Not exactly exclusive to Halo 3, as it was more prevalent in 1: That feeling of isolation. It wasn't ever on the level of isolation you could feel in Super Metroid but at times it felt damn near close. I -never- feel alone in Reach. Even in "Lone Wolf" I don't pick up that feeling of isolation. There is nothing truly massive and overwhelming since it all takes place on Reach - no visually overwhelming Forerunner structures. No vast expanses to traverse - no super large bridges way up in the sky.
NO CATCH UP PUNCHES!!!!!!!! what i mean by this is....your in a DMR fight and you have a three shot lead on someone and he runs at you and you both punch each H3 he would have died, but now in reach he can "catch up". even though you had a Deemer (DMR) lead and you punched him....your shields are now at the same spot, basically. one shot your dead! to me this is more just frustrating to get used to NOT melee'n after three shots... so i guess i would say i miss H3 melees....from the front!
I miss the flood anus doors and the reckless dream of one day having a jet pack. You my friend should not even be playing Reach.
I tink i exagerrated a bit there. But i just love ranting so much. And i agree about the zombie anus and dreaming about jetpacks.
fire grenades sandbox lost plattoon portable grav lifts, avalanche crazy phisics and the **** that you could do with a gravity hammer.
Time to update my list. Jump speed, movement speed, the smg, and like 80% of the maps. Particularly Guardian.
Pit, Guardian and Valhalla. You will be missed, friends. Though seriously, if Valhalla doesn't get remade for a DLC I'm gonna be seriously pissed. Probably my least favourite of those 3 (though that doesn't do justice to how much I love it), but it's the kind of map that Reach sorely needs.
I sooooo agree with you. Valhalla was just a beautiful map - played great for slayer and even better for almost any objective game. With all due respect to the good ol' Gulch, Hemorrhage has nothing on Valhalla. I still pick it because I love rolling around in a wraith or revenant, but the games to me are not half as fun as the ones on Valhalla were. I think a large part of it is that Valhalla rewarded sneakiness - you could flank enemies or make a flag run on your own, without anyone seeing you, if you were elusive enough. Hemorrhage punishes you for even TRYING to be sneaky. I miss good ol' Avalanche too. Another great map for being on foot or in a vehicle, whatever your preference was, without feeling totally overpowered either way.
I'm starting to miss more than just those. Even though they are at the top of the list. I miss basically everything but Standoff and Isolation. Maybe Epitaph... cept that map was visually beautiful. I miss the style. As for remaking Valhalla, I just assume they'll rape everything I love about it. Banshees will be removed. More power weapons will be added. Vehicles will get raped. Warthogs will become Rocket Hogs. Mongeese will become Revenants. Wraiths won't be accounted for because they weren't in matchmaking. Some major map breaking trait will be put in. At least that's what I'm assuming will happen.
Most of the maps, that melee system, the BR rather than the DMR (not only did I just like its addition to the gameplay, it felt more badass to have a firefight: more bullets sprayed = more intense feeling ), the balanced banshees, the speed, the equality of all players (no loadouts)
I'm actually getting the urge to break out of halo 3 infection maps again. Wish there were some more custom games. Brute shot jumping was so much fun.
i mIss teh h1aboosAh arm3r iT w4z t3h bUtts3ck5!!!11!!one1!one!exclamation Nah, I dont really miss anything from Halo 3 apart from Sarge. Everything else I liked about it is in Reach. BR was my fav weapon (SWAT *****), but I got the DMR. No burst-fire, but its better than nothing.
I miss the challenge of forge. I was never a very good forger when it came to creativity but I loved all the technical stuff and the glitches that could be exploited. So although Reach's Forge was far superior I still miss halo 3s forge. Saying that however I wouldn't want them to change it; the new forge is a lot more accessible and streamlined.
Maps maps maps. Some of the weapons ( SMG I <3 U ) that could be used well in customs to make things more fun. I really miss VIP because of the customization and forgeability of it. I also loved the vehicles they had in h3. Chopper FTW! I guess what I miss most is the ability to make mechanisms and traps in the halo3 forge. I know you can make stuff in reach, bit the mechanisms are very primitive.
hornets, skulls, the more immersive storyline, the epicness, non lock on banshee bombs, elephants, smgs, forge pallet that actually had mechanisms and wasnt very gray, sarge, the flood
Let's not kid ourselves, the forge pallet has always been way too uniform - brown on Foundry, a different shade of brown on Sandbox, and now gray on Forge World. Until they figure out an easy way to let us do some limited object re-skinning, it will probably continue on like this. I'm not crazy about Forge World gray but I think it's an improvement over the default shades of Foundry and Sandbox, personally - at least SOME Forge World maps feel a bit different from each other.