Hydro Map Pack

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Tycho, Jun 18, 2011.

  1. Tycho

    Tycho Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Welcome, I would proudly like to present to you the Hydro Map Pack. As the name suggest, Hydro, these maps are water-only. The reason I went for this approach is because I haven't really seen any *well* done water maps in Forge, or any at all for that matter. This community just simply needed more water-based maps and I'm here to deliver that to you today.

    Each and every one of these maps is FFA, TS, KotH, CTF, and Infection compatible; certain maps also include Race and Oddball. But, at it's core, all of these maps are best played on Free for All. The maps originate from user-made maps in Marathon so you know all of these will play really well when it's every man for himself, no worries.



    carnage springs
    The falls are essential to washing away any bloody aftermath. 2-8 players

    The main purpose of the idea behind the map is to be fighting in an arena but still have a barrier that doesn't completely ruin the scenery from beyond the barrier. Instead of surrounding the map with just walls or shield doors I decided to use large windows and carefully placed antennas so you can get the full view of the ocean, and the most beautiful sight in the map, the waterfall.

    It's only meant for 2-8 player Slayer (recommended; 6) because of the size for fast, hectic gameplay; which is another reason why there is a sniper, sword, and RL on the map but with all reasonable spawn times. There are plenty of ways to access the walkways via rocks so there will be no problem maneuvering around the map.



    ocean plateau
    A beautiful view tainted with blood. 2-8 players

    Ocean Plateau is a unique map that takes place in the middle of Forge World's ocean. The main purpose of this map is to use Forge World's scenery as a key element. So, as you're fighting on this map, you'll have ALL of Forge World still in front of you, no walls, barriers, nothing. The two plateaus are not the only fighting area; you'll be able to move around the water for a certain distance (the rocks indicate where the drop is). Out in the water is a pathway that leads to the SPNKR a lone pillar overlooking the map, which is also where the hill is located. Once you get to the pillar, there is no floor beneath you, only the ocean, so be careful. There is also three teleporters in the water that lead back to the plateaus. On top of that, there is also "hidden treasure" out in the water that you can look for and gain an advantage in the match.

    Some of the two most fun gametypes for this map is King of the Hill and Race. On King of the Hill, the rocket hill becomes the KotH zone and is a race to get on top and snag the power weapon. During race, the open water area becomes the race track. Ramps will spawn during this gametype to make it more exciting and less difficult to maneuver in the water.




    ancient chasm
    Water and screams flow through the cracks of the rocks in this flooded battleground. 2-8 players

    Ancient Chasm is a map that takes place inside of small area beside Forge World's cliffs. Unlike previous maps in the pack, this one doesn't really have a main purpose. It's a map that can be played on most gametypes including Slayer, One-Flag, Infection, and KOTH. As far as the map itself goes, there is a small waterfall leading down to a stream that goes through the map, if you follow the stream it'll lead to a small room with a teleporter that takes you to the top of the map. Inside the "Waterfall" holds a Rocket Launcher with minimum ammo and you must take the rock ramps to access it or perform a sprinting leap from the center platform. Beside the waterfall on the far and are two balconies holding DMR's. Extremely important to gain an advantage. The "Temple" contains a sniper and is where you'll be mainly spending your time if you're winning.

    This map is meant for 4-12 players. But could also work with a full party on Infection. It's a nice-balanced map that has a lot of platforms and is great for cross-map battles.




    dueling confinement
    A sealed off dueling arena in the sea. 2-8 players

    Dueling Confinement is the final map in the Hydro Map Pack. Dueling Confinement is by far the most hectic, fast-pace, downright insane map. Possibly one of the smallest slayer maps you will ever play. As the map suggests it is recommended for 1v1 or small skirmishes, (3v3 max). Although the map is small, the height of it is actually quite tall. There is four different levels all with unique features. The bottom level is the flooded part of the map which is wear the shotgun is located in the "gutter". The bottom level also has two ladders that help you quickly reach the top if you're not feeling like you want to take the stairs. The second level is the largest and is where most of the battle will take place. On this level, there is a cage with a rocket launcher inside; to get inside you have to take the teleporter which isn't far away. The very final level, and the smallest, is the sniper outpost and health station. (Yes, there is a sniper on this map!). Controlling the top is key to winning and the sniper is the easiest way to claim that position.




    Thank you for taking the time to come in this thread and take a look at all of my hard work. Obviously, these pictures do not show the map in all it's entirety so I highly appreciate if you download the map and play them for yourself. I'd like to thank the following people for helping me out with many, many things:

    soft sharp
    Sergeant Novak

    So please, go to top of this page, visit my fileshare, download the maps, and ENJOY!
    #1 Tycho, Jun 18, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 19, 2011
  2. r21

    r21 Forerunner

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    These maps look great but I would like to see more pics before downloading any of them.
  3. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Forerunner

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    In terms of design, pretty damn good. However most of these maps are "frame-ratey". You should try and use you're objects more spread out to reduce frame-rate and make custom games more enjoyable. This also looks better as lots of objects packed tightly together makes the map seem a little untidy.
    #3 PatchworkZombie, Jun 19, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2011
  4. Tycho

    Tycho Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    There are TONS of pics here, although some are a little outdated.

    Bungie.net : Halo Reach : Recent Screenshots
  5. Skater

    Skater Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    These are probably the best forged water maps on here. The only problem i had was, The platforms in the water are almost impossible to see, but i also have a horrible connection when test and stuff so maybe my picture was just bad.
  6. Tycho

    Tycho Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yes well they are suppose to be hidden, not only that but it makes the map look completely surrounded by water instead of platforms and whatnot, gives it an overall open water feel. If you find the teleport in the water, good for you, you'll be able to teleport and gain an advantage over other players who might not happen to find them. That's really the reason. Same goes for the hidden weapons in the water. And thanks for the feedback.

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