SPH Map Pack 1

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by RogueWolf I77V, Jun 21, 2011.

  1. RogueWolf I77V

    RogueWolf I77V Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    We are proud to announce our first map pack. This pack features 3 new maps as well as 2 classics from Halo: 2 Re-imagined for Halo: Reach from the minds of RogueWolf I77V and CosmicChaos...

    We present... Reveal Trailer:SPH Map Pack 1 Reveal Teaser

    $230 later Multiplayer Trailer:SPH Map Pack 1 Redux

    SPH Map Pack 1

    Description: Built high on the canyon side, this abandon research facility has many roomers about its function floating about the UNSC fleets.
    Type: Asymmetrical
    Recommended Players: 4v4
    Recommended gametypes: Single Odjective, FFA.
    Description: Little is known about this ancient Forerunner structure.
    Type: Symmetrical
    Recommended Players: 4v4
    Recommended gametypes: Multi/Single Objective, TS, FFA.
    Description: Antigravity fields hold this ancient Forerunner structure hundreds of feet above the ocean.
    Type: Asymmetrical
    Recommended Players: 4v4
    Recommended gametypes: Single Objective, TS, FFA
    Containment: (Re-imagined)
    Description: The years have done interesting things to this familiar map.
    Type: Symmetrical
    Recommended Players: 8v8
    Recommended gametypes: All
    Coagulation: (Re-imagined)
    Description: Coag with some modifications.
    Type: Symmetrical
    Recommended Players: 8v8
    Recommended gametypes: All
    If you would like to help us make these maps the best they can be please submit game play footage and feedback to this thread.
    #1 RogueWolf I77V, Jun 21, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2011
  2. CosmicJosh

    CosmicJosh Forerunner

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    A couple of things:

    First off, it would have been better to collect allll of the needed information and just throw it !BLAM! into our faces. Rather than promise more screenies, because people will forget.

    Second, no one wants to walk all of the (exaggeration) way to their xbox, so you should render the gameplay videos for everyone.

    Third, weapons on each map, more detail about what gametypes each one supports, etc.

    Fourth, clarify which Cosmic, because I had nothing at all to do with this map pack.

    Fifth, a lot of the maps (From what I saw from the trailer) have quite a bit of overlapping and glass. Both of these slow the gameplay down, and make it overall less enjoyable.

    Sixth, the rocks were/are not used to their very best. They looked kinda corny and out of place on the cliff based map.

    Fix these things, and you might actually become famous.
  3. RogueWolf I77V

    RogueWolf I77V Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The video is there to provide the general overview of the maps. As for the pictures they will be here tomorrow. If they cannot remember that is not my issue.
    The one video that I did render cost 11 render points for SD! Since I am not made of money I will be uploading those to youtube when I have the time. As for the users laziness once again. Not my issue.

    All the maps listed support all gametypes that fall under the general gametype listing for each map. As for weapons spawns/objective placement those are being watched closely once we start receiving feedback (from people that actually played the map in question) we then fine tune these maps.

    He prefers to stay out of the spotlight, but I can't not give him credit. I will make a slight edit to this, but anyone with some reasoning skills can deduce that by checking my recent games on Bnet there can only be one.

    Well you know what they say about judging books by there cover. Why don't you actually try them before attempting to point out flaws. :)

    #3 RogueWolf I77V, Jun 21, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2011
  4. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It is your issue.

    If you care at all about your download count, you will edit your thread as soon as possible. People are not going to stand there and wait for you to edit your thread when they could simply go to another more complete thread. Forgehub wasn't made to be some dumping ground for maps. The entire point of this website is to provide detailed descriptions of you maps so that viewers can decide whether your map is worthwhile before having to download anything.

    Also, it helps if you could try to come off as less of a prick.

    Why do it later?

    If you had known you were going to post a thread on these maps, why wouldn't you upload the videos beforehand? The few hours your thread has on the front page are your most important. If you can't leave a positive first impression on the several hundred people that exclusively view maps off of the front page then you've already lost the majority of your possible comments and downloads.

    I've realized I just don't have time.

    I won't be able to give you a detailed explanation of why this is wrong, so I'll summarize. You don't post your half-finished maps here and expect random stranger to help you fix their issues. You finish the maps first, and you post them here second. If a map hasn't been sufficiently tested, balanced and tweaked then it isn't finished.

    Because we all care so much.

    Rather than questioning our reasoning skills, how about you admit you made a mistake and just edit it without the snappy retort. Not everyone can make the vague logical leaps to somehow get themselves from "some vaguely-mentioned guy" to "that guy is obviously on his recent games". The incredibly arrogant behavior you've been demonstrating is not exactly the kind of thing we look up to here.

    The cover can still tell me a lot.

    The pictures and videos of your map still show me a lot. While we might not be able to pull out a full synopsis of the gameplay on your map, we can come damn near close based solely off of the images you've provided. Because we notice these flaws, we tend not to want to download the map. It's a vicious cycle and a circular argument against bad maps. You can break the cycle by testing your map before you post it. Get rid of the obvious flaws, and maybe someone will be nice enough to help you fix the rest.

