Dead Streets

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by FriedFoodStuffz, Jun 19, 2011.

  1. Leumas

    Leumas Forerunner

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    I played several games on this map last night, its very fun. I believe we played a multi flag game and a neutral bomb. Having a guy top mid can be very dominate if they are skilled but it doesn't feel overpowered. The ghosts are pretty well balanced because the map is close quarters enough for easy hijacks and extensive damaging to the vehicles.
  2. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    I think the most hilarious, eventful part of last night was getting knocked from the front of blue base to the cave on the entire otherside of the canyon by a ghost that was just epic. I've been really enjoying this map and seeing it evolve, I think we ended up covering alot of ground between both this and your new map for even better gameplay. I still say we should toy around with different weapons on dead street's and see how different the situations end up haha, totally loving this map and hoping I can soon show you my new one as well. Also cant wait to see what you come up with to make the silent lift's more visible that could turn out very well for the v1.1 I still think the platform y's could work well.
  3. FriedFoodStuffz

    FriedFoodStuffz Forerunner

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    It got pretty crazy when one team got ahold of both ghost, but they never really dominated because of it. We had plenty of ways to escape and avoid them. Some coordinated fire kept them at bay.

    Also, it was great to have a chance to play on the map you've been working on. Fix that issue with the initial spawns and you'll have a pretty decent map on your hands. :)

    hahaha I totally forgot about that dude. I'll have to see if I still have the film, gotta get the clip of that.

    The version i'll be throwing up tonight has the lifts removed actually. I've also swapped the concussion rifle with a low ammo rocket to see how it plays. hopefully i'll be able to get everyone back together again lol
  4. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    In slayer, there is no objective to protect. Dynamic spawning ONLY increases a safe spawn opportunity, nothing more.

    But it's your map... Just suggesting...
  5. FriedFoodStuffz

    FriedFoodStuffz Forerunner

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    I do understand what your saying, but a lot of the more competitive players feel that the base they spawn in is THEIR base. And as 4shot said, if you manage to push them back why should they be rewarded by spawning behind you? That's just my opinion. Feel free to tinker with anything on my map to your liking. And hey, if it genuinely works better, let me know. I'd love to improve this map in any way possible.

    I'm testing the 1.1 version now, and will definitely be messing with spawn zones and such.
  6. Leumas

    Leumas Forerunner

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    yea, i went and watched the film from the ctf game we played and literally all 3 people on my team committed suicide at the beginning and I think one on the other team (i believe you lead the charge into the abyss), it was kind of hilarious to watch. I toyed around with completely reworking that area but couldn't come up with a good substitute I liked. As of now its still the same but hopefully I'll come up with something soon
  7. FriedFoodStuffz

    FriedFoodStuffz Forerunner

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    I actually had an idea today on how to do your map a little differently that would solve the problem, as well as improve flow around the middle and sides. I'll be sure to go over it with you if you're still on when I pull some customs together later tonight.

    Also, the mods here a super strict about spam. I'd try to keep the discussion about Dead Streets in this thread.

    And so not to spam myself.... the version of Dead Streets i'm testing tonight will have the silent lifts removed, and a low ammo rocket replacing the concussion rifle. I've also messed with some spawn zones, as well as weapon timers to try to improve flow on slayer gametypes.
  8. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    My theory on Dynamic spawns is that (while it really varies by the map) most maps should have some kind of safe area to spawn in if their base is taken to prevent spawn camping and to let them at least organize an attack. As Dead Streets has no where to spawn behind the bases, the only safe area is somewhere else on the map like the other base or green or orange. I think as long as you could spawn in the area opposite your base if it was taken it would be good. Otherwise dynamics aren't bad because if they take your base in slayer it means your team just got demolished, and has both your weapons and the ones you brought with you. This means that they gain kills and an advantage if they take the base, and your group has less for a time, making it still a defeat for you without the spawn camping afterward. I still love this map, I hope people continue to play this for a long time.
  9. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I see your point. Then it is all psychological for the players.. Interesting...

