Call of Duty style map & gametype

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Voltage, Jun 24, 2011.

  1. Voltage

    Voltage Forerunner

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    I've been pretty frustrated with Reach's slower gameplay and kill times, so I've been playing a lot of COD lately. I am missing The Forge, though, as that's what I do most when I play Halo. So I've decided I want to build a custom gametype (and a matching map) that has the faster gameplay that COD offers, but in Halo.

    Here are some of my ideas so far. I haven't tested them at all, so they may be a bit off. Feel free to comment on any changes you think would be better.

    Game Settings:
    - 100 kills to win (for ~4v4)
    - 10 minute time limit
    - 3 second respawn

    Player Traits:
    - No shields or shield recharge
    - Immune to headshots (since there's no shields, would make DMR too powerful)
    - 120% health recharge
    - 120% movement speed
    - Unlimited sprint
    - 150% gravity
    - 75% jump height
    - Normal radar
    - 1 frag
    - 300x melee damage
    - No vehicle use (so I can place them on the map)

    - AR/Magnum
    - AR/Grenade Launcher
    - DMR/Spiker
    - Sniper/Spiker
    - Shotgun/Magnum

    Map Layout
    - Probably based off of MW2's "Highrise" (Not too big to forge, unlike other COD maps.)
    - Probably built in the skybox (since Highrise is a skyscraper)
    - Lots and lots of cover
    - Lots of "destroyed" pieces and "rubble" to give the COD feel to the map
    - Plenty of sandbags, crates, Scorpions, Warthogs, and Falcons (no vehicle use)

    Planning on calling it "Hardcore Halo."

    So does this all sound about right to you guys?
    #1 Voltage, Jun 24, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2011
  2. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Um... What are you playing?!
    Snipers on hemorrhage?

    Generally, if you play ranked or competitive or FFA you'll find reach's gameplay isn't slow. It also doesn't take long at all to kill people, it's just that in COD you can spray and pray with great success.

    Plus, about the map and gametype...
    I can see that this will play just like COD. Everyone will be spamming sniper rifles and this one-hit melee system will break the gametype. Either that, or people will be sprinting around with shotguns. Surprisingly, kill streak rewards compensate for this spam with thongs such as UAV, airstrikes and sentry guns.

    I also wouldn't remake a cod map from MW2. Personally, I would make my own map with different areas from COD maps (especially COD 4 maps). Highrise and other MW2 maps had alot of problems and may not contour to your custom gametype
  3. Voltage

    Voltage Forerunner

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    1. I am a Mythic in Reach, with over 3700 games clocked in, so I know plenty about it's gameplay. lol.

    2. The map would be based on Highrise, because it's small and close to symmetrical. Most of COD's maps are huge and would be close to impossible to forge.

    3. I'm aware there would be spamming and sniping and shotgunning and instakill melee, but it's a custom game. It's just for fun.

    4. Thanks for your feedback.
    #3 Voltage, Jun 24, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2011
  4. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Rank doesn't matter. I've played with a noble who didn't know that the DMR and Magnum do the same damage...

    Except it's not fun if you're getting spammed

    If I was gonna make a COD map in reach, I would look at this:
    This is crash from COD 4, just in case you didn't clock enough games in on that map...

    Now of course I wouldn't remake the whole map, just parts. This is a very good map. I would also not remake COD team deathmatch. Usually, when people are playing an objective, they don't notice spam, OP weapons and such as much
  5. Tedium

    Tedium Lead Writer
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, I made a gametype quite a while ago with a similar intent, and I think the concept is widespread. Check out my gametype to see how it compares:

    Gametype: Warfare

    Although I attempted to make a map for it, it didn't turn out very well.
  6. SimJiv

    SimJiv Forerunner

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    I've been thinking of doing COD styled "Domination (from 3-plots) and "Sabotage" (from Assault) with Loadouts COD styled and such. But i thought it wouldn't work right so i have a new project revolving that COD feel.

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