The tab only showed "Skyrim Pre-orders get a Leg-" I was really, really hoping that it said "Lego _____ ". I am disappoint.
Haha and all the fools on the Skyrim forum thought they were going to get conned out of the map and forced to pay hard earned cash for the limited edition. Everyone gets a map!
I merged your threads, because after you all decided to blatantly ignore the "no duplicate threads rule" you turned it into a legitimate thread. So, once again ONE thread ONE location. If anybody is upset, thinking they should get credit for starting a large thread, here is a list of how to overcome that issue; (1) Stop whining (2) Get your priorities in order (3) Grow some balls (4) Realize that the number of posts in a meaningless thread is pointless, and a pitiful attempt at reassuring your confidence. (5) Grow some real balls. (6) Apologize to stick for being stupid in his direction when he tried to direct you towards the already-created thread (7) Eat some Ice Cream (8) I lied there is no Ice Cream!!! (9) Grow even more real balls. (10) ??? (11) Profit
^lol. That someone would take the time to make that video shows that that person has too much time on their hands. On another note, I love that music. @Reflex I didnt even know the other thread was still active. I started posting in the thread monkeyrantz started first, so I stuck to that one. Dont care that they're merged though, at least you didnt close both of them like some other mods would have... *COUGHnibsCOUGH* ;D Love you, nibs.
Yeah I didn't realize that there was another thread, and didn't want to necro-post, but I guess that only applies to dead map threads. My apologies to Stick and Reflex.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim PS3 and Xbox 360 mod kit a possibility after launch -- PlayStation Universe Perhaps it isn't much of a step forward from the last time we heard of it, but at least they're working on it somewhat.
New video with actual in game sounds!!!!!!!! YouTube - Gamespot Skyrim Gameplay with Real Sounds‏
Twenty-five question interview with some new information! Skyrim Fan Interview - Bethesda Softworks Forums
I heard the highlights from this earlier, but I'm still very wary of the armor situation. It's easy to say there's more variety, but how does that really play out? Will they still ruin the high level armors by making them abundant at higher player levels? Is there anything to this customization that has been hinted at?
Indeed; while it should never be that abundant, it probably shouldn't be quite as rare as Morrowind, either. Finding a random piece on one of the many rocks of a multi-tier waterfall in a derelict cave was ridiculous, even if it was exciting. I believe there were only two complete sets and a few different helmets. One was worn by a hardcore NPC, while the other was strewn about the land with no rhyme or reason. That might be asking a little too much.
I was a little pissed to hear that there will be armour sets, like in Fallout, but then realised that I dont really care. Sounds like there will be Helms, Cuirass/Greaves, Gauntlets and Boots. Would be cool if we could wear robes and things over the armour like in Morrowind, but I dont think that will be possible in the initial release (PC modders, ahoy!). Still, you guys arent going to hear from me from 11/11/11 til about mid 2012. Seriously, Im going to immerse myself in this game when it comes out. Actually, it will probably be more like 20/11/11, as the games from the site I buy from usually dont arrive until about a seven working days after the release date. Still, Id rather pay <$40 and wait a week than pay around $120. But I digress. What kind of specs do you think Skyrim will need for PC? Im thinking about buying a new lappy soon but not sure what I should be looking for in terms of performance. If I can get my hands on something that will run Skyrim really well, then Id consider getting it for PC instead of Xbox. It has the added advantage of community mods, plus, Ive always wanted to make something sweet with the Creation Kit, but have never had a decent enough computer to run Oblivion, just Morrowind. And even Morrowind runs a bit shabbily with everything at below average level.
It's the same for me, but I would tell you not to get a laptop at all. In fact, have a comp built with the help of a friend, if you can. It will be cheaper and stronger.
I have a PC, but its a heap of crap (Im currently using my partners laptop). I could use that as a base and add things to it, but, honestly, I just couldnt be ****ed. Ive got a few mates that know their **** when it comes to anything computers, and who could easily help me build a game-destroying PC, but Id just like the transoprtability and tidiness of a laptop that I cant get with a PC thats anchored to one spot almost indefinitely. Plus that, and I dont really have the money to buy all the parts Id need to build a good PC, whereas I can pay off a decent laptop as Im using it. I almost bought a Dell XPS 14 inch Core i5 Performance Notebook online for $649, which is insane given that the RRP is usually over $1000. But I thought otherwise as it was during the period where I was off work and I didnt want to spend a lot of money. In retrospect, it was a good idea, as my personal everyday account dropped down to around $730 before I went back to work. :S Still, owning that XPS would have been pretty sweet...