    Edited by merge:

    You can achieve a backup or alternate respawn area for a team within the team's Respawn (strong) Zone by using Anti Respawn Zone (but it has to be inside the Respawn Zone). That way when other parts of the team's Respawn Zone are under attack, the Anti Respawn Zone can kick in.
    #29 MrGreenWithAGun, Jun 25, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2011
  10. FriedFoodStuffz

    FriedFoodStuffz Forerunner

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    I initially had it where you could spawn at the pillars that were across from your base. This created too many situations where you would be killed in front of the enemy base, and mop up the guy who killed you. You can spawn at green/orange, and also "your" pillars. I had to make the choice between being mop up killed, or making it easier to spawn lock. I chose the latter.

    I've had many conversations/arguments with competitive players about spawning. Almost all agreed that dynamic spawns weren't the way to go. I wanted to accommodate as many different kinds of players as possible, so went with static spawns in team games as all the crazy ghost action and such is catered to the more casual crowd.

    Can't please everyone lol

    ps, i sent both of you a friends request. I know some people have a very specific criteria for accepting, but I figured you both seem interested in my map and I could use people to help test the next version as well as my new map. I hope you guys don't mind lol
    #30 FriedFoodStuffz, Jun 25, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2011
  11. Kelsey Amazing

    Kelsey Amazing Forerunner

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    I'm not a fan of dynamic spawns either. I hope you can find a solution without having to resort to them. But from what I've seen of the second version I'm not really worried about it. At the end of the day, I guess this map was never really intended for slayer. Just don't lose sight of the awesome objective gameplay in trying to polish slayer.
    #31 Kelsey Amazing, Jun 27, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2011
  12. FriedFoodStuffz

    FriedFoodStuffz Forerunner

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    Most of the peeps on my friends list know that this release was like a beta for the second 1.1 version I plan on submitting for matchmaking. There were some balance and spawning issues that I couldn't have possibly resolved by internal playtesting. I may have released it a few days early, but I certainly don't regret it. I'm at almost 900 downloads now in just a week, and have gotten a tremendous amount of feedback. Both glowingly positive, and deathly negative. That said, i'm pretty confident I can make the next version something truly special and hopefully worthy of a place in the matchamaking lineup.

    And speaking of 900 downloads....I am truly humbled by such a positive response, and would like to take this chance to thank everyone who has supported and continued to support Dead Streets. This may turn out to be my last project for some time, so its been great to see so many people enjoy all the hard work I put into this. Really guys, without you, this would be just another 10th page 4 download map. Consider me eternally grateful. :)
  13. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Played some slayer games on this today and I have to say that I found it really enjoyable.

    Easy to navigate from the first moment, good weapon placement, plenty movement options. Slick.

    If I was pushed to offer one (very slight) critique, I would say that 4v4 is very very hectic on this map. 3v3 seemed perfect, 4v4 was intense but still lots of fun.
  14. FriedFoodStuffz

    FriedFoodStuffz Forerunner

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    You are one of my most respected forgers Saddo, so its great to hear that you enjoyed Dead Streets :) I would say that you should have played some objective, as that is by far this maps strong suit.

    Also, that would be a fair criticism. 3v3 is this maps niche player count, but 4v4 is still a fun and intense experience. Especially two flag.

    Anyways, I'll be sending anyone who responded to this thread a message about the new version. Hopefully it can surpass the original, and maybe find its way into matchmaking.
  15. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Great Job on FHF man! I hope I can test out the new version soon, this map has always been a blast for such a simple design!
  16. xxJSGC123xx

    xxJSGC123xx Forerunner

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    This looks good man, I'm definitely downloading this. How long did it take you to make? (I'm sorry if you've already said this in your description but it's pretty long lol).
  17. FriedFoodStuffz

    FriedFoodStuffz Forerunner

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    Thanks bro! I've been meaning to congratulate all of the other FHF maps, but my interwebz have been down the past couple of days lol.

    I'll actually be releasing the final version sometime next week. I've found a few ways to improve splitscreen performance with minimal aesthetic loss. next time i'm testing, i'll have to through you an invite. I'd love to get some feedback from you on it.

