Theres a lot of forms of elevators but the tin cup elevator is the best for what im trying to accomplish here. ive seen it done in a youtube video before, but ive lost the video and didn't believe that it was legit so i didnt favorite it or anything. but now i understand the science behind it and tried to duplicate it plenty of times but it just ends in failure. if you dont dont understand what im talking about the concept of it is a crate as the elevator itself in an elevator shaft and tin cups surrounding it in an elaborate sequence. the tin cups gravitational pull on the crate slowly lifts the crate to the top of the elevator shaft with people on it. without this mechanic in my map, players cant move on to the next area i have made. so im sort of desperate here. please comment or message me or anything if you have a vid or info on how to make it. thanks.
Back in Halo 3 the tin cup had enough gravity so that a curved assembly of them would enable you to drive a tank up them until it was hanging upside down. I haven't tried it in Reach but I hope it hasn't been changed. It was a pretty sweet mechanic.
oh trust me, it has a significant gravitational pull on crates. load up forge and try it for yourself. [br][/br]Edited by merge: no no, the tin cup pulls on a crate just as it would a golfball.
Warthogs, Mongoose, Ghost.... Just about anything that is movable by default. Possibly even a kill ball.
If the golf ball or crate spawns before the tin cup, the physics engine will forget about the crate or golf ball until someone walks up to it. So the person can jump onto the crate and the tin cup will lift it up. More on the Proximity Switch.