well hopefully not next year, and sarge i am honored... nemi, hurry up and get the next rank, i'm guessing it'll be a sentinel beam.
I feel like I'm voting for Prom king and queen. I voted for sarge and Neverless cuz I do what I want. I woulda voted for Tittymars but he has the banzors.
all this is....is a popularity contest... plain and simple Iron... so far Neverless is the most glamorous
Figures Neverless for sure... but Dom...definitely not... I'd rather vote for some random newbie than Dom...
thats nice... sarge deserves it even if he doesn't want it, and it shall always be Titmahara for loyalz!
When does voting close? Will this be up Forever? Why is Boondocks so funny? What's the 3rd dimension? Why is the man always trying to take me down? Can I ask anymore questions?
^^ more suited for FBU's special thread? (I can't keep up with how many times he's renamed that thing.) Also, I didn't know I was so wellknown or well liked. Thank guys. Oh, and I got a vote from Sarge? ?? Wow.