I believe this puzzle and video speak for themselves. Oh did I mention the contest? There is to be a contest upon its release. Whoever can do the fastest legitimate run of the map within two weeks of the map's release will earn 1600 microsoft points. The walkthrough won't be available until a week after release. Waterworks is/was made by Packeranatic and Zicargo10. YouTube - Waterworks Trailer HD (A Halo: Reach Puzzle)‏ Waterworks will be waiting for you.... July 1st.
Hey man I have been checking your work in terms of puzzle maps and I like what I see. I myself have made one puzzle map a while ago and it was ok...but I am still learning and getting better as I go. I really look forward to this map as it looks very well done. Keep up the good work and you sir have just inspired me to start another puzzle map!
I guess inspiration works both ways, because that is inspiring to hear! If you need any help or suggestions feel free to PM me or message me on XBL. I have worked very hard to make this map as impressive as possible after playing through parts of Poseidon's Lair (I still haven't beat it >.<). Waterworks revolves around a central room which is seen in the video. In that room there are doors, exits, respawning, teleporters, switches, a golf ball and a tank. Throughout playing the map you make use of several of these items multiple times. After working your way through the central room you come upon the final series of challenges which involve flying outside the map, unblocking a gravity lift, manipulating your mongoose... and my favorite, the tricky final challenge. Execute the final challenge wrong, and you'll have to restart from your last respawn point. Here are some pics I've taken: Credit goes to Zicargo10 for being an awesome forge partner, as he was the ideas guy, while I was the person who dealt with the functionality of each challenge, aesthetics, and interweaving of challenges.
Loved the trailer. I'm not a fan of puzzle maps really. I'd rather be shooting people! but that made me wanna play this!
I haven't looked at how Poseidon's Lair spawning is set up, but I can only assume mine is set up similarly. I followed Bungie's rules for spawn zones.
Oh ok. Well the way its set up is whenever you see a plasma coil anywhere, its covering up a respawn point so when you blow it up it allows you to spawn there, and increases your chances of spawning there.
Well, my checkpoints are blocked if that's what you're getting at. They're blocked by explosives (no certain kind). I try not to use plasma batteries when I don't have to/want to because their debris tends to stay and block the checkpoint. I know the feeling, except vice versa. I'm not really a competitive person, so I like the more casual aspects of Halo. Check out this thread to get an early glimpse of the map and a head start on the challenge: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/customs-lobby/127415-puzzle-test-custom-games.html#post1406270