He didn't announce it, but I could tell, you also said something about a girl, and I put one and one together.
Thanks Shannon. GoOPPC Bros, I was walking threw our Dutch Villa today on the server, and I was listing to this song. YouTube - GWAR - The Road Behind HD‏ we need to finish that ****.
So imagine if you will that you're a rapist. You pocket your trusty rape-knife and leave your dingy apartment with one goal in mind: raping some fiiiine bitches. You're (hiding behind/ inside) a (trash-can/ bushes) near the (post-office/ railroad) where you know there are going to be some women that you can rape. Suddenly, your rapist senses flair up, and from around the corner to your right, you hear the sound of footsteps on the cobblestone streets and two women stroll underneath the flickering street-lamp nearby. The first woman is dressed in a corset, a short skirt, and white stockings. The second is dressed in the typical Victorian era noblewoman attire with a flowing lace dress, a powdered wig, and rosy cheeks. As they reach the end of the road, the woman in the corset travels West while the woman in the lace dress travels East. Quickly you must decide: which do you follow?
North is my middle name. Anyhow, so two nights ago I wanted to play Assassin's Creed Brotherhood because I was thinking about how cool Roman architecture is, but sadly I didn't have the time. I did get to do the next best thing though. I do have to say the Forum in Roma looks a lot different in person.