MLG Overjoy

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Korlash, Jun 23, 2011.

  1. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Forged by Rest in Pieces

    With some assistance by lllTyrantlll

    Gametypes: TS, CTF5, BOMB5, HILL, BALL, FFA

    Description: I was originally intending to submit this map for the large sym map, but this map doesn't support 3 power weapons (2 snipers) well, and I also didn't want to rip off the submission like half of the room-based/vertical maps did.

    Anyways, this map is the sequel to the map Joy, originally forged by lllTyrantlll. I have been intrigued by the center room and he said he was done with Joy, so I decided to recreate the middle and completely redesign the outside. To be honest though, it did retain the shape it had on the outside, so there is still some familiarity from the old map.

    Regarding the outer layout, it is not as room-based as it was. It's pretty much an entire atrium on the outside, while encompassing another atrium in the middle.

    Another nice thing about the map is the windows. This was done with intention of making the AA(s) required for the submission, but windows are up top which make the jetpack very useful. It is useful for get higher ground for shooting or simply to fly though to escape danger or enter danger.

    Also, this is my first map with the secondary color orange which actually looks nice being complimentary to blue.

    Weapon Set:

    For Every Gametype

    • DMR x 6
    • NR x 2
    • Plasma Nade x 4
    • Frag Grenade x 4
    • Health Pack x 2
    • Jetpack x 2

    For Gametype-Specific

    • Rocket Launcher x 1 - Slayer
    • Grenade Launcher (3 Sp 118) x 1 - CTF/BOMB
    • Active Camo (Not At Start) x 1 - HILL/BALL


    One View (Secondary Hill Spawn)

    And Another View (Jetpack)

    And Another (Objective/Starting Spawn)

    Download Overjoy

    Please Download and Leave Feedback!
    #1 Korlash, Jun 23, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2011
  2. Pikapi 360

    Pikapi 360 Forerunner

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    It reminds me of a beehive, almost. It looks huge, and really interesting. Your canvas map wasn't Anchor 9, however.
  3. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Man, I knew I forgot something, I'm about to change that.


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