Developement I have been wanting to develop a ship for a very long time, but every project i started, i was never satisfied with. I was mainly interested in halcyon-class ships, but i never saw a well forged one that was original (To many Pillar of Autumns). Finally, i found the ship "AIS Quintessence" (made by Intrepid Artifex) and i was inspired. After 3 different prototypes, i finally found the ship i wanted to expand on. Overall, the ship took around 5 hours to make, about a week of forging. In my opinion, the final product is great. It is my first successful ship. Ship Backround The "UNSC Shield of Onyx" was originally named the "UNSC Iron Wall". The ship was built in New Mombasa after the city's orbital elevator fell. The ship was assigned to transport military troops and munitions from the surface to the frigates in space. It was one of ten in it's fleet. The nickname "Shield on Onyx" was given to the ship after an operation named "Onyx Guardian". The goal of the operation was to transport an artifact found on the surface of the forerunner planet onyx, to the planet reach for further research on it. The "UNSC Iron Wall" carried the artifact as it was escorted by two destroyers. Half way to reach, the convoy was ambushed by an entire fleet of covenant ships. The two UNSC destroyers were destroyed while the "UNSC Iron Wall" escaped, successfully delivering the artifact to reach. The crew then nicknamed the ship "The Shield of Onyx". A month later, the captain officially re-named the ship. Ship Tour This is the exterior of the ship This is where you spawn, go through the teleporter to enter the ship This is the engineering bay, this is what you will see when you first go through the teleporter. The bridge is ahead, while the main lobby is behind. The edited version replaces the light with fusion coils. The fusion coils act like a nuclear power core. This is the bridge, complete with a control panel and captain's chair. This is the cargo bay, you can find weapons, vehicles, and barricades here. Sorry, you cannot drive the vehicles outside the ship, it is strictly for looks. If you take the staircase down, you will find the cryo-tube room. Behind the cryo-room is the mess hall. Yukkkk, cafeteria food The edited version has a vending machine. (Thanks White DuctTape) Continue on, and you will find the crew quarters. You will find 3 bunk beds and a table. The other side of the crew quarters. This is the medical bay, you can find a CT-scan scan here. You can also see a operating table with a needle operating tool (Dead space 2 reference). There is also a couch and some med packs in here too (Not shown). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hope you guys enjoy this map as much as i enjoyed making it. -Ninja
I am like flippin out right now, because of the ship!!!!!! This is great, but the interior needs some work, buts its real good! Hit me up with a friend request GT: White DuctTape
Why do people put steering wheels in spaceship replicas. You need some sort of X.Y.Z. movement, not left right.
Ship looks good, I like the rounded feel on the exterior. Have you checked out my ships, The UNSC Yorktown and The UNSC Endurance? they both pushed the limits of what the size can be, but also the biggest problem is finding the balance between the exterior and interior in the map, any way the map looks nice.
As GruntHunter said, the interior could use some work, but holy Halo does that ship's exterior look awesome! Most ships look like the cobbled Forge pieces they are, but yours looks really well-formed and natural, if a ship could look natural. It boasts some schmexy curves, and looks like what a UNSC ship might be a few decades after the Human-Covenant War. If you want some inspiration for the interior, check out Zatherla's work, including Apartment 5B and Casino Z. They're really good examples of detailed interiors. I'm not sure how much budget you have left, but so far I have to say I am quite impressed.
Ninja as you showed me this in forge, I think we can still do better but we will have to do it tomarrow, sometime, but we can add a better med bay, better hanger, and work more on the nuclear fuel.....
Thanks alot! Most of my maps have very detailed interiors, but forging on a ship is very different. You can't let anything protrude from the outside of the ship. Which eliminates the use of certain parts of an object. But thanks for your imput!
Certainly good for a ship. Don't let all the criticism here get you down. It's quite good. More detail would be nice, granted, but it's still better than alot of other maps out there. Good work. I also love the exterior of the ship, particularly the back. Good use of Circular Ramps.