    Hmm... lets see.... I spent a good two days just messing with different sketches. I'll post my first sketch to the OP in a little bit just for LOLz Once I had the design down, I spent a day roughing it out and experimenting with different ideas as I built. The only real change it saw from my sketchs was the inclusion of green/gold pillar areas. From there, I spent another good week just polishing the hell out of it. Then I managed to get a game on it in Godlys' testing group. I got some fantastic feedback, which set me on course of further testing and tweaking for almost a month and a half before I finally released it here. That was three weeks ago, and i'm still working on it almost daily.

    lol, I suppose the short answer would have been about two months. Hope that answers your question :)
    #37 FriedFoodStuffz, Jul 13, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2011
  18. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Whoa, whoa, whoa...

    I saw this get some nominations in BoF and I decided I had to check it out. It looks very nice. I'm not normally a fan of symmetrical 4v4s, but your layout looks pretty solid, the theme looks cool, and the inclusion of ghosts is sure to spice up gameplay. Of course I haven't played it yet, or looked around in forge, but I tend to agree with Shoe's opinion on maps about 90% of the time, so that combined with the screenshots is good enough for me.

    I'll give this a try soon.

  19. FriedFoodStuffz

    FriedFoodStuffz Forerunner

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    Dead streets is actually no longer available on my fileshare. (EDIT: but it appears that you can somehow still DL it... weird...) I took it off a few days ago when I began the testing phase of an updated version. (I figured this thread might get bumped because of the nom, and wanted feedback to be centered around the changes made to the new version) I was thinking of making a preview thread here on FH to help gather feedback before the relaunch, but I suppose this necro bump will do all the same. I'll update the OP sometime tomorrow with the change list and such. In the mean time, here's a change list just off the top of my head.

    * Unfortunately, the ghosts have been removed. They felt too cramped, and made traversing anywhere but the high ground unsafe. I was really torn about removing them, but in the end I feel it was for the best.

    * Replaced the concussion rifle with a low ammo rocket. I initially did this to provide players a better means of defeating the ghost, but stuck with it even after they were removed.

    * Swapped the shotty with a low ammo sniper. Having one guy kinda hang back and support has really helped the tone the pacing down a notch. But, giving it a low ammo count ensures that player eventually leaves. I've also noticed that most either use up all four shots right away, or save it for that "special occasion." Another way players are distinguishing there own playstyle, which is always good lol

    * Made some modifications to the "pillar" area, affording players additional cover and two extra NR's (and a pair of sticks) This two fold gives spawning players something to push with, while also adding a sneaky way into the base.

    * Reworked the entire spawning system. Hopefully my now greater understanding of how the spawn engine works has alleviated some of the issues that kept creeping up.

    * Removed ALL gametypes except: 2 flag, 2 bomb, team slayer, and FOUR player FFA. I decided that I would focus on polishing these as much as possible, seeing as how they are the most popular gametypes. Also, 4 player FFA just feels like the magic number, given how much more chaotic it is than normal slayer.

    * The overshield now rests on a small platform, making it take and extra step to grab. I felt, and so did others, that it was far too easy to just sprint across and grab. The extra jump seems to help alleviate some of that. This also makes it slightly more visible, which helps new guys realize its there BEFORE they are screaming "OMFG I SHOT HIM TEN TIMES IN THE FACE!!!" lol

    * Removed tons of unnecessary pieces ( I honestly can't believe there were so many) which has significantly improved splitscreen performance and just makes the map look cleaner.

    * Polished the aesthetics, mostly subtle touches, but it makes Dead Streets even more comprehensible. Had to remove a few things for the sake of performance, but it still gets its point across.

    There have been so many other misc. changes made that it's been impossible to keep track. I jumped back into the old version and was surprised by just how much is different now. Don't get me wrong, it is still without a doubt Dead Streets it all just works better now IMHO but i'm sure there will always be "that" guy who thinks it looks and plays exactly the same lol

    Anyways, I appreciate you taking a look physcoduck (assuming you actually read through all that!) even if this is an outdated version. Yours, and everyone's elses feedback is still very much welcome.

    Double EDIT: updated the OP to reflect the current version.
    #39 FriedFoodStuffz, Jan 10, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2012

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