Scenario 4

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Audienceofone, Jun 21, 2011.

  1. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    Using less than $5000, I have created a nice map which I am quite fond of actually. I must say I have surprised myself with this one. Set in the Colosseum, this is a testing chamber for training the soldiers of tomorrow. Unfortunately the program is broken, so you'll just have to kill each other for real. No hard feelings.

    Scenario 4 is a symmetrical map that uses a tactic I don't see too often, a grid flooring. Its nothing much, but it helps add to the visual appeal. Plus the color is pretty. Isn't it pretty? It is. In Scenario four, there are two needlers, two needle rifles, four DMRs, a shotgun, six fragmentation grenades, four plasma grenades, two magnums, and two plasma pistols. For you who like to dress your wounds, there are also two complementary health packs. You will most likely be using them, remember, the system was corrupted and now you aren't just training, your fighting for your life down there in the chamber. But don't worry, for our winners there will be cake.

    The map should support up to six of you, but I think four in a 2v2 might be most ideal. There are still farther tests to be done on this scenario, but if any of the preliminary one's your friends were in suggest, we believe the only issue is there was no cake for them. Don't worry, we have fixed that issue. there will be cake at the end of this test.

    You will be able to compete in many challenges, Capture the Flag, Oddball, Team and Free For All Deathmatch, Crazy King, and our personal favorite- Headhunter. What's more fun that shooting your friend's skull out of his head and collecting it for your own benefit?

    Take a look at the following images, as they are all you will be getting before we drop you into the testing chamber. We do realist at the news of the system malfunction, but as we here at the interstice Testing Offices say: When life gives you lemons, trade them in for grenades and throw them at the closest person. Enjoy.

    Blue initial spawn. Also, dont touch the blue grid, if you do you get an Ulcer.
    A look at the center of the map. The way up to the second floor without a jetpack is through those gravity lifts. The way down... jump. Also, we lied about the Ulcer.
    A small nook to get out of the main area of the lower floor. However you can be seen from the center. Oh, and that convenient Interstice Space Gap above the window is so useful for getting rid of pesky campers or enemies, or that really annoying neighbor passing through the parallel pathway beside you.
    And here we see Evan jumping from the top floor down to that nook we just showed you. Its really too bad we didnt get this in a video. We could have shown you what happened once he got down there and who was holding the shotgun.
    Overview of the center of the map. This ay promote many firefights with longer range weapons. Which we have supplied you with. Also, although there are the points of which one may spawn in this trench and middle area in the image above, there are some respawn zones what discourage spawning there, so it is possible to be there, yet more unlikely.
    This Interstice Inclined Plane proves that here at Interstice testing Offices, we have lied to you about ways up. There is a new portion of this map, which we have added after the initial testing done by your fellow test subjects (their funerals will be held Saturday at 2:40pm.) to allow new access to the balconies on the second floor.
    This bridge may contain a secret to victory if used correctly. And by "secret" we mean it has a shotgun with 12 shots total. Use them wisely, or let your enemy get their grubby hands on it. Which reminds me, your enemies wear different colors. Red's, the Blue's stole your sandwiches. Blue's, the Red's urinated on your gardens. There's some incentive for you.

    Any questions may be directed to me, and I will try to answer as best I can. For those of you who are wearing the red or blue armor, please take some time to visit our armory to get your military issue magnums and assault rifles, then later if you have a moment please stop by our gift shop, we have funny shirts now that say "you ate my sandvich!" and with a funny cartoon of a red man shooting his blue enemy in the face. Its quite delightful.
    #1 Audienceofone, Jun 21, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2011
  2. CrumblyGranny

    CrumblyGranny Forerunner

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    Sweet titties. Enough said! I wanna play on it. Get a game together later tonight?
  3. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Unfortunately its too late for me tonight. perhaps tomorrow. I appreciate the enthusiasm though!
  4. CrumblyGranny

    CrumblyGranny Forerunner

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    Well if you need more testing I'd be down. I wanna see this.

    Love the write up too! Good job.
    #4 CrumblyGranny, Jun 21, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2011
  5. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    Ill definitely take you up on the testing offer. And thanks for the compliment on my text. I wanted it to be funny! But now I want that T-shirt.
  6. CrumblyGranny

    CrumblyGranny Forerunner

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    Cool, well I got two maps that could use some testing too. Would be happy to make a night of it. Tomorrow and Thursday are my last days around before I go on vacation though. Then I'll be MIA for like 10 days. You can send me a f/r and we'll work something out.
  7. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    Looks pretty good, my only concern is that there are only two ways to the top level on opposite sides of the map. This will almost certainly cause the entire match to be played up there because of the predictability of where your enemies are coming from, especially with that nice view. I'd try to figure out a way to allow more options in terms of pathways leading to the second floor.
  8. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    Sounds fine with me, Ill have to do that and next time are both on we'll try to grab a few other people.

    If you read all of my comical information, you would see that I had lied about only accessing the top via gravity lifts. There are two ways up (one on each side) on each side balcony (landing pad, see images). This is greatly because I just ran out of space and budget was tight, but I think it should be good.
    #8 Audienceofone, Jun 22, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2011
  9. SC NickNamer

    SC NickNamer Forerunner

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    Looks good, I guess you are entering the unofficial 5000 budget contest with it. Whenever you finished it I'll play a game on it.


    The cake is a lie!
  10. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    Im dissapointed in all of you for taking so long to say that. Thank you NickGamer for finally saying something about that reference.

    Yes, this is going to be my contest submission and thanks for the offer of testing. I had a 3v3 game on it earlier today, I still think it is better suited for 2v2, but 3v3 was also quite fun. And thanks to my first test, this one went much smoother. The map I think is actually done now, and it has to be because I am literally at 5000 forge dollars left.

    Thanks for the feedback everyone!
  11. GrenadeGorilla8

    GrenadeGorilla8 Forerunner
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    I checked this out with you the other night with that group. And this is a solid map! I'm a big fan of the way you utilized the grid.
  12. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I like the grid floor too. It's odd but it adds a certain something that sets the map apart aesthetically. Looking forward to getting a game on it at some point.
  13. CrumblyGranny

    CrumblyGranny Forerunner

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    Yeah, I'm liking the grid. Adds some color and it appears as though it's not the flooring everywhere. It might be a bit overboard if it was the only floor there is, but from the pics it just looks like the floor in some areas.
  14. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yes, it is not in all areas, for instance there is no trace on the upper level, and the lower level is only 50% grid.

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