For the ladder try looking down on the object and holding down the left joystick as you move it to get more precise movements. If you're having trouble with the jump pad you can download the map it was first used for and just copy the structure exactly. Lag may prevent it from working properly in forge.
Ladders can be tricky to get right, especially if the Antennae are used, the best bet is to have the ladder as a flat surface to avoid catching it on the way up.
Pyro's dealing with some **** right now so he can't finish it atm. As I have part of the update (as I'm going to be replacing and adding videos for the various sections), I can tell you in concrete terms that it's coming, don't know when.
We've come a long way since Rolfero started this over a year ago. Everything here is reformatted and rewritten to be easily understandable and to include explanations as to why most of these things work in addition to new diagrams and videos for those that were lacking or subpar before. Merry Christmas Forge Hub, pyro
I have a video on my channel for a tutorial on a better weapon vending machine AHRF Forge Tutotrials #1: Dispensers - YouTube
CE ladders in Reach. Forge Universal: CE Ladders in Forge World!! - YouTube http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-forge-discussion/138772-ce-ladders-reach.html