    If I happen to have come off as mean, I apologize.
    #4 Hogframe, Jun 21, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2011
  5. RogueWolf I77V

    RogueWolf I77V Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Edited the wrong post lol. 9/29/11
    #5 RogueWolf I77V, Jun 21, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2011
  6. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I'm going to apologize for those who've posted before me. It is difficult convey things through text because criticizing comments often come across as prickish. The tension level in this thread is at a red zone, so let's bring it down to a more sunshine and bunnies level.

    Those who posted before me were concerned with the content quality of the thread. I hope I can express it better than they apparently did. To communicate your maps in the most efficient way, it is best to compile all of your screenshots in videos and then make the thread. To be honest, most people on this site click through map threads, scroll through to look at the pictures for 2-5 seconds, then back out. It really helps to have all your media ready when you make your map thread, not after. People will forget to check back later.

    After all these comments, you deserve to have at least some feedback on your maps, so I'll give what I can:

    Overall, you and your Forge partner seem to have a solid grasp of map design. Tripox, DND, and Nugen stand out to me as well-designed maps with good flow, elevation variations, and flanking opportunities. Clandestine is a challenge solely because of the location you forged it. It is really, really hard to pull off a map in that area. Clandestine looks nice, but there don't seem to be too many paths leading to the bottom structure. Gravity lifts are acceptable, but not the best way to move players around the map.

    Coag comes across as a very nice recreation of Coagulation, with welcome changes you guys placed in. The rocks by the Blue Teleporter area looks particularly well laid-out. I'm worried that the Seastack arch doesn't quite have the natural look you're going for. Then again, you're probably short on rock pieces :p Maybe there might be a Forge-piece alternative.

    Nugen has a great BTB design, the bases especially. I would consider adding crates to liven up the area a bit more. There is some Z-fighting on the ramps to the right at 1:18 in your trailer video. It's minor, and can easily be fixed by nudging one piece above the other (hit the right bumper, and then quickly hit A to move it a barely noticeable height).

    That's about as much feedback as I can give you at this time. Your maps so far look very decent and with some work, I think you have a lot of potential. It mostly comes down to using Forge pieces in new and creative ways.

    Take a look around Forge Hub, because there's a lot of creativity and inspiration to find here. Learn to accept the criticism when it comes, even if it is badly-worded. At best, you can apply criticism to make your future projects even better.

    Anyways, enjoy your stay at Forge Hub. We're nice, and we have cookies.
  7. Skater

    Skater Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    YOU SIR, are the prick here, he is just trying to add to our collection of maps, and all YOU are doing, is ranting on and on about the flaws in his post, so just lay off of him.
    Sick maps btw, especially coag.

    T3RA PROWL3R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow. The video makes these maps look really good. I'll be sure to download and check them out more. Is Nugen a remake? It looks familiar.
  9. Ozkid3232

    Ozkid3232 Forerunner

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    You sir, calmed me down!!

    I like the look of all the maps really. I may not be an expert Forger, but I like the look of Clandestine and Tripox. Anyways don't listen to the unproductive criticism. Overall ForgeHub is a great place, and in the end we are all trying to help :D
  10. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
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    Next time when posting you should post not post all of your maps together. If a person were to skip this one thread, they would miss 5 maps. Also, at the end of your trailer your text is pretty plain. I would spice up the text. The rest of the trailer is really good, but the text just bothers me. Tripox reminds me of Lockout. It has that one separated base that Lockout has.
  11. RogueWolf I77V

    RogueWolf I77V Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Now this is how you convey a concern! Take notes people.

    Thanks Titan, I will admit we were very anxious to get this map pack to the community and could have been better prepared. This lesson is being put into effect for our next project.

    Your feedback has also been heard loud and clear. We had the same concerns with Clandestine near the end, but decided to release the map and revisit that build location sometime in the future. As for Coag the stone arch is mainly an obstruction to impede the view from the tops of either base.

    Players can feel free to edit these maps to they're hearts desire. We simply strive to provide the most balanced and fun play spaces we can build.

    Nugen is a Re-imagination of Containment from Halo 2. We took careful time plotting this build within the canyon space; keeping in mind this is Halo: Reach not Halo 2.

    The reasoning behind packaging all of our maps together is for our sake as well as yours. We want to keep Forge Hub forum space clear for other map designers. Taking up the front page with all 5 of these maps would be unfair. So instead we bundle or maps and tag them SPH to make them easy to find and remember.

    We may be new to FH, but we have lots of maps stored away in the depths of our HDD's just waiting to see the light of day.

    As for the video those will change as my experience with the program progresses.

    Thanks to all those that provided helpful feedback. Keep it coming and don't be afraid to hurt our feelings. We can take it (as long as you have actually played the maps) =)
  12. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Your download link must take you directly to one of the maps in this map-pack, not simply to your fileshare. Failure to fix this issue will result in a lock within one (1) hour.
  13. RogueWolf I77V

    RogueWolf I77V Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Rather then re-posting this thread I have revived it for the V1.0 map release.

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