The one you said you were making for this contest..... That was you, wasn't it? EDIT: Never mind, I see you already have
Can't wait the ideas are poring through my head ... Tempest is just mindblowing my brain i can't wait to use it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the hardest part location location location... you can count me in because i want the third prize.... i could care less about the first or second i want that nice flying saucer of deliciousness alien ship called the banshie.... i bee like hey yall see this i named him George after the jetsons....
Hmm, this got knocked to the second page, better bump with some on-topic banter. Havent started my map for this contest still. Could be due to the fact that I was grinding on Fable 3 for the better part of a week, then yesterday I picked up a pre-owned copy of Wolverine, just for the hell of it. Finished that today, so I might get the Forging juices... uhh, juicing again soon. Ive been Forging a fair bit recently, due to the fact that Ive had the last six weeks off work due to injury, and I think Im a little forged out at the moment. Will give it a go though and see what I can muster. Have a few ideas/locations in mind so Ill run with those. Wish me luck! Or not, whatever...
Would I get marked down for submitting a conquest map? or any other game variant (invasion, infection, custom/mini-game, etc.)? I've got one map I could enter but I'd rather make something new.
Im pretty sure any competitive mode is valid to use. In fact I would like to see what sort of invasion map could be made at 1/2 budget. Correct me if Im wrong though FrozenLynx.
To be honest, I think any type of map should be able to be submitted, but I think the player count should be 8 max, as any more will make the judging quite hard. I'll go poke Mr. Lynx and tell him, as I think that budget-limited mini-games would be a great idea.
The rules have been updated, along with a big notice at the top to catch people's eye. I liked the idea of this because it will help the entries from stagnating into a bunch of 2v2 competitive maps, which we've already had a contest for, not to mention the Bank Contest is pretty much catered to the same number of players as well. Hopefully we'll get some more diversity out of submissions now.
All important information is continually updated in the OP. There is not a current deadline, but expect it to be sometime in August. I'm giving the people entering the contest plenty of time to polish and test their maps so that the quality will be higher. Thanks for wanting to get involved! It's been great seeing a user-made contest sparking the interest of the community.
I really do love this contest idea, I dont even care aoutwinnig, I just want to see what is made. I would love to see the trend of contests continue, maybe an decoration only contest, or a Quarry only contest. I dont know, these are just ideas off the top of my head, but the point is I would like to see more contests because it gives a basis to forge on and some friendly competition is always fun.
I have made an important update in the OP regarding the rules for posting map previews and submissions to the TG for maps intended for this contest. Please take the time to read this so you do not get disqualified.
Ok, I have a question, Lynx. If I post a picture of what I intend the layout of my map to be (done with Paint), is that considered a map preview? Im glad I read this thread again before I went and posted it. :\
Maybe I should reword it since Crypto nv was also a bit confused. You may post a map preview in whatever manner you like, just so long as it doesn't mention the contest in the thread title. You may mention it if you like within the post itself.
Ok, that makes much more sense, thanks. There will likely be a preview of my maps layout up soon, stay tuned, folks!
I just had a quick question, the map I will most likely be submitting is capable of about 5 gametypes, say I thought 3v3 Slayer and Headhunter with 5-6 people was most fun. Would I be able to submit both, or only one gametype per submission?
Being able to support multiple game-types is fine, but for the sake of simplicity and getting through all the entries in a timely fashion, I am going to limit it to 1 game-type. Perhaps when it gets down to, say, the last 4-6 maps being considered, I will PM the authors and ask them for more game-types to test out so that the map can be more thoroughly judged.
If it's a competitive map though you might as well set it up for more than one gametype. Just when you submit the map say that it plays the best with <insert gametype>. I'm creating a competitive map so I'm going to set it up for multiple gametypes, it's just that I'm going do a lot of testing for one specific gametype cos that will be the one I'm going to suggest when i submit